God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 467 - King's Forum

"Is this wine bad? This is the best wine I can find in Fuyuki City."

Iskandar scratched his head with some doubts.

Gilgamesh snorted again.

"of course!"

The voice did not fall.

Gilgamesh took out a bottle of pure gold from the treasure of the king.

"Today I will let you see what is the real wine of the king!"

As he said, he controlled the glass to Carl and the others, and they all poured a glass of wine.

After asking about the aroma of the wine, Iskandar couldn't help it, and fell completely into the night of the wine.

"It's really good wine, hahahaha!"

"It's a great blessing in life to sit here, chat, talk, and accompany you with fine wine!"

Iskander toasted and drank.

Saber is not as bold as him.

But she relaxed a lot.

At least under the nourishment of this fine wine, her cheeks became a little rosy.

Carl didn't speak, only slowly tasting the wine.

Because this wine is really delicious.

Even Carl has to admit that this is the best drink he has ever drunk!

As expected of Gilgamesh!

Carl thought of it.

"Iskandall, now when I am happy, you can surrender to me, and then lead my army to conquer the world!"

Three rounds of wine.

Gilgamesh drank a little more, his emotions became excited, and he began to recruit Iskandar, wanting to let her join her.

I have to say that these so-called kings really like to solicit others.

Carl thought so inwardly.

But he thought about himself and found that he did like to solicit others before.

Maybe this is the common problem of kings.

It's just that Gilgamesh's solicitation was not successful, and Iskandar did not agree.

"Hero King, I'm Iskandar, the King of Conquerors who is famous far and near!

If you want me to be your subordinate, you should dream about it, hahahaha! "

"Huh! Conquer King, someone like you is very interesting, if you are willing to submit to me.

I can reward you with something like the Holy Grail.

And the purpose of your participation in the Holy Grail War is not for the Holy Grail? "

"Hahahaha, Hero King, what you said is a bit too big!

This is like saying again, the Holy Grail is already in your bag! "

Iskandar was not upset.

He had already grasped Gilgamesh's character.

It's not surprising that someone like this kind of arrogant and conceited can say such things.

"Huh! Another madman!"

Saber murmured softly, but her voice was not so small that everyone present could hear it.

It's just that no one cares.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Huh! I don't care about things like the Holy Grail at all.

I have collected all the prototypes of the treasures in the world, and the Holy Grail is no exception.

It's just that my treasures are so many that they exceed my cognition.

I participated in the Holy Grail War only with the intention of taking my treasure back.

If you are willing to become the people of this king, no matter what treasure you want, as long as I am happy, I will give you a reward! "


Gilgamesh laughed, and Iskandar laughed with him.

Carl didn't speak, he just shook his head, feeling a little speechless.

Saber and Carl have exactly the same ideas!

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The Three Thrones Forum eventually evolved from a peaceful chat at the beginning to a debate about the will of the king.

Gilgamesh believes that everything in the world is his own.

I am the only one in this world.

He is also the law of this world!

Iskandar is domineering to conquer everything and plunder everything!

This is his kingly way!

But Saber believes that their behavior is no different from that of a tyrant.

She herself will sacrifice for the country and ideals, and fight for the people on the front line!

To this end, he will sacrifice his life!

This is the most noble king!

It is also the goal Saber has been pursuing!

Gilgamesh did not speak because he remembered the scene before his death.

Iskandar does not agree with Saber's kingly way.

Think she is not the real king at all!

Because she has no desire of her own!

For the people and the country, in Iskander's view, this is just wishful thinking!

"Saber, you are just a little girl who is addicted to ideals, you are not worthy to be king at all!"

Saber's expression is a bit ugly.

Gilgamesh even talked coldly next to him.

"What a wonderful expression, such a noble character, very suitable to be my woman!"


"You bastard..."

Hearing Gilgamesh teasing himself, Saber's temper was good.

At this time, I can't hold it anymore.

"I think what you all said is reasonable, but to refute a king like this is a bit of a loss of face!"

Carl raised his mouth slightly at this moment, showing a handsome smile.

"Carl, what do you want to say?"

Saber saw Carl finally speak, and then he wanted to ask him to see what his opinion was.

Not just Saber, even Gilgamesh and Iskandar, want to see what Carl has to say.

Because of this king's meeting, Karl didn't speak from the beginning, but was drinking silently.

They almost quarreled when they talked, and then Karl said the first sentence.

So they are very curious about what Carl is going to say.

At this time, the corner of Carl's mouth raised slightly, revealing a handsome smile, and then took a sip of wine and said softly.

"What I want to say is that what each of you said on your own body is correct.

But putting it on others is a big mistake! "

"Actually, I wanted to tell you these things a long time ago, and I just took advantage of this opportunity to say them today.

But this Jin represents my personal opinion and has nothing to do with other people. If I make a mistake, you can find me to fight and accompany me at any time! "

Carl smiled slightly, spoke the most presumptuous words in the softest tone, and made Iskandar and Gilgamesh laugh at the same time.

But their smiles are not ridicule, they just want to laugh.

Because they all know Karl's strength.

Knowing that he didn't speak big words!

But Saber sighed helplessly.

She didn't expect Carl to be so skinny.

Carl waited until they were all too young before turning his attention to Iskandar.

"Conquer King Iskandar, let's start with you first!"

"The Conqueror King Iskandar, you live in an era of war and you need someone to dominate the world.

This is the background of your time, a time when the heroes contend for hegemony and the heroes come together.

You put this rhetoric on yourself, there is no problem at all.

Because what you want to gain in that era, you can only plunder and conquer! Only in this way can all enemies surrender to you!

Because of the problems of the times, your Three Views are forcibly imposed on others, which is completely unreasonable! "


PS: Sorry for having a stomach problem. Two shifts will be made temporarily, and three shifts will be resumed in two days.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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