God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 91 - Speculation about the awakening of ability

Early the next morning.

The navy ship arrived in Dressrosa.

King Liku and Rebecca, together with the civilians of Dresrosa, greeted the arrival of the navy with lights and festoons.

This time, if it weren't for Karl's shot, King Liku would never have driven off Doflamingo.

It is also impossible for the residents of Dressrosa to return to normal life.

Originally, King Liku wanted to thank Carl, but Carl was not interested in it.

He said that these were the navy's contributions, so he asked King Liku to thank all the navy.

Polusalino was a little surprised at Carl's realization, but didn't say anything.

Therefore, King Liku simply went to meet the navy and prepared a grand welcome ceremony for them.

This is simply to thank them.

As for the real thanks, King Liku planned to wait a while until Dresrosa stabilized, and personally send it to the Warring States Period.

Carl didn't have any opinion, Polusalino didn't say a word, and King Liku took it as the two of them acquiesced.

After completing the welcome ceremony, the time has come to the afternoon.

Carl walked alone in the run-down streets of Dressrosa.

Looking at the busy people around but with happy expressions on their faces, he felt that he was doing it right!

Although Karl doesn't think he is a saint, what he must do to save the world.

But he knows one thing, if the justice in front of him cannot be maintained, he is totally unworthy of being the navy!

This is also Karl's creed.

"I don't know where Doflamingo went, but no matter how he runs, his identity as Qiwuhai can't go back anymore.

I'm really looking forward to what his expression will look like when I meet this guy again. "

Carl raised his head and looked not far away, the white silk thread on the other side.

Although Doflamingo has escaped.

But his battle with Karl still left some traces.

These few threads are proof of Doflamingo's fruit awakening.

"By the way, yesterday's choice has been completed, I almost forgot!"

Suddenly, Carl remembered yesterday's choice.

Since there was really no strength yesterday, after the battle was over, Karl relaxed and then fell asleep.

Caused him to sleep until this morning.

So he hasn't checked his current property panel until now.

‘Properties Panel:

Name: Carl

Strength: C

Agility: D

Spirit: D

Physical strength: C+(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Abilities: Military Fist (E), Piaopiao Fruit, Armed Color Domineering (Proficient), Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering (Perfect), Domineering Color (Proficient), Double Sword Flow (B)’

After yesterday's battle that surpassed the limit, and Carl never stopped to exercise before.

His physical fitness has increased again.

Although it has only risen by a small part, in general, there is still a slight improvement in strength.

However, he used his current strength to compare with Kaido's strength at the time.

Then Carl discovered that although he was a C-level power, it was far worse than Kaido's power.

This power is even worse than Jack!

Although he can beat Jack, Carl understands that he is not Jack's opponent by simply competing for power.

Even now that Nilu, who has learned to be domineering, is about to catch up with herself in terms of strength.

"If calculated in this way, Jack's power is at least B, or even B+.

Then the strength of the adult giants is at least B-, which means that Nilu still has room for a substantial increase. "

"But Kaido's power is stronger than the average giant. According to my estimation yesterday, his power is at least twice that of Jack.

In other words, Kaido's power is at least A, or even higher!

But his speed is very average. If I don’t use Piaopiaoguo, his speed will be faster than mine, about the level of C..."

Thinking of this, the corners of Carl's mouth twitched slightly.

Because he suddenly discovered that Kaido was completely crushing himself in terms of physical strength.

The stamina value not only represents endurance, but also represents the ability to recover and fight resistance!

Kaido was besieged by Carl and Polusalino yesterday, but was not fatally injured!

This kind of defensive power means that his stamina value far exceeds A+!

Carl is not sure whether the value has an S or even a higher level.

But he understands that if he wants to have the strength of the four emperors, at least he must have an attribute value that surpasses A+ and reaches a higher level.

There may be shortcomings in other areas, but at least there must be an A.

After such a period of analysis, Carl found that it was too early for him to be complacent at this time.

Carl shook his head and gave a wry smile, putting these thoughts aside.

Now that you understand the real gap between yourself and the Four Emperors, your goal is even clearer!

Then Carl set his sights on his abilities.

Both the domineering and the domineering of the overlord will be promoted.

Especially seeing and hearing color domineering is the perfect stage.

Going further up, although the system has not been graded, he is very clear that the domineering perfection level is not the limit!

For example, Kata Kuri’s foreseeing the future and the Red Earl’s reading of people’s hearts are all application methods after seeing and hearing color domineering break the limit!

So the perfect level does not represent the highest, but a new starting point!

In the end, Karl put his gaze on his martial arts fist and swordsmanship.

Needless to say, this martial arts boxing was learned by Carl at the university before crossing, and it was also used for self-defense in Boya Town before.

It can be said to be useless now, but it cannot be said to be completely useless.

If you don't have a weapon, this army boxing can also be regarded as a guarantee.

Not to mention swordsmanship, this is one of his housekeeping skills.

But what makes him a little strange is that the ability of Piaopiao Fruit has been maintained at the S level.

This made him suspect that S is not the highest level of ability, there should be more!

"If I didn't guess wrong, then the fruit should have awakened..."

Carl muttered to himself, flipping through the system, and found a training method for Fruit Awakening.

This training method is very simple, just four words, beyond the limit!

Seeing this training method, Carl is full of black lines and feels extremely painful!

"After so much effort, I got these four words? Are you fighting with me?"

Carl was a little angry, but this training method was not useless, at least it gave him some ideas.

Since yesterday's ability to use fruit beyond the limit.

He discovered today that he used the fruit ability to make his flight easier and smoother.

The feeling of blocking before is completely gone, it's like directing one's hands and feet, very smooth.

Thinking of this, Carl understood that if you want the fruit to awaken, you must use the fruit's ability to the limit again and again.

But Carl used this association to think of seeing and hearing domineering.

"The system reminded me that after the ability level reaches S and perfect, it cannot be upgraded through the system.

That is to say, only by surpassing one's own limits, can the domineering and fruitful ability of seeing and hearing be awakened? "

The more Carl thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and then he came up with an idea, flew back to the palace, and wanted to find Polusalino to verify.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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