God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 737 - You're done

"This feeling is really strange..."

"There is an unspeakable sense of comfort, and I feel that my body is no longer my own.

And my whole body is light and fluttering, the kind of feeling I have never experienced before, walking around my whole body, it is really intoxicating..."

Daming lay lazily on Xiao Wu's head, looking very cute, completely not possessing the domineering kind of the original sky blue bull python.

He now looks more like a harmless little snake, without any threat.

But Carl knew very well that once Xiao Wu became a Title Douluo, the Sky Blue Bull Python could regain its original strength and fight together with Xiao Wu!

Although it may not be able to return to the peak, it will not be too much difference!

And the most important thing is that once Xiao Wu becomes the ultimate Douluo, even a demigod or even a god, the sky blue bull python will follow along to reap the benefits.

This is the benefit that the soul beast can get from the human side after it becomes the soul!

Their current state is not completely soul beasts anymore.

So even if you want to become a god, that kind of thunder catastrophe of the gods against soul beasts will no longer exist.

So as long as Xiao Wu works hard enough, when she becomes a god, the sky blue cow python will naturally become a god with her.

"I really didn't expect this to be the form of a soul?

It seems that there is still a big gap with the soul beast, but this is also a way for the soul beast's life to reach its limit.

Carl, this method of yours is very good. When can it be promoted? Let all human beings know this way? "

After seeing the soul, Di Tian was also very surprised.

He could see that the soul of the sky blue bull python had not suffered any harm.

And he himself is also in a very special and completely different state from before.

In this state, Ditian saw another possibility.

That is the possibility of soul beasts becoming gods together with humans!

In this case, those human gods would have no reason to hinder the spirit beast from reaching the god realm.

Unless they also prevent human beings from becoming gods, soul beasts can completely become souls and follow together.

And after the soul beast becomes a soul, it feels the same as a human being, and they can perceive each other's sorrows and joys.

So when those gods want to attack those spirit beasts, these humans can also help stop them.

But Di Tian still took it for granted.

Because this method cannot be easily promoted.

At least it's impossible in a short time.

"Di Tian, ​​this method is more cumbersome, and only I can complete it, not even you.

So I need at least five years to simplify this cumbersome way.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

At that time, I will take the lead in handing it to you, and then gradually promote it to humans.

But at present, on the human side, I am afraid that war will break out soon.

At that time, I may not be able to promote it. After all, the concept of Wuhun Palace is completely opposite to mine!

Their idea is to rule the world, then exterminate all powerful soul beasts, and raise weaker soul beasts in captivity.

So you are also asking for your own blessings. Although you are all strong, I can't guarantee that you can beat the human army after being singled. "

Hearing Karl's words, Di Tian and others frowned.

Regarding human society, they don't know anything about the upcoming war.

After all, these spirit beasts seldom leave the Star Dou Great Forest, so they don't know much about the outside situation.

"I know. Regarding this matter, I will warn those soul beasts and ask them to be wary of human movements.

But on your side, it will take at least five years to achieve full promotion, right? "

"Five years and ten years are possible. I can't determine the exact time, but you just need to wait. After all, this matter is my job, and you can't help me."

Carl shrugged and spoke.

Di Tian frowned, but in the end he shook his head without saying anything.

"Human, your name is Carl, right?"

Brigitte's voice was delivered to Carl's ears, which was extremely comfortable.

Carl looked back at each other, nodded slightly, and replied with a smile.

"I'm Carl, Miss Brigitte is masking for the first time, please take care of me."

"Really a polite human. As far as I know, you seem to have helped Ah Yin's son, right?"

"How would you know?"

Carl was a little surprised when he heard Brigitte's words.

Brigitte showed a sweet smile, then turned over and took out a blue silver grass.

"The fall of the Blue Silver Emperor also caused quite a stir in the Star Dou Forest.

As A Yin's good girlfriend, I will naturally feel sad for her.

Especially when I saw her son who looked seven points similar to her, I recognized him directly.

But that kid has never seen me, so I want to entrust you to help me bring this thing to him. It may be helpful to him. "

"Isn't this just a blue silver grass? What's the use?"

Carl took the Blue Silver Grass with a face full of doubts, and then discovered that there was a lot of life force in it!

This power even made Carl feel a little amazing.

"This part of the power was once deposited by A Yin in my place, and it can be regarded as A Yin's seed.

If this thing is handed over to A Yin's son, if he has the intention, he might be able to resurrect A Yin in the future.

Of course, if you can't stand the temptation, you can also take this thing, which will immediately make you a demigod.

But what price will you pay if you do this, don’t you know it? "

Brigitte spoke threatening words in the most gentle tone, which made Carl feel that the other party was also very difficult.

After all, Brigitte was present, the only soul beast over 500,000 years old, even the strength was only under the emperor heaven.

Even if her strength is not used for fighting, this cannot deny her strength.

More importantly, in terms of appeal, Brigitte even had more face than Di Tian.

After all, the soul beasts she had rescued were countless.

This is her unique advantage.

Even among the spirit beasts present, none of them dared to say that they had never received Brigitte's help.

"Alright, since you are planning to give it to Tang San, I will transfer it to him.

However, during this time, Xiao Wu still has to stay here and continue training. After all, there is still more than a year before the five-year appointment.

If Xiao Wu were to go back now, it would be prone to trouble, so I will come back to pick her up in more than a year.

I hope you will treat her well and don't have any prejudice against her just because of the soul. "

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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