God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 585 - Shocked the audience!

"Next, it will be you two, but Oscar, I want to remind you one thing.

You are now at level 29, remember, you can't say more! "

Hearing what Carl said, Oscar nodded, understanding what Carl meant!

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

With that, Oscar walked up, and then revealed his spirit ring.

"Eleven years old, food-type weapon spirit master, level 29 great spirit master!"

"Huh... can be regarded as a relatively normal...

Wait, why do I think that an eleven-year-old twenty-ninth level great spirit master is normal?

Shouldn't it be that eleven-year-olds have only fifteen and six grades, which is normal? ! "

The man was also taken off the track at this time.

Although he was a bit numb, he did not expect that his vision would be raised a little higher by the group of people in front of him.

Ma Hongjun followed.

He is eleven years old, a twenty-ninth-level great spirit master.

Such a low level also let the other party breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, compared to Xiao Wu, Oscar and Ma Hongjun are relatively normal?

I guess so!

Finally it was Ning Rongrong's turn.

She has just joined Shrek Academy and has not undergone any training yet, so her spirit power is only twenty-third level.

"Eleven-year-old 23rd-level Great Soul Master, not bad, he is considered a genius."

Although the man said so, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Ning Rongrong is the most normal student he has seen so far.

Compared with the five people before, her current level is within the understanding of a regular spirit master.

However, his seeming compliment made Ning Rongrong unhappy.

Because currently her spirit power is the lowest, and her strength is also the lowest!

The spirit power of any student in Shrek Academy is higher than her.

This situation made Ning Rongrong really hard to accept.

So she must speed up her cultivation.

Only in this way can you become stronger!

Ning Rongrong thought so.

Carl also saw her eyes, showing an expression of appreciation.

The tulip that Dugu Bo gave Carl before hasn't been used by Ning Rongrong.

In other words, she still has room for improvement before the start of the qualifiers.

But before that, she had to go through some simple exercises before Carl could give her the tulips.

Because only in this way can it be guaranteed that Ning Rongrong can perfectly absorb the soul power of the tulip!

"Next is the registration for the teacher group, only the three of you, right?

The registration fee is still ten gold soul coins, you guys..."

"Huh! Take it, don't talk nonsense to Laozi!"

Zao Wou-ki threw ten Jinhubei Bi to the table.

This made the man too scared to speak.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

According to the extreme registration, no matter what category you sign up for, you will need ten Gold Soul Coins.

Therefore, they must pay 20 Gold Soul Coins to save their lives in the two groups.

"My name is Zao Wou-ki, a teacher from Shrek Academy! The level is 76!"

The man looked at the seven spirit rings in front of him, swallowed, and then wrote Zao Wou-ki's message.

"I am Flander, Dean of Shrek Academy, and I have a level of 78!"

"Another Soul Saint!"

After seeing Flender's spirit ring, the man took a deep breath again.

Finally it was Carl's turn.

The man looked at Carl, his hands trembling slightly.

"Excuse me, your level is seventy or so?"

"Me? You can just write the title Douluo directly, my title is Death!"

"Title Douluo!?"

Hearing Carl's words, the man in front of him suddenly exclaimed, attracting everyone's attention!

They didn't know what the man was exclaiming.

Until Karl's nine spirit rings of eight black and one red light up, the audience suddenly exclaimed!

Some of them even rubbed their eyes, wanting to see if the scene before them was an illusion.

But when they discovered that all of this was true, they suddenly felt incredible!

"There will be a titled Douluo to compete! What is the origin of this team!"

"I don't know. I heard that they are like a pheasant academy. I don't even know their name."

"I've heard of the name. It seems to be Shrek Academy. It is said that it is quite famous among the niche.

After all, there are a few teachers in the Tiandou Royal Academy from Shrek Academy. "

"Really, if that's the case, you can understand it, but Title Douluo is here to compete, this is too bullying..."

"Who is it! Even if the soul saint competes, let the Title Douluo come, really don't give others a way to survive!"

The passers-by around were surprised.

Those students who had already signed up, after seeing Karl's nine spirit rings, their faces were even more ugly.

They didn't even know where this Shrek Academy came from.

But the coercion of Title Douluo is indeed genuine!

This makes them understand.

There is basically no suspense in the teacher group competition.

If they were only three soul saints, they could barely beat a dozen in the fifty-sixth-level group.

But one Title Douluo is enough to kill hundreds of level 50 or 60 spirit masters in seconds!

This is not a level of battle at all!

Therefore, they set their sights on the juvenile group and the youth group.

Some people have been observing Carl and them, knowing that they did not participate in the youth competition.

So those people put their eyes on the youth group.

But some people want to touch the Junior Division because they don't believe that Shrek Academy's Junior Division will be very strong.

As for the teacher group.

They are no longer interested.

If it weren't for being unable to retire, they wouldn't even want to play.

But there is no way.

Now that you have signed up, you can only bite the bullet.

It's a big deal when the time comes to see the strength of Title Douluo, and then just surrender directly.

Anyway, this is just a game, no one can die.

What's more, Title Douluo and the others may never see it once in their lifetime.

It was an honor for them to have the honor to see Title Douluo this time.

Even they can brag to the outside world, they have started with Feng Dao Douluo.

Although it was only a second move.

"Come back, you haven't filled in my registration information. If you are not serious about your work, I don't mind reporting you to the organizing committee."

"Don't, don't, it's the little one who doesn't know that Taishan has offended you, these twenty golden soul coins are my apologize.

I will pay for your registration fee. I just hope you don't care about what I said before. "

The man was obviously confused.

Although he was already shocked when he saw Soul Saint before.

But the deterrent power of Soul Sage is obviously not as powerful as Title Douluo!

So he had to ask for forgiveness, because he was worried that one day he would die unclearly.

In this regard, Karl did not refuse, and took back 20 Gold Soul Coins.

After seeing Carl took the money, the man breathed a sigh of relief, and then filled in Carl's information on the registration form.

"Name: Carl! Gender: Male! Level: Title Douluo! Title: Death!"

"Participating Group: Teacher Group!"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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