God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 392 - Gu Yi and Danvers!

"This is a small one, but is it starting to get older?"

Danvers still maintained the action of accumulating energy, but she did not continue to increase the energy in her hands.

Because she also knows very well that if the increase in power is too exaggerated, the earth will not be able to stand it.

Coupled with her and Gu Yi, they are not real enemies.

Therefore, it is better to leave the destructive power to Domam or other villains.

"Danvers, I will be your opponent next.

Strange has a lot of potential, just like you said, give him time, he will become very strong.

I know this better than anyone, because I am his teacher!

But it's also true that he just lost to you, and it doesn't make much sense even if he continues to fight.

So next, I will replace Strange and fight you.

And the purpose of your coming here, isn't it the infinite gem?

As a supreme mage, I guard the gem of time and the earth for nearly a thousand years.

Whether it is Domam or Thanos, they must be afraid of me by three points.

So I'm going to see today, who gave you the courage to make you say such defiant words! "

While speaking, Gu Yi directly revoked it, and the mirror space created by Strange.

She doesn't need this, she can fight.

In Strange's hands, the mirror space is a big move.

But for Gu Yi, this kind of magic could not pose a threat to Danvers at all.

So she started to release a magic circle, created a sky full of light, and hit Danvers!

"Good job!"

Danvers looked at the glorious sky and felt some threats.

Before, she thought that Gu Yi's strength was not very good.

But since fighting with Strange, she has understood that she really underestimated the magician and Gu Yi.

If Gu Yi is not strong enough, it is naturally impossible to teach a disciple like Strange.

And the words of Gu Yi just now made Danvers understand that Gu Yi’s strength is probably much stronger than he thought!

So Danvers got serious too!

In an instant.

The brilliant light spots in the sky, like fireworks, are constantly exploding.

The dense clusters of light spots appear in the air in broad daylight, looking very spectacular.

The only pity is that this is a deserted Gobi Desert.

Except for the salty and wet sea breeze, even other creatures were not seen.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

So such beautiful fireworks can only be seen by a few of them present.


Odin can also see this scene through Sieve's eyes.

At this time, Odin was watching a play on his throne, and his expression was a little subtle.

Gu Yi's various spells are very skillful, and he and Strange are two levels!

Strange's spell use is equally proficient, but Strange is not able to use more than five spells at the same time.

His highest limit is to release five at the same time.

But Gu Yi is different, she can release seven or eight spells with a single wave of her hand.

The total number of spells in both hands is more than fifteen, close to twenty.

This gap is Strange, who can't catch up for the time being.

After all, Gu Yi lived for hundreds of years, during this time she was also growing in strength in addition to fighting against Domam.

After all, she can't always rely on the time gem, if there is no time gem, her own strength is the biggest trump card.

But Danvers's power should not be underestimated.

The energy in her body is very powerful, and Gu Yi's spell can cause damage to him.

But Danvers's energy is not vegetarian.

These energies can not only help Danvers block the attack, but he can even heal himself after he is injured.

It can be said that Danvers is now an all-around player.

Whether it is combat experience, cautious fighting, or long-range energy release, she is very powerful.

But when the two of them were fighting fiercely, Odin sitting on the god seat frowned, as if he had found something.

At the same time, the godmother Frigga, the mother of Thor and Loki, appeared in front of Odin with a plate of fruit.

She first put the fruit plate on the table next to Odin's seat, then came to Odin's side and helped him to hold his arm.

"Odin, what did you see again? Why is your expression a little unhappy?

Could it be that this meeting was not going well? Didn’t Master Gu Yi and Mr. Carl discuss any effective countermeasures? "

"That's not the case. The meeting to discuss Domam is over a long time ago.

Now there is a woman who calls herself the magic captain Danvers, planning to take over the protection of Infinite Gems.

So she is now fighting with Gu Yi Mage, and I have to say that this Captain Marvel is not weak, even I don't necessarily say that it is a steady win against her. "

"There are still people who want to fight for the protection of Infinite Gems?

It's really unheard of. Such a person is too dangerous and too arrogant, right? "

Frigga couldn't help but shook her head, and Odin didn't explain anything.

Because his first impression of Danvers was not very good.

But now she is really qualified to protect the infinite gems based on Danvers's strength alone.

Because she is currently fighting with Gu Yi completely on par.

As long as Gu Yi didn't use time gems, the battle between them would have to fight until one of them was exhausted before they could win.

But Odin could see that the power in Danvers came from the universe, a steady stream of cosmic energy.

Wanting her to run out of energy is tantamount to exploding the entire universe, so it's not realistic at all.

Similarly, the Gu Yi side is similar.

Although the source of her magic is Domam, she has not used Domam's power for a long time, but instead uses the cosmic energy to transform into her own magic power.

This means that as long as the two continue to fight like this, there will be no results at all.

So this is what Odin is worried about.

If Domam caught this gap and took the opportunity to come over, the matter would be serious!

But at this moment.

Gu Yi released the power of the time gem and instantly turned the situation over!

She didn't release too much power, but only used a little bit to wipe away a lot of energy from Danvers by using the gem of time.

Although this will not cause Danvers to hurt, it can reduce her strength by 20 to 30% in a short period of time.

And this is enough for Gu Yi to cause effective damage to Danvers!

Seeing this scene, Odin couldn't help but shook his head.

"Sure enough, time gems were used. This farce should end here too!"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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