Two cassava, Tang Ming took three minutes to get it, and then he got a few more octopuses, still with the sharp knife work, and the octopus also turned into uniform filaments, stirred with tapioca shreds, and added various spices. Beat in a few more eggs. Divide into three bamboo tubes and put them on.

After that, Tang Ming selected two fruits of different colors, squeezed them into purple and red juices, added them to the bamboo tube, and waited for them to settle.

After making shredded cassava, Tang Ming unveiled the big iron pot, and the various meat skins boiled in it had been boiled softly. Residues such as seasonings and bones are removed, poured into several bamboo plates, and brought to the edge of the well water, where they float on the surface of the water to cool.

Back in front of the stove, Tang Ming put the steaming drawer aside, divided the large dough into two balls, picked up one of the doughs, and cut it into small pieces.

Then, Tang Ming took the porcupine pork and mushrooms that had just tasted good and put them in a convenient position.

Pick up an egg-sized piece of dough, knead it into a round dough, and use a bamboo spoon to scoop a fist-sized amount of pork shiitake mushroom stuffing into it.

Between the thumb and index finger, the dough continued to shrink and gather, and the even and delicate folds gathered into a small spiral opening in Shu Yiting's round gaze.

Shu Yiting counted the pleats on it, at least thirty-six.

And the whole bun was swollen and full, and there was no filling leaking out of the little dough, and when she remembered the fist-sized filling just now, her saliva was about to flow out before she ate it.

Tang Ming glanced at her with disdain, continued to start wrapping, and after wrapping out a dozen or so, he stopped the pork and mushroom filling. Start with only mushrooms and wild vegetable filling.

There's no way, the porcupine is so big, this and that, it can't stand the toss at all.

However, the mushroom and wild vegetable filling sounds simple, but Tang Ming also added a lot of good things to it, such as a little sea shrimp, and some fish meat that is full of umami without fish bones.

Soon, seventy or eighty mushrooms and wild vegetable fillings came out, and two steamers were placed.

Putting the finished ones aside, Tang Ming turned around and went to the pit to catch five big lobsters, took a little porcupine fat, and cut a large piece of fatty dog badger meat.

Finely chop porcupine pork and badger meat, add a little coarse salt and oyster sauce to taste, beat in a few bird eggs, and serve on a large bamboo plate.

Next, the lobster is torn off from the tails, the shrimp threads are removed, and the large shrimp meat is cut into several pieces, and put in a bamboo plate to mix with the meat sauce.

After stirring well, Tang Ming pulled some tapioca dough again and took a rolling pin made of bamboo. Sprinkled a little dry tapioca flour on the board and began to roll the dough

, Shu Yiting basically only saw the rolling pin roll on the board a few times, and the thin dough was stacked together.

Then, Tang Ming picked up a piece of skin, filled each skin with four pieces of shrimp meat, and gently pinched it along the edge of the skin, and the palm-length dumplings were formed, even if they hadn't been steamed, Shu Yiting could already see the swollen shrimp meat inside.

At this moment, she seemed to have come to a Cantonese tea restaurant, and across from her, standing was a senior private pastry chef.


"Wow, this shrimp dumpling!

"Yes, I've eaten shrimp dumplings, but shrimp dumplings wrapped in hundreds of pounds of flower dragons are luxurious to think about.

"But it's very emotional, you don't have to eat it, just looking at this fleshy feeling, you have already conquered it."

"Just shrimp dumplings, those buns just now, I'm already stupid. "

I've always had a dream to be able to eat real buns with thin skin and big filling, but it's a pity. Bought outside, basically the skin is thick and the meat is less, I want to wrap it myself, I don't have that skill at all, a little more stuffing is absolutely explosive, if you can eat this bun of the scumbag, it's worth it to die. "

The layman looks at the liveliness, and the insider looks at the doorway, although the scumbag god has no yeast flour or anything because of the limited conditions, but at the same time that the swelling is insufficient to knead with pure bird eggs, it has enough tenacity, so it can hold a large amount of fillings so perfectly.

"I'm a pastry chef, and I've been making buns for more than ten years, and I've made up to 32 pleats. I counted it just now, and the scum god is all thirty-six, and it seems that he still deliberately suppressed the frequency of his fingers, otherwise, it is likely to be higher. "

In a word,, wrapping buns, rolling dumpling skins, knife work is even better, just now the goddess picked up the tapioca shred, even I thought there was only one, and the result was ...... All you can say is God!"


While everyone was discussing, Tang Ming had also finished wrapping shrimp dumplings, five big flower dragons of one or two catties, plus several catties of porcupine pork and dog badger meat, a total of ten shrimp dumplings, each of which was surprisingly consistent in size and quantity, and was filled with a steaming drawer by Tang Ming.

Then, Tang Ming took more than 20 catties of various fruits, peeled and retained the meat, matched them according to various tastes, cut them into particles of different sizes or grinded them into puree, mixed them together, and added some jam and coconut sugar to them, and finally mixed them with pine nuts and other dry goods particles or powder. Three different sweet fillings were made.

At the same time, Tang Ming also mobilized a group of monkeys and helped him pick some different wildflowers, and chose two of them that were fragrant and edible, and added them to them.

After that, the buns are wrapped.

However, this time, instead of uniformly packing the meat bun as before, he made it into a variety of shapes after the filling was wrapped.

In the end, a nest of monkey models came out. I also made some slender irregular objects, and added some buns that looked like flowers.

Holding bamboo pieces or bamboo sticks to carve them, the monkeys were carved vividly, and Shu Yiting, who provoked her, couldn't help but wash her hands and take a look at them.

The Monkey King and the Great Sage looked at the monkey who looked about the same as him in amazement, and their mouths let out a cooing discussion.

As he spoke, he wanted to catch it like Shu Yiting, but before he could get it, he was beaten back by Tang Ming with chopsticks.

Four baskets of steamed buns of various flavors are wrapped. Tang Ming went to the well and took the skin and meat jelly that had been cooled in the well before.

Although there is no ice water, the well water is also cold. This is more than an hour of cooling. It's a little solidified. I can't do the elasticity of duangduang, but it's completely enough to put it into the dish.

Returning to the stove, Tang Ming washed the pot. Add a little lard, add green onions, ginger and garlic and stir-fry when the oil temperature is 30% hot, then pour in all the crab roe and crab meat just now, add some oyster sauce and a little spice.

Stir-fry slightly, remove from heat and serve.

Then Tang Ming took some dough, rolled it round and flattened it, took a big spoonful of fried crab roe and crab meat and put it in, then added the meat skin jelly, and sealed the opening of the bun.

After that, he fetched the small steamers he had made earlier.

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