God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 540 - Black Dragon King! Acunororlia!



"He was attracted by sin and darkness!"

"Good luck to you, fairy tail!"

After Jeff finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot.

Even if it is Carl's domineering look, there is no way to track him.

There is no way, the strength of this guy is basically on par with Karl.

Through the simple collision just now, Karl can tell that his strength is not defeated by himself.

If you really want to fight, whoever loses and wins in the end is not necessarily true.

What makes Karl curious is, why would Jeff run away without thinking or hesitation?

Could it be said that the black dragon king Akunoronia is really so strong that he, the originator of the black mage, is afraid of three points?

If this is the case, Carl feels that he is in big trouble.

He originally thought that the strength of the dragon would not be too exaggerated.

But after seeing Jeff's strength today, he felt that Long was not as simple as he thought!

In particular, Jeff's strength was comparable to his own, but after sensing the dragon, he immediately fled here.

There was not even a moment of hesitation.

This made Carl understand that the black dragon king Akunoralia is really powerful!

Otherwise he would not run so fast!

"This matter must be notified to everyone quickly!"

With that said, Karl immediately left here and came to the coastal Gobi Desert.

Since they had just ended the battle, everyone was here to relax and heal their injuries.

The person with the devil's heart also left here at this time.

Carl didn't bother to chase them, but told him all about Jeff before.

When they heard about this, they were shocked.

But what surprised them even more is still to come.

Because Akunorolia is coming!

Carl talked about this, and at the same time persuaded everyone to leave as soon as possible.

After learning of this, Kildas's face was the first to change.

On the other hand, Naz's several dragon slayers were still excited here, and even wanted to stay on Sirius Island, and asked Akunorori if he knew the location of other dragons.

But Makarov stopped them from doing so.

Although he had never seen Akunoronia, he knew that dragons were not easy to provoke.

Especially this guy, even Jeff was a little afraid, and they had no reason to stay here to die.

So everyone immediately packed up and prepared to leave.

As long as they can escape here before the black dragon arrives, they will be considered successful.

As for fighting each other or something, they don't have to think about it.

Even Carl warned Luo and Intil to let them both not have this idea.

Although Carl did not know the strength of Akunorori.

But judging from Jeff's reaction, the opponent is absolutely invincible!

It may even be the ceiling of this world!

none of them!

After all, Jeff was so strong that he had to retreat when he learned that the other party was coming.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

One can imagine how strong this guy is.

In this way, everyone took the shortest time, almost three to four minutes, packed up their things, and set up a simple raft to leave.

But they are still a step too late!

A figure covering the sky and sun appeared above Sirius Island.

The black shadows fell in everyone's eyes, causing everyone to cry in exclamation.

"This is Akunororlia. When I was on the mission, I was injured by him!"

Kildas spoke, and Naz's attention was immediately caught.

The others took a breath, ready to leave at any time.

But Naz, who had only one rib, wanted to rush forward.

But he hasn't waited for any action yet.

Dragon claws fall from the sky!

Upon seeing this, Makarov immediately made himself huge and resisted the blow forcibly!

"Children, leave quickly, I'll give you a break!"


Seeing Makarov fighting so hard, Naz and others suddenly exclaimed.

But before they could do anything, Akunoronia showed a humane expression, glanced at Makarov with disdain, and stepped on it directly.

"Run! Children!"

Makarov shouted again.

But this time, Naz and others did not respond, but instead rushed up collectively, releasing their strongest magic and bombarding the black dragon!

"President, we won't leave you alone!"

This is what Naz said!

Although he has a tendon, sometimes he will be stupid and will not act according to the atmosphere.

But his respect for Makarov is sincere!

It's not just him!

All the others had sincere respect for Makarov, so they all rushed up and none of them ran away!

Even Intiel and Luo both released their abilities and attacked Akunorori's body.

But their attack only raised some smoke and dust, and they didn't even break the defense!

Even Luo's fruit power could not affect Akunorori's body.

This scene changed Luo's eyes a bit.

This is the first time he has encountered the land, only relying on his own skin, without relying on any other power, can block the creatures he cuts!

Even in the Marvel world with so many gods, he has never encountered such a thing!

The black dragon in front of him broke his understanding of why.

"Everyone retreat! I'll buy you time!"

"One Sword Style·Ghost Cut——"

In an instant!

The world has changed!

The surrounding time seems to have stopped, and the air has lost its fluidity.

This space, like ink painting, has no color!

But as Carl slowly retracted the knife into its sheath.

The space returns to normal immediately,

The waves began to roll.

The earth began to tremble.

Even the sky was torn by a huge hole!

At the same time, a blood burst out of Black Dragon's body!

A space crack of 100 meters appeared in front of the black dragon!

With this blow, Carl cut the space and cut through the black dragon's skin at the same time, inflicting some damage on him!

Everyone's morale increased greatly when they saw this scene.

Carl's attack made them see that Akunoronia was not invincible, nor was it invulnerable!

"Go to everyone! As long as he is still a creature, he will have a chance to kill him, and he must not be allowed to destroy Sirius Island!"

Elisa yelled.

Everyone including Karl, once again release their strongest power!

The powerful magic wave slammed into the black dragon's wound, but did not make him retreat half a step.

Carl was holding his breath, and flashed in front of the opponent.

In an instant.

Thirty-one spatial cracks over a hundred meters in length appeared in front of Akunororlia!

At the same time, thirty-one knives appeared on his body!

This is Carl's strongest swordsmanship!

Thirty-one dollars a second!

Knife crit!

Knife tears the space!

It even caused the space to collapse, which made Akunoronia anguish!

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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