"It's almost time, it's time to go back."

Although Carl came out to explore the surrounding seas, he was more importantly looking for an excuse to obtain the snow and snow fruit for himself.

So he did not spend too long.

It was almost evening now, and it was time for him to go back to rest.

But just when he was about to leave.

The ship below, which seemed to be a little broken, appeared in Karl's sight.

A very obvious Pirate Flag is hung on this small boat on the mountain.

Carl is also very familiar with this Pirate Flag logo!

This is the Pirates of Blackbeard Titch!

Not only Carl found Titch, but Titch and the others also found Carl.

Even Titch beckoned to himself, showing a constipated smile.

"Hehe, since you have greeted me, do you seem to be a little timid if I don't go there?"

Carl sneered, then flew straight over.

He was not worried that Blackbeard would do it to himself.

The opponent has no reason to attack him in the naval camp at this time.

Tic still needs to endure for a while, until the outbreak of the Dingshan War, he will fully reveal his ambitions.

Forbearance in this regard, if Titch claims to be second, I'm afraid no one dares to call first!

Faced with such an ambition, Carl also wants to get rid of it quickly.

But the opponent's strength is not weak, coupled with his current Qiwuhai identity, Carl really can't do anything with him.

So he also needs an appropriate time to kill Tic!

at the same time.

Blackbeard Titch originally greeted Karl, just to mock him.

But he did not expect that not only did Carl not be ridiculed, but he even flew over.

This made Titch suddenly a little confused, and became nervous from the bottom of his heart.

"What should I do to cover up, this guy is here?"

"I'm not doing well with him now, otherwise my plan will be in vain. It's better to bear with me."

"This kid can't do it to me, right? Even if he does it to me, it's the Navy's fault, right?"

Titch thought a lot, and after analyzing the pros and cons, he found that as long as he didn't take the initiative to take the initiative.

Even in the end, it was Carl's responsibility, and it had nothing to do with him.

After thinking of this, his expression became relaxed, and the iconic smile hung on his face again.

Tikish personally stood on the bow of the ship to greet Karl's arrival.

"Thief hahahaha, I didn't expect Master Karl to come to my pirate ship, do you have any advice?"

"Humph! I don't dare to give any advice to you Qiwuhai, if you have to do it, does it count as killing all of you?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The Carl has not arrived yet, the voice comes first!

The powerful and domineering, burst out from Carl's body instantly!

Before Titch's subordinates could react, more than half of them had been stunned by this domineering look.

The others, except Titch, were equally uncomfortable.

They can barely resist Karl's domineering dominance only with most of their power.

Although under normal circumstances, the overlord's domineering can only be used to clean up the minions.

But as your strength grows, and the domineering level of the overlord increases.

Domineering and domineering can obviously help you and weaken the enemy's strength.

Even Blackbeard was sweating when facing Carl's overlord color.

He also had to allocate a part of his energy in order to offset the influence of the overlord's domineering look.

"As expected of the Navy star Karl...No, now you should be Brigadier General Karl, right?"

Titch took a look, and he recognized Karl's military uniform floating above his head. Now Karl's rank is Commodore.

Pirates like them are very sensitive to the rank of the navy.

As long as the opponent comes out wearing a navy uniform and does not make changes to the navy uniform.

A pirate of Tic's level can recognize at a glance, what rank is in the navy that is hunting down his own.

"Titch, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, and I don't want to care about your purpose in coming here.

But the vicinity of Punk Hassad has been under the control of the navy, and here I discovered the trajectory of Kaido's activities, as well as some ulterior secrets.

If you continue to stay here, I can completely arrest you as Kaido's accomplice!

According to the information I have, Kaido has a deal with a Qiwuhai.

Although I am not sure who it is, you are the first Qiwuhai to appear here, so..."

"Thief hahahaha, I'm leaving, I'm leaving now! I don't want to interfere with the affairs between your navy and the Four Emperors."

Titch didn't hesitate to admit the counsel and chose to leave.

He knew very well that with his current strength, directly participating in the game between the navy and the four emperors was an act of seeking death!

At most, he just eats some leftover rice in the middle to get a little benefit.

Especially for the navy side, when he has some important information about the Four Emperors, he is even less likely to come out and die.

This is totally inconsistent with his forbearance style.

It's not yet Titch's rise, so he understands that no matter what happens here, what temptations are, he can't stay here.

Karl saw Tic's confession so quickly, which he didn't expect.

But since he chose to leave so soon, Karl didn't say anything, but floated in the air and stared at Titch silently.

"Little devil, you can still enjoy a glorious moment now, after a while, you will become a prey!

My Blackbeard Titch will keep staring at you! Thieves hahahaha! ! ! "

Titch suddenly made such a sentence, which sounded like a threat.

If you change the average person, you might not care about it.

But Carl can hear his voiceover.

Titch was obviously looking at himself, otherwise he would never have said such a thing.

With his character, as long as he finds a chance, he will definitely start with himself!

After Carl thought about it this way, he sneered, then opened his hands.

"In that case, let me see you off first!"


Along with Carl's soft sound, the surrounding sea instantly set off a storm.

The huge incoming waves slapped Titch's small boat, making his originally weak boat tottering.

The violent storm even damaged the sails of the boat. If it hadn't been for the waves, the boat would have capsized now!

"Damn bastard!"

Titch didn't expect that Carl would actually borrow the wind of nature to attack himself.

But it was too late for him to fight back at this time.

His boat has entered the water. If he does not dare to make up for it, the boat will sink soon!

Carl looked at the embarrassing appearance of Titch and the others, and couldn't help but laugh.

But at this moment, the phone bug he carried with him rang, and Kuroba's anxious voice came from inside.

"Master Carl is not good!"

"Drought Jack, one of the three plagues, is here!"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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