God Level Demon

Chapter 984: Qingdi Shengong

what? !

Ye Mengyao just got rid of this group of children, and found out that Xia Ping did not know when to catch up, like a Peng Peng, shaking the wings, the speed is extremely fast.

I saw that Xia Ping did not hesitate and punched it with a terrible spiral.


This fist is solidly shackled on Ye Mengyao's body, but Ye Mengyao's body's bodyguards are automatically triggered, and a layer of green barriers emerges, trying to resist Xia Ping's boxing.

Undoubtedly, this green barrier has a strong defense, and there is a rune that seems to blend with the power of the heavens and the earth. Ordinary attacks are simply tickling for this green barrier.

Even it can absorb and absorb part of the attack power, but it can also rebound. This is a very strong body-protecting school for the elves, comparable to the body of King Kong.

"How can it be?!"

Ye Mengyao was shocked. She thought that she could easily resist the invincible fist by relying on her own protective body, but she soon discovered that this was simply a delusion.

From her abdomen, there was a terrible spiral of momentum that instantly penetrated her green barrier, like glass, slamming and breaking.

The horrible spirit penetrated into her body, producing a strong explosive force, like a missile exploding around her abdomen.


Her whole person flew out like this, and she was flying for two or three kilometers. She suddenly wore a small hill in the distance. The whole hill was hit with a strong impact. The mountain was shaken and cracked.

Awkward, Ye Mengya couldn’t help but spit out a blood.

However, from the depths of her body, a green energy immediately emerged, swallowing the strength of the heavens and the earth, quickly expelling these spirals, and the injuries suffered by the body quickly recovered.

"Recover so fast?! What power is this?"

Xia Ping's eyes flickered, and his mental power perceived the physical condition of the mysterious chick. He had suffered a lot of injuries, but after a few breaths, he recovered.

This is not an illusion, but a real thing that happens in front of your own eyes.

"Hey, earthen buns."

Seeing this swindler Wu invincible a little shocked look, Ye Mengyao is very proud, this is the elves of the elves of the supreme deity of the Qing Emperor, this is one of the highest practice of the wood system.

By cultivating to Dacheng, you can cultivate into the body of the Qing Emperor and control the power of the wood system. Even if you are seriously injured, you can quickly recover. It is not dead.

Even if it is only a small state, it can speed up her recovery, and she is a saint of the elves, but a natural son of wood, able to restore the power of the body by engulfing the power of the heavens and the wood.

It can be said that as long as it is not a trick to kill her, she will be able to fight all the time, and while fighting, while recovering her own injuries, almost invincible.

"Don't think that you can beat me when you are close, even if you are fighting hard, you can't be my opponent." Ye Mengyao snorted, and she flew out of the gravel and rushed toward Xia Ping.

The sorcerer of the Qing Dynasty is wrapped in silk hands!

Suddenly, there were thousands of suffocating air in the air, and these suffocating condensed to the extreme, turned into a single wire, like a steel needle, intertwined into a large net, overwhelming, shrouded toward Xia Ping.

Once these sharp steel wires are shrouded in Xia Ping, it is estimated that they will be cut into countless pieces in an instant. The destructive power of these steel wires, even titanium alloy metal, can not resist, and it can be called the sharp-edged sword.

"Can't you die? There is no life in this world. If you are wood, come and taste the power of the flame." Xia Ping was unmoved, and the void was a punch.

Holy level fist method Yang Shenquan!


This fist blasted out, as if the sun was coming, a round of the day exudes endless brilliance, and the heat wave is rolling, as if it has evaporated the water of dozens of kilometers in an instant.

With Xia Ping's body as the center, the temperature immediately rises by hundreds, thousands of degrees, such a high temperature, even if it is not close to the enemy, it will instantly burn the other side.

At this moment, in the middle of the air, the dense green wire is instantly incinerated by the terrible heat, evaporated into water vapor, turned into a blue smoke, and disappeared into the world.

"What is this boxing?!"

Ye Mengyao was shocked. She felt that she had turned into ice and snow at this moment. It was about to be melted by this endless heat, and she could not resist it.

Her hair, skin, flesh and blood, and even bones all have a taste that is about to melt, and the whole person seems to be vaporized in this world.

"This is definitely not an ordinary boxing method, but a holy level school. What is this dead liar?" Ye Mengyao's face is very dignified. This punch is called the nemesis of the elves.

The horrible flame power is extremely restrained by the power of the wood system.

The other side is the energy of destruction, and the wood system is the energy of life. It can be said that this boy is born to be the nemesis of the elf people of his own, and he can't play seven points with great strength.

She felt the heat around her, and the movement of her own body had a stagnant taste.


This fist hit, the flame exploded, like dozens of volcanoes erupt at the same time, the spread of the melt, destroy everything, shake the earth, there is a taste of the end of the world.


Ye Mengyao couldn't stop it. He was beaten by this punch. The whole person flew out. The body seemed to be contaminated with this terrible fire. Every cell in his body began to burn.

But at this moment, from the depths of her body, a burst of green to the extreme light, from the inside out, the vigorous life energy came out, extremely amazing.

A few breaths, the flame on her body went out.


Ye Mengyao gasped with a big mouth and a thick sweat on his forehead. In order to withstand the horrible flame, she used the power of the bottom of the box to stimulate the potential, and then extinguished the fire.

Otherwise, her whole person will be burned to ashes.

She stared at Xia Ping, and seemed to want to see what the liar was. No matter whether it was such a boxing or controlling the flames of such horror, it was not something ordinary people could make.

Maybe it is in the universe, the descendant of an ancient Taoist system, but the character is not good, come out and swindle.

"It's a good figure."

Xia Ping touched his chin and looked at the mysterious woman in front of her eyes, looking up and down.

Because Ye Mengyao had a memory of Yang Shenquan, the flame burned, although her body was only slightly injured, but her clothes were burnt clean.

At this time, in the midair, she showed a proud figure, crystal clear white skin, a face of the country, and two pointed ears, a pair of amber.

She screams infinite charm and provokes crime.

And because the two men fought, from heaven to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky, the battlefield had been moved for more than ten kilometers, and no one was around, and only Xia Ping could appreciate such beauty.

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