The matter of Lucifer and that of Odin have come to an end.

Carl has been staying in his villa for this period of time and has not gone out to engage in affairs.

But if he doesn't go out, it doesn't mean that no one will come to him.

Carl was at home today, staying honestly, and didn't go out.

But there was someone outside, someone he didn't expect.

"Who are you? Come to me, what's the matter?"

Carl looked at the woman in front of him, wondering why she came to him.

The woman glanced at Carl contemptuously, and even ignored Carl's words.

Behind her, another woman followed.

The two women have good figures, but the colors are completely opposite.

The woman walking in front, in black, looks very pungent and has a queen-like temperament.

But the woman in the white dress behind, although she is also the figure and face of an imperial sister, but compared to the black queen, she looks a lot easier to talk about.

"You trespassed into my house without saying a word, are you planning to rob? Or are you planning to rob it openly?"

The corner of Carl's mouth raised slightly, and he sat on the chair next to him, silently watching the performance of the two of them.

Intil walked behind Carl and stared at them two angrily, with very unhappy expressions.

Luo also came to the courtyard, took out the ghost cry, ready to fight at any time.

"Don't get me wrong, the Black Emperor and I are here later, just want to talk to you."

The woman in white clothes first opened her mouth to explain, and then she walked up to Carl, with her right hand.

"I am the White Queen, from the Hellfire Club, and this is the Black Queen, temporarily regarded as the leader of the Hellfire Club.

Both of us are mutants, and the Black Queen is also an excellent magician.

Our purpose here is to ask you if you are willing to join our Hellfire Club.

And our Hellfire Club only opens rooms for mutants. Since we are all mutants, we naturally have to think for the sake of our compatriots.

And don't trust the people of SHIELD. Although they say they will protect the rights of mutants, they themselves are the most cruel ones! "

The White Queen's tone was full of disdain for S.H.I.E.L.D., but her attitude towards Carl was rather peaceful, not as domineering as the Black Queen.

At this time, the Black Queen still didn't say a word, just wandering around here, her eyes still full of disdain.

Obviously, she didn't want to come here, let alone invite Carl to join.

But there are not many mutants now, and Karl's strength has surpassed most of the mutants in the Hellfire Club.

So they don't want to let a powerful mutant go, then they will take the initiative to find Carl, hoping that he can join.

But Carl doesn't appreciate it, because he doesn't know what Hellfire Club is.(Read more @

Although he has read the original comics, he doesn't know much about the Hellfire Club.

He didn't even know who these two people were.

The White Queen Carl had the impression, but knew that her body could turn into a diamond structure, but he didn't know anything else.

As for this black queen, he didn't even know him, he hadn't even heard of it.

Then Karl pretended to hesitate, and finally shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't know any Hellfire Club, let alone the two of you, and I won't join you either. Please go back."

"Mr. Carl, please consider carefully, our Hellfire Club is not invited by everyone!

And as a mutant, you don't want to be entangled by the X-Men guys, right?

Even if you join S.H.I.E.L.D., they won't treat you sincerely, not to mention that you still have two powerful subordinates.

If you are willing to join us, the position of the white car can be given to you. This position has been vacant for a year, and it is time to let it out! "

"White car? Do you think I'm rare in this position? I would be a little interested if it is to lead the entire Hellfire Club.

Having said that, since there are white queens and black queens, there are naturally white queens and black queens, right?

In that case, how about letting me be the black emperor or the white emperor? So I can think about it a little bit. "

The corner of Carl's mouth raised slightly, and he said.

Although the conditions given by the White Queen were good, it did not meet Karl's identity and strength at all.

"Impossible! The position of the White Emperor is already taken, Magneto is the White Emperor of the Hellfire Club!

As for the position of the Black Queen, although it is currently vacant, I think she will not agree to the Black Queen. "

The White Queen said so, and then glanced at the Black Queen.

The Black Queen's expression was a bit ugly at this time, and there was a trace of murder in her eyes.

Obviously, she didn't like Carl's pride!

"A newcomer who dares to ask for the position of the Black Emperor, you are really looking for death!"

The Black Queen spoke.

Her voice is very characteristic and full of charm.

Compared with the clean and crisp voice of the White Queen, the Black and Yellow Queen is more like an old wine with a taste, which can be served as soon as you drink it.

And this is just the passive charm ability of the Black Queen, and Intil's passive charm ability, some fight.

"Since you are unwilling to agree, let's leave here. There is nothing to talk about with you mutants.

By the way, I am not a mutant, but a pure human! "

Hearing Karl's words, the White Queen and the Black Queen were shocked.

The two of them didn't expect that Karl would actually say that he was not a mutant.

"Impossible! My ability shows that the three of you are all mutants, absolutely not ordinary humans!

Because the genes in your body are completely different from those of human beings, don't deceive yourself anymore.

And it doesn’t matter if you don’t join, I actually don’t like your kind of trash! "

The Black Queen showed disdain.

After she ranted loudly, she was about to leave here.

Seeing this, the White Queen was also a little helpless, and then followed the Black Queen to leave.

But Karl snapped his fingers lightly and glanced at Luo.

Luo immediately took his orders, and then stepped forward to the two of them, using Ghost Cry to instantly cut off their bodies!

The two of them, looking at their bodies, were cut off from the waist, and they were shocked.

But the Black Queen quickly used her magic to force her body to heal.

The White Queen also diamondized herself, and then used her mind power to unite her body into one body.

After feeling their bodies recovered, the two of them gave Luo a fierce look, and then put their gazes on Carl.

"What do you mean?"

Facing the questioning, Carl raised his mouth slightly, revealing a handsome smile.

"Have I said I can leave?"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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