It didn't take long.

Carl moved forward at full speed, and soon collected all the historical texts and handed them to Robin for translation.

Except for the historical text of Mary Joa, everything else is in Carl's hands.

Before, Carl asked his men to find the historical text.

Although he has no interest in Lavdrew, it is not a good choice to let this kind of stuff be scattered outside.

Therefore, there are also many historical stone steles in the sky island, which saves Karl a lot of effort.

However, it will take some time for Robin to decipher these historical texts.

According to Robin, she needs at least three days to decipher.

But his battle with Yim was imminent, and he couldn't wait at all.

So Carl simply asked Robin to tell Ainilu the original words after deciphering it.

In this way, Ainilu can relay all the information to Carl through his own radio waves.

Although a little troublesome, this method is the safest.

And Karl didn't know at that time, where he would go with Im.

At that time, the only people who can find Carl, and even keep up with Carl's speed, are Ainilu and Polusalino.

But Polusalino has no way to transmit information.

This task can only be handed over to Ainilu to complete.

Ainilu didn't have any complaints about this, he even eagerly tried, wanting to do something with Yim.

Seeing him so excited, Karl immediately gave him a beep, and then warned him not to do anything to Im.

It's really going to die!

In this way, after everything was arranged, Carl was ready to raid Mary Joa!

At the same time, the five old stars are also quickly gathering troops.

But they felt a little uneasy.

At about three or four in the morning, a discordant color suddenly appeared in the dark sky.

That is the white of the new navy!

The white piece is all Carl's flying fleet!

These fleets rely on Karl's ability to fly in the air.

But in fact, they also used the technology of the sky island to improve the slap shell, which can stay in the air for a short time.

This technology had been experimented before, and it was not completely taken shape until Vegapunk joined the new navy, and then it was used by Carl on these ships.

It has to be said that Begapunk is a god, and he can realize whatever Karl wants.

Being able to become friends with such a person is simply refreshing.

And Karl installed empty shells on these warships to prevent these ships from getting out of Karl's control during battle.

After all, Carl is going to fight Eim.

Facing enemies of the same level, Carl can't guarantee that he can always control the flight of the warship, so he naturally has to make preparations.

"Oh! The new navy came so fast!"(Read more @

Wu Lao Xing saw the group of white warships in the distance, and was a little frightened.

Then they immediately notified Eim.

The world government/government team has only assembled less than half. Under such circumstances, they simply cannot form an effective combat force!

But Carl's side was all attacked and hit them directly!

When Eam learned of this situation, his face became even more ugly.

"In that case, let's fight decisively!"

"Hold on, as long as I kill the freak Karl, no one else will be my opponent!"

Im sneered and disappeared instantly!

at the same time.

Carl has kept the future vision open.

Then his face changed drastically, and he immediately thought of releasing a slash in front of him!

The strong force directly collapses the space, and the visual effect is very exaggerated.

At the same time, Yim also appeared in the location where the space collapsed, but he did not rush up and directly fought Karl.

He did want to do something with Carl just now, but unfortunately, he had to stop.

Otherwise, he will be hit by Karl.

Although he did not feel pain, he would not die.

But the feeling of being torn apart by space will make him temporarily lose control of his body.

That's why, he wanted to avoid Karl's attack.

Because Carl's current strength and his ability are mutually reinforcing and restraining.

Kaldah can't reach Yim, but he can use his ability to shake fruits and prevent him from playing his best advantage.

This is Jean Yim, the most uncomfortable place.

"Emm, I met so soon, I guess you don't miss me, do you?"

The corners of Carl's mouth raised slightly, revealing a handsome smile.

Yim directly threw away his clothes, revealing his lean upper body, as well as that handsome face and sharp pain like an eagle.

His eyes are somewhat similar to Mihawk, but a closer look reveals that they are completely different.

Mihawk is a real eagle eye, and he is similar to the combination of the reincarnation eye and the eagle eye, looks very handsome, but in fact it is nondescript.

"You can be prestigious with your lips. I was careless before.

But this time I won’t be distracted, so do it yourself! "

While talking, Yim directly freezes the surrounding space.

But at this moment, Carl's ability to unlock directly rushed up, knocking Yim into flight!

In the previous battle, he discovered that when Yim releases a large-scale space move, or when it is a long-range space move, there is no way to hide in another space, only the body is outside.

So Carl can now attack his entity.

But Yim quickly switched forms, and Carl's next offensive fell directly on the sea.

Instead, Yim teleported to Carl's ship, wanting to fight Ainilu and the others!

In this regard, Karl also used the void to walk, teleported behind Eam, and passed Hades through his throat.

"As long as you dare to materialize, your head will drop.

Although I don't know if you will live if you lose your head, I don't mind trying it. "

"Hehe, you look down on me too much, I won't die even without my head, but the feeling of emptiness is really uncomfortable!"

Eim sneered, and drew away.

Although Yim won't die if his head is chopped off, he doesn't want to be chopped off, because that feeling is very uncomfortable for him, and it is also a great insult to him!

At the same time, when Carl saw Eam dodge and leave, he followed closely.

The two of them continued to fight each other as they did during the day, completing the previous battle.

The aftermath of the battle between the two of them is very exaggerated, directly affecting the distance of about kilometers around.

And this is not their state of going all out.

But even so, it surprised Ainilu and others.

In this way, Carl and Yim slowly moved away from here while fighting.

Ainilu was domineering and kept watching both of them.

He breathed a sigh of relief until the two men left his domineering look, and then said.

"Sakaski, they are already far away, shall we make a raid right away?"

Sakaski nodded and took out the special phone bug.

"Everyone listens to the order and act according to the plan!"

"Raid, Mary Joa!"

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