God Level Demon

Chapter 935: News storm

The news that many of the Kraken ethnic groups have retraced, and the news that more than a dozen islands have been released safely has also spread all over the world. It is almost universally known.

"No, these ferocious Krakens are retiring like this? What are the requirements?"

"From all aspects of the news, this is indeed the case, and the other party has no requirements."

"Just kidding, isn't this a mess? Right, they didn't ask Xia Ping to release the mermaid princess before, and the words were very ferocious, and they didn't endure. Now they don't ask for release."

"It is said that Xia Ping personally shot, forced to retreat these Krakens, let them set the humiliating city under the alliance, had to serve, and finally they also gave up the rescue of the mermaid princess."

"What kind of means does Xia Ping use?"

"Forcing the retreat of the Kraken? Who does not know that this group of Krakens is more ferocious, even the king is not afraid, is it afraid of Xia Ping this young man? How do you think it is unreasonable, the insider is heavy."

Many humans have heard this news, and they are all in a state of sorrow. Before they were captured by the Kraken, there were a lot of troubles. Many people thought that they were in the hands of the Kraken. These prisoners died for a lifetime.

But now it is unscathed to leave, this is a bit of an anticlimactic taste, even if they are not in the game, they can be aware of some tricks, maybe there is a fart yan transaction.

At this time, the captured people such as Orchid Island also returned to their homes. They thought they could live a safe life. Who knows that trouble has just begun.

Journalists from all over the world, as well as being curious about this incident, boring gossip, actually took the spaceship directly to these islands to find out.

Immediately, many island residents were blocked by gossip reporters and surrounded by groups.

"Excuse me, this friend, I don't know what you felt when you were captured by the Kraken at the time?" A reporter immediately caught a family member of the Wang family.

What is it? Is this still asking? It’s just that life is better than death! Various memories of life are released in front of the eyes like a horse, some people directly scare the urine, or fainted on the ground, all kinds of situations.

Many Wang family children are speechless and do not know how to answer. Because this feeling is too shameful, they are ashamed to speak, a little lost the family's face.

"Right, it is said that at that time you were captured, scared to the bottom of the stream, begging for the Kraken, is there such a thing?" A gossip reporter asked very insidiously.

"Nothing, where did you hear the gossip from the end?" A group of Wang's children categorically denied that they couldn't wait to kill the gossip reporter, which pot is not open.

If you really admit it, wouldn’t you lose face in front of the national audience? !

"We are getting news from insiders. Who is it, we are not convenient to tell." The gossip reporter blinked and did not seem to want to say the identity of this insider.

The insider of the shit, is this Xia Ping said this monk!

A group of Wang’s children were all green, and their instinctive appearance of Xia Ping’s face was inconsistent. The **** told the journalists about the news.

Otherwise, how can it be so clear and detailed, and also specifically narrate their ugly side, causing a serious physical and psychological blow to them.

But think about it, now their ancestors and Xia Ping this **** in the honeymoon period, it is estimated that the **** is no shame, and will not dismantle their desk at this time.

Although I don’t know if this so-called insider is a fictional journalist, it does not prevent them from denying it. He said directly: “Although I don’t know where you got this unnecessary news, we are always a hero. The evil and ferocious Krakens to the last moment."

"From the results, you can know that the group of sea monsters fled in vain, and we were released safely and innocently. As for the process, you can imagine."

They constantly maintain their own positive side, and never admit that they once asked the Kraken for mercy.

"This friend, I don't know how you got back from here?"

"Yeah, so many ferocious **** have come out to kidnap you, but now they are dying away, and nothing has happened. What is inside?"

"Is it possible that you and the Kraken have reached an insider trading that you can't see, and will this group of Krakens retreat? Is it a treaty to sell the country for glory?"

Many reporters repeatedly asked questions, like organs and guns, people are overwhelmed.

"There is no comment, there is nothing to tell."

A group of Wang’s children were silent, and they could not say a half sentence about the inside information of the incident. Otherwise, the faces of these kings’ families were exhausted.


At the moment, among the giant island villas.

The mermaid princess fish seventy-seven is also watching TV in the living room, and the TV screen is a scene of a reporter interviewing many island humans.

She also has a lot of news that the Krakens have retreated. The mighty army of the Krakens is now a small thunder and a small retreat. Everyone ignores her as a storm center.

"Awful, what did this man do? Why did they run all the time?" The fish seventy-seven bite the caries, very unwilling, so that they can not save their own words, do they still need their own father to personally fail?

If even the father can not save himself, then she has to be a man in this life.

She suddenly felt that her future was dark, and the most unfortunate thing in her life was estimated to be this odious and shameless human being in the Shark Demon Palace.

Su Ji and Jiang Yaru also saw this news. They were speechless and admire the five bodies. They thought that Xia Ping would have trouble this time.

Unexpectedly, this incident happened to be an anticlimax.

Although they don't know what happened, it is conceivable that Xia Ping definitely played a big role in it.

Otherwise, these savage, very ferocious Krakens may have retreated in this way.


At this time, Xia Ping did not pay attention to other things, he came to the huge warehouse of the villa.

Many of the spacecraft materials he bought from the giant company were transported to this place, almost full of warehouses, and looked like a hill in the distance.

Even this is only part of it, and there are so many materials that will continue to be carried.

"Cat fairy, is these materials just enough?" Xia Ping pointed to the previous materials, they are all prepared for the transformation of the Luna, spent six or seven trillion federal dollars on him, almost from him The treasures obtained by the Shark Demon King Palace cost 7780.

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