God Level Demon

Chapter 901: What dare not do!

This time, the Kraken coalition had originally wanted to destroy the Giant Island and to give humanity a conviction. But who could have imagined that Liwei did not stand up, but was killed and slain, killing and killing three thousand monster masters.

The culprit is undoubtedly Xia Ping.

It is conceivable how angry the shark demon king is, so he issued a general order, issued a portrait of Xia Ping, informed the various ethnic groups, demanded to kill the Xiaping Terran, and the reward was extremely rich.

As a result, the entire shark demon family knows this human enemy, and they are recognized by the ash.

"You are the Terran Xia Ping?!"

The fish is seventy-seven, and there is a hint of light. It seems that I have heard the reputation of Xia Ping.

This is also a matter of course, the mermaid Wang Xiong is a general, Qianqiu hegemon, and the Terran as a super-power in the cloud, the pressure of Wan Yaoshan breathless, and even ambition to enter the endless sea.

As one of the invincible kings of the endless sea, the mermaid king can't ignore the things of the human world. Every important piece of information will be placed on its table.

As a princess of the mermaid family, from small to large, it is natural to know a lot of information, especially the information of the genius of all ethnic groups. Even if she does not want to know, there will be many people around her telling her.

"It seems that my reputation, all ethnic groups know, as a celebrity, it is very difficult." Xia Ping is holding hands, very emotional, as a celebrity, no matter where he went, he was recognized, want to do bad things It is also difficult.

The reputation of shit!

Fish seventy-seven contemptuously looked at Xia Ping, this is indeed a reputation, but it is notorious, the above information lists how brazen and shameful this human being is, and what bad things are done.

The most famous one is that there is no doubt that this **** will auction a lot of demon princes in Wanxue Mountain in public, and pit a lot of money for the demon kings in Wanxue Mountain, causing the cloud to rise and fall.

Even because of this incident, it also provoked the five demon kings to chase him. I did not expect this kid to be hard, and he did not die. Instead, he also smashed the five demon kings.

She did not expect that Xia Ping, who had done so many evil things, could still jump to the present and not be hacked to the streets. This is a miracle.

If there is a list of the top ten wicked people in the cloud, there is no doubt that this human being must be on the list.

"Human Xia Ping, what do you want to do when I come to the city of my shark demon?" I know that this is the famous super scourge of human beings. Many of the shark demon masters are always vigilant. This is a super scourge that can walk, every time they appear. There will be a lot of blood and rain, and there will be countless deaths and injuries. It is called a disaster star.

The disaster stars like this suddenly sneaked into the city of their shark demon family, and the Shark Demon King did not know that they could not imagine what the human being wanted to do bad things.

"I didn't want to do anything. I mainly wanted to return to the ceremony." Xia Ping said.

Return? !

Many guru monsters are puzzled and look at Xia Ping. I don't understand what Xia Ping means.

"Don't you want to go to my Giant Island as a guest? So I want to go back to the city, and I want to go to the city of your shark demon family. By the way, ambush dozens of nuclear bombs, blow up your entire city, completely buried, body The dead are dead, you said that this plan is not interesting, is it fun?"

Xia Ping smiled and looked at the group of shark demon masters.

"It’s fun, human Xia Ping, you dare!"

Hearing these words, a shark demon master erected his hair, and a chill rose from the sole of his foot to the celestial cover. He was all stunned and looked at Xia Ping in horror.

It can't be imagined. If it was really successful by Xia Ping, and detonated hundreds of nuclear bombs in his own city, then his loved ones, friends, and future generations would become like.

No doubt, all will die, one will not stay!

Many of the shark demon masters are red-eyed, and their bodies are all in the air. They stare at Xia Ping. It seems that once Xia Ping dares to act rashly, he will immediately kill the killer.

They are absolutely unable to let this human detonate a nuclear bomb.

Good vicious plan!

The fish seventy-seven is also shocked. If it is really successful by Xia Ping, it is estimated that the entire shark demon family will be removed from history, even if there is a large army outside.

But the majority of the shark demons have died, so what is the difference between the shark demon and the annihilation.

Before she knew about this human Xia Ping from various news, it was not easy, but now I really know the horror of this human being. If I don’t shoot it, it is a deadly killing.

"I don't dare what I have." Xia Ping held his hand and stood in tone.

When I heard this, many of the shark demon masters were suffocating, right, there is nothing that human beings dare to do.

They also know the countless things that Xia Ping has done. He will dare to kill the demon king. He will dare to auction in public, and there is nothing in the world that he dare not!

Although the shark demon family is very powerful, they do not think it is more powerful than the human race and more powerful than Wan Yaoshan.

Wan Yaoshan, he dared to offend this, what is the area of ​​the shark demon family.

"What do you want to do?"

A shark demon master looked at Xia Ping bitterly and bitterly, and all of them were shaking. They knew that Xia Ping did not need to say this thing. They could blow up the city first, destroy them completely, and then say this one. thing.

But the other side said so brazenly that there is still room for this.

"It's very simple, treasure."

Xia Ping is very direct: "I want the treasure of the entire palace of the Shark Demon King, and give me all these things, then I can spare you a small life, not detonating the nuclear bomb."

He said his purpose.


A shark demon master screamed: "You know what the royal palace treasures mean. This is the treasure that my shark demon family has accumulated for many years. You want to take it all in one sentence. It is a dream!"

It immediately refused, thinking that this human being is completely mad, and wants to take away the treasure of the shark demon family in one sentence, this is not crazy or what.

"Then you want to die?"

Xia Ping glanced at it.

Suddenly, many of the shark demon masters present were suffocating, and did not know what to say. Xia Ping’s words completely hit their weaknesses and weaknesses.

"If you detonate a nuclear bomb, you will die with it."

A shark demon master reminds me of this.

"Don't worry, since I can do this kind of thing, I naturally have a way to survive." Xia Ping waved his hand. "Even if you can't live, you can go with all these shark demons. It's a good deal."

Who is worried about your life and death!

Many of the shark demon masters are angry and gnashing their teeth. They also have to admit that Xia Ping’s threat is real. It’s not worth it to take the shark and Xia Ping of the whole city.

In this city, there are their relatives, friends, and descendants, who dare not fight with this human being.

People are not afraid to wear shoes, how to fight this!

"Right, don't tell the shark demon king for this matter, otherwise I will immediately detonate the bomb." Xia Ping warned.

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