After getting the approval of Sakaski, Karl followed a special ship to a special unnamed island.

This is where Begapunk conducts research.

This place has no name, and most people here also have no name.

Only some guards stationed here, and those who are qualified to conduct research with Vegapunk, deserve to have their original names.

The purpose of the world ** is very simple, it is to maintain the sense of mystery here, so that outsiders dare not enter easily.

And more importantly, it can also prevent the disclosure of secrets.

If someone wants to arrest the scientific researchers here, they will all be confused when they say the code name, because they don't know who the people here are.

Except Begapunk...

But Begapunk, as the key protection object, naturally cannot be easily taken away. As for other people, the world doesn’t care about their life or death.

In such a weird and special place, even if Karl learned of the situation here, he couldn't help but shudder.

"I didn't expect it to be so weird here. It's really surprising."

Carl muttered to himself after the guide.

This person who led the way also looked strange.

He walked stiffly, couldn't speak, and his facial expression was very stiff, looking like a corpse.

But Carl can clearly perceive that there is a breath of normal human life on his body.

So he is not a dead person, but a living person.

As for why he was like this, Carl couldn't figure it out.

Then Carl followed this person all the way, in which Carl's appearance attracted the attention of many people.

Most of them are very curious about Carl, because Carl is the youngest admiral!

He became a general in a mere half a year. No one can do this kind of thing before, and no one even dares to think so.

But now Carl has done it.

As a person who had no background and was recruited from outside, it took him half a year to become a general in the world, which is the best goal for everyone.

It can be said that Carl himself has become the best chicken soup. Now the Navy and the staff of the world military are all fantasizing that they are Carl II.

Then they work hard, train hard, and strive to become stronger and more useful.

But as everyone knows, they will not win the favor of the above because they are just ordinary people.

Carl followed the guide to the deepest point.

Although he had been onlookers for nearly ten minutes before, Carl didn't care.

However, the road here is nine bends and eighteen bends, and the road of several kilometers, forcibly winding dozens of times.

This is what makes Carl feel speechless.(Read more @

"Yeah, isn't this General White Eagle, why are you here?"

Suddenly a voice made Carl stop and look back.

"Are you Zhan Momomaru?"

Seeing this familiar figure, Carl immediately remembered, that Begapunk’s exclusive guard war Momomaru!

No way, it's really the opponent's body shape, too resolving.

He claims to be the man with the strongest defensive power, far surpassing the average lieutenant general in terms of strength, and has reached the level of quasi-general.

However, he didn't make many appearances, and his identity only revealed that he was the exclusive guard of Vegapunk.

You can even manipulate the pacifists and attack them.

As for other aspects, there is not much description.

"I didn't expect the famous White Eagle general to know me. Could it be that the old man mentioned me?"

"Yeah, Polusalino sometimes mentions you, saying that you are the most vocal person in the world, but the most likely to leak information."

The corner of Carl's mouth raised slightly, and there was a wave of Polusalino quietly.

Polusalino hadn't said such a thing at all, even if he had said it, he wouldn't remember it, so Carl just found a reason to prevaricate.

But this reason makes Zhan Taomaru a little angry.

"Old man...hehe, wait for my vacation someday, if I want to find him, I will have a good theory!

This bastard said that I was allowed to join the navy, but I still didn't believe it. It's really deceiving! "

Obviously, Zhan Tao Maru was full of resentment towards Polusalino.

But with Polusalino's character, even if he had said before, letting Zhan Momomaru join the navy, he probably forgot now.

"Did you come here to see Mr. Vegapunk? I heard that the navy sent someone to relieve him. I didn't expect it to be you!

In that case, just come with me, and I just want to go to him and report some shortcomings about the pacifists. "

With that, Zhan Momomaru walked in front of Carl, and then patted the person who resembled a zombie.

"You can go back and supply it."

The zombie nodded, then turned stiffly and left here.

Carl looked at the back of him leaving, curiosity was hooked again.

"What's the situation with this person? Or do you have a lot of such people here? It seems really strange."

"Don't mind, he was also the guard here. He was once my subordinate, but because of a scientific accident, he was unfortunately affected.

However, he did not die because of a blessing in disguise, and even gained the physical fitness that can heal any injuries.

But the side effects are also obvious, that is, he has to soak in the medicine jar for six or seven hours every day, and by the way, he has to be researched and decomposed.

I don't know how those scientific lunatics studied him. I just know that they gave him a lot of money, which can guarantee that he and her family will not spend it for a few lifetimes. "

"In other words, he was willing to be studied by others?"

"That's about it."

Zhan Tao Maru nodded, and then led the way, Carl followed.

Since the next journey is not very far, even after a few more turns, Carl is used to it.

It's just that the route here really makes people want to vomit blood.

It's really too convoluted.

Fortunately, he has successfully come to Begapunk.

Zhan Momomaru first reported the situation of the pacifists. About ten minutes later, after he finished the report, he introduced Vegapunk to Karl, who was waiting for a long time next to him.

"Mr. Double Punk, this is a man sent by the navy. He is the youngest admiral White Eagle in the history of the navy.

I'm sorry, General Bai Ying, I'm a bit of a mouthful, and the same is true for reporting intelligence. You have been waiting for a long time. "

Zhan Taomaru first introduced Carl, and then apologized to Carl.

Carl didn't care.

In the past ten minutes, Karl also studied the entire research institute through his domineering experience.

Although only ten minutes, but this period of time is enough for him to remember every corner of the research institute in his heart.

So he didn't care about the time that Momomaru was wasting.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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