The sound of ping-pong-pong pong-pong pong-pong pong-pong pong-pong-pong pong-pong-pong pong-pong-pong pong-pong-pong sound constantly resounded in midair.

Carl holds dead wood and Sakura Ten, and covers all the two knives with armed domineering, and is engaged in a fierce battle with Doflamingo.

With the ability of fluttering fruits, Carl can reduce the resistance of the knife in the air to nearly zero.

In this way, he can play his fastest speed with every hit, and at the same time make Withered Wood and Sakura Ten sharper!

What's more important is that he can also use the fruit power to form a sharp sword gang, although he can't cover the armed color domineering.

But in this way, his slash has double insurance.

Even if the opponent defended the first level of slashing, but the second level of slashing will come in the next second!

The opponent needs to consume more energy to block his attack.

If you encounter someone underestimating the enemy and not defending, as long as the opponent is not an enemy of the level of Karp and the Four Emperors.

Carl's attack method can definitely teach him how to be a man!

It's just that Doflamingo's strength is not weak, even the average lieutenant admiral is not his opponent.

Facing Carl's attack, Doflamingo can be said to be able to deal with it with ease, his expression still looks so relaxed, and the smile on his face has not changed at all.

"Humhhhhhhhhhhh, is this the same for the Rising Stars? I heard that you killed the Golden Lion. It seems that the rumor is wrong!"

"The rumors are true. I just killed the Golden Lion just with good luck. It doesn't mean I have the same strength as the Golden Lion.

But just my insignificant power is enough to deal with you, the weak Qi Wuhai! "

Carl mocked Doflamingo contemptuously, which made the other's face slightly changed and he was angry.

But Doflamingo quickly suppressed his emotions and kept himself calm.

He is very calm, it is difficult to be emotionally mobilized, and it is impossible for Karl to lose his sense of anger by speaking alone.

Therefore, the battle between the two sides still has to be resolved by hard power!

"Humhhhhhhh, if your strength is like this, go to death!"

"Super Strike Whip--"

Doflamingo's figure flashed, and the distance between him and Carl was instantly shortened, and a thick white thread wrapped with multiple silk threads, quickly thinking of Carl, was drawn.

In the face of such an attack, Carl was completely undaunted. He set up a pair of knives, and a tyrannical storm was created out of thin air around his body!

"Underestimate others, but there is a price to pay!"

"Lionwei Chikiya——"

Enveloping the storm and slashing, it immediately collided with Doflamingo's moves, causing a violent explosion!

The two men's moves even destroyed the courtyard of this naval base!

The navy here is completely unable to get involved, even the pizza can only hide in the safe area behind to avoid being affected by the fighting between the two of them.

After a while.(Read more @

The wind and sand around it began to dissipate.

The collision between Carl and Doflamingo has temporarily come to an end.

Neither of them was injured while floating in the air.

The blow just now was a tie, and the two of them did not have a single victory.

"Hey, hey, swordsmanship level swordsmanship combined with Piaopiaoguo, can still exert this kind of power.

You reminded me of the scene where the golden lion made a big fuss at Malin Vandor. In order to prevent you from growing into a golden lion-like existence, it seems that I have to kill you in advance! "

Doflamingo believes in the weak and the strong, and he will not leave himself a very threatening enemy.

Although his arrogance made him look down on most of the pirates and navy.

But Carl's potential is obvious to all.

In addition, the piaopiao fruit was still in the hands of the golden lion, exerting its power to destroy the world.

Although Doflamingo has never fought with the Golden Lion, he knows the power of the Golden Lion very well.

In order to prevent Karl from becoming such an existence, he must kill this naval star in the cradle!

"Doflamingo, you are Qiwuhai now, aren't you afraid of being deprived of your identity if you do it to me?"

Carl was not worried about the threat from Doflamingo.

With his current strength, it is impossible for Doflamingo to win himself, so there is no need to be afraid.

"Hey, even if I kill a navy recruit in my capacity, what do you think the Warring States period can do with me? My methods are more than you think!"

With an uninhibited smile, Doflamingo raised his hands and prepared to do it.

But with Carl's next sentence, he suddenly stopped the big movements in his hands, and his expression became very shocked.

"Yeah, you are covered by the Five Old Stars. You were once a Celestial Man, and you also have a secret of Celestial Man. That's why you have no fear."

Carl tilted his head, showing his white teeth, and asked with a smile, "Am I right, Mr. Tianyacha?"

"You bastard, what else do you know?!"

Doflamingo's mood at this time has finally changed somewhat.

He didn't expect that Carl knew so much.

The identity of Doflamingo is no secret. The high-ranking navy and some big pirates all know that he was once a Draco.

But he holds the secrets of the Tianlong people, no one knows except for the five old stars and CP0 senior officials!

This passage of Karl's words directly caused him to burst into a cold sweat, and even wanted to kill people directly!

"You don't have to guess why I know your secret, you just need to know what I know, more than you know!"

"So if you are not leaving, I don't mind exposing your other secrets to the public, such as artificial devil fruits!"

"You bastard..."

Doflamingo gritted his teeth, but he didn't plan to do anything with Karl.

He didn't believe that Carl knew his secret, thinking he was just guessing it.

However, he was personally responsible for the artificial devil fruit, and he was still making the transaction as the dark world.

There are no more than ten people who know it!

Once this matter is exposed, he will be greeted by a double blow from the Navy and Kaido!

That's why he was a little afraid that Karl would tell this matter.

"You can roll now, Doflamingo?"

"Hey, hey, I didn't expect you kid to be more difficult than I thought.

But it doesn't matter, you will enter a new world someday, and we will see you again then! "

"I will be waiting for you in the new world! Naval star!"


With a weird smile, Doflamingo flew into the air and drifted away.

Since Karl has mastered his fate, it is really not easy to shoot here, so he can only put aside his cruel words and leave.

And Doflamingo thought about it for a moment, and it would be too risky to stop talking here.

He would suffer a big loss if he recruited an admiral, and he would not lose much if he left temporarily.

The only pity is that the Tianlongren's body was not obtained, and he could not continue to blackmail the five old stars.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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