God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 33 - Raleigh with Garlic

Lieutenant General Taotu is very nervous now.

She didn't know why One Piece's deputy, the legendary One Piece Pluto Raleigh, appeared here.

But a legendary pirate like him, no matter where it appears, will cause an uproar!

That's why she was so nervous, for fear that Raleigh would do anything to them both.

"What a lovely girl, it's been a long time since I saw such a lovely navy.

If only all the navies were as cute as you! "

Raleigh smiled and shook his head, and then stared at Carl firmly.

Carl was unmoved, stood up and pressed the waiting peach rabbit to his seat forcibly.

"You don't need to be nervous, Lieutenant General Taotu, the Marshal of the Warring States has already known about Raleigh's presence here.

I discovered his navy here the first time, and also notified the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

But the Marshal of the Warring States did not intend to care, as long as he didn't do something extraordinary here, just let him carry it here.

And how do you think the signature here came from? Obviously, the Warring States Marshal knew that Raleigh was here earlier than we did! "

"Yes, is that the same thing?"

Taotu is a little confused.

She had no idea that she would meet the legendary pirate Raleigh here.

And more importantly, the Marshal of the Warring States Period was originally an insider in this matter!

This made her mind a little bit overwhelmed.

Carl sat down and slowly explained to Taotu.

"To put it simply, Raleigh is very strong. If you want to capture, you need at least two generals and a dozen lieutenants.

Arresting him to start such a big battle is completely outweighed by the loss, and it can even attract other comrades, and it will be even harder to end at that time.

And most importantly, in order to prevent the Roger Pirates from reuniting, the Warring States Marshal would let him go.

Otherwise, why do you think Raleigh is here? And more importantly, there is a more legendary person than Raleigh! "

"More legendary? Is it the boss?"

After hearing Carl's words, Taotu was a little curious, and then turned his gaze to Xia Qi.

"Don't look at me like that. Although I was a pirate once, I was just an unknown person.

In terms of popularity, I am certainly not as big as Raleigh. "

"Yes! Your popularity is not as great as Lei Li, but the Pirate Group you used to belong to, in the memory of the older generation, is a very scary existence!"

Carl smiled, Xia Qi also smiled, Lei Li smiled awkwardly, his eyes became sharper.

Seeing these three people's way of communicating like dumb puzzles, Taotu felt that his IQ was not enough.

"Forget it, drink quickly, and come back with me after drinking!"

Taotu doesn't want to entangle these things anymore.

Regardless of whether it was Raleigh or other things, she was not qualified to intervene.

The most important thing now is to get things right in hand.

Carl nodded, then walked over to Raleigh, smiled and raised his glass.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Senior Raleigh, you are no longer a pirate, how about you, as an ordinary person, accompany me for a drink?

By the way, talk to me about the Straw Hat Pirates, but I heard that they declared war on the world, intending to overthrow the deeds of the city! "

"The Straw Hat Pirate Group? Is the Pirate Group founded by Cap's grandson Luffy?

What does their robbing have to do with me, can I help them? "

Raleigh shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"Even if I want to rob prison, I will only save Ace, who is Luffy? Why should I help him?"

Carl smiled when he heard Raleigh say that, and then pointed to the military cap on his head.

"His straw hat, but Roger's straw hat! And he is one of the Four Emperors, Shanks.

Shanks is your former crew member, he will definitely tell you this, so it's not surprising that you will help him?

And I heard that Shanks came to the Chambord Islands for a short time during the few days when I was working.

It's just a pity that I didn't see the legendary four emperors, otherwise I must try to fight him! "

When talking about the battle, Carl's eyes shone with fanaticism.

Although this light only flashed, it only lasted for a second.

But the strength of the people present is not weak, they all saw Carl's enthusiasm!

The pretended enthusiasm made Lei Li and others believe that he is a fighting freak even more!

"Haha, what does this have to do with me? I don't even know Luffy. Why do you think I am an old man to make those arrogant little devil obedient?"

Raleigh still didn't care, he wouldn't admit it no matter what Carl said.

Carl did not continue to struggle with this, just drank the wine in his hand, and then said.

"In that case, I won't ask anymore. What you do has nothing to do with me.

But when some people go to die in vain, that's your responsibility! "


Carl walked out of the bar with a smile, but Taotu, who didn't know, followed Carl.

Carl's aura is very strong, Taotu followed behind him with a dazed expression, acting like her lieutenant general instead.

Carl became her boss instead.

But Taotu didn't care about this, she just wanted to quickly take Carl back.

When Carl and Taotu left, Rayleigh stared at the empty wine bottles left by them.

After a moment, Reilly sighed and relaxed his body.

"I didn't expect that Carl, this kid, could be so clever.

It hasn't been a long time since Shanks came here, he even thought of me about the declaration of war by the Straw Hat Pirates.

This kid has the wisdom not weaker than that of the Warring States Period, and is very good at seeing people.

He knows all the information. If I didn't know it through Shanks, the straw hat on Luffy's head was the captain's straw hat.

I am afraid I will only regard him as a victim, and will not choose to save him. "

Raleigh shook his head.

At this moment, he seemed to be several years old.

Xia Qi stood behind him, rubbing Lely's temples and scalp to help him relax.

"What do you plan to do next? Do you continue with the original plan, or wait for a while?"

"Wait for a while, this kid Carl is too shrewd. I can't do anything about him here.

Fortunately, he won't stay here for too long. During this time, let Shanks train the Straw Hat Pirates to help them improve their strength.

They won’t be able to use them until they save people, but this time I can’t stand on the sidelines, I have to go off the court myself!

Carl, this kid, is really very difficult! "

"Really, do you need me to help you contact some old friends?"

Xia Qi's eyes flickered slightly, and Lei Li shook his head.

"No, it's enough for me to add Shanks and those little ghosts, and we are not without foreign aid.

Long, the kid, wouldn't stand idly by to his son! "

Raleigh smiled.

Every time he thinks of Dragon, he wants to laugh a little.

The shoe prints on his face, coupled with that serious expression, would inexplicably poke Rayleigh's smile every time.

"Uncle Raleigh, I'm passing by the shampoo, and I will come to see you by the way."

Just when Raleigh was relaxing, a beautiful woman appeared in the bar.

Seeing this graceful figure, Lei Li squinted his eyes, revealing the old gentleman's smile.

"It's Hancock..."

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