Of course, fins are also good and bad.

The dorsal fin that emerges from the water is the largest fin on the entire shark and, of course, the best quality.

Pulling out the kitchen knife, Tang Ming cut the knife along the shark's back, parallelly, and with a clatter, a large piece of dorsal fin was cut off.

The heavy one to start with, to say the least, has a dozen pounds.

Of course, this is an unprocessed fin, which is not the same as shark fin, and the real shark fin is the fin that is left after drying and washing off the gelatinous material wrapped on the outside.

Among the shark fins, the Tianjiu fin is the most famous, but the kind of shark fin comes from the whale shark, the world's largest shark, and the normal weight is about 20 tons.

However, what do you need to survive on a desert island and have shark fins to eat?

The dorsal fin was put aside, and Tang Ming cut off the pectoral fin and tail fin one by one, and got a total of four fins.

The other few are not as exaggerated as the dorsal fin, but they add up to more than forty pounds.

Using a rope to tie the flesh connected to the fins of the fish, Tang Ming hung it high on a big tree, taking advantage of the little sun's remaining rays to bask in the water first.

Then there's the shark meat.

Up to now, this is also the first time Tang Ming has encountered so much meat, and he has been gesturing with a kitchen knife for a long time, thinking about various methods of shark meat in his mind.

In the current situation, you can't eat it all, and the best way is to cut it into small pieces to dry, and then cut it into slices and dry it again. Straight into dried fish.

However, such a big shark, all the fish slices?

Fuck the shark!

After a long time of rowing,

Tang Ming threw the knife to the ground very shamelessly.

Why do you want to deal with this thing, it's not that you don't have anything good to eat. Such a big strip, when does it have to be processed, and no matter how well it is handled, it is sour and smelly, and it is a waste of seasoning.

"Who is that, are there any regulations or restrictions on handing it in, and can you get it back if you turn it in!"

Sitting on the beach, Tang Ming turned his head to Shu Yiting and said.

"I see that your skin is itchy again!" Shu

Yiting glared and clenched her fists.

"Ma slippery reply, believe it or not, I kicked it into the sea!" Shu

Yiting rolled her eyes angrily: " There is a limit, the food must not be spoiled, this is also a test for the survivor to deal with the food, handed in can not be taken back, otherwise the first will always be the first, the average luck component, but there is no limit, that is, we feel that we have a lot of food, we can leave a part as an accumulation, keep it for the next time, in order to deal with emergencies.

"That is, no matter how much you pay, no one else will care?"

"Yes! Anyway, if you pay less and become the last place, you will be eliminated directly, which is the same as bidding, and the organizers will not be afraid that you will hide it, and it is your ability to leave the food and not hand it over." As long as you don't worry about elimination.

"What about the time, is there a limit?"

"The time is the notice on the day of the hand-in, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., it is the time to turn in, because everyone rushes from their respective islands, and the distance is different, and the time of arrival is also different, so only the time period is specified. Just turn it in within this time period. We don't have a watch, so there will be a reminder on the watch when the time comes. "

Then Ou'er, no matter, let's leave early tomorrow!This

thing shouldn't be broken!" "Well, if you deal with it, you have to lose water, although shark meat is not delicious, but it is also meat, and its value is much better than those root foods and the like, if you turn it in, it will retain its value!"

"And this statement?"

Tang Ming was a little curious.

"Of course, this is also a detail of the selection, food is not simply calculated according to weight, when the time comes, there are special evaluators to measure, will be based on the calories contained in various foods and the rarity of the type of food comprehensive evaluation of food value, otherwise, you can eat any grass, let people treat you as food? Let's be realistic, what can be called food, such as shellfish, how much is the shell of an oyster, how much is the meat? "

Ya, is it so strict, I also said that I would pull some grass tomorrow, it doesn't seem to work!" Tang

Ming said a little frustratedly.

Shu Yiting sneered: "You don't want to order those who have or don't have a day, everything is as normal, more food, what should be dried, what should be pickled, dry goods and wet goods also have their own set of conversion ratios, and no one will suffer."

"That's pretty much it!, okay, keep roasting your leg of lamb, I'd like to figure out how to get it." Waving

his hand, Tang Ming turned around, looked at the big shark for a long time, as if thinking about something, and then, he picked up the kitchen knife, broke it from his stomach, and pulled out the internal organs.

Since the food evaluation criteria are very strict, these things that ordinary people don't eat are probably worthless, and obviously they can't get by. However, people don't eat it, so the offal fish must like it, and it's not too good to use it as bait.

The only pity is that sharks don't have swim bladders, otherwise such a big fish, the swim bladder is also a treasure.

Throwing the internal organs far away, Tang Ming lifted the shark again, feeling that he was missing at least fifty or sixty catties. With the addition of shark fin, the 500-pound shark is now in its early 400s at most.

I have to go to the fraction.

Tang Ming thought for a moment and began to cut the shark's skin.

The excretory system of sharks is on the surface of the skin, so the overall meat of sharks is generally unpalatable, but if you don't eat it for other purposes, shark skin is still a very good tool.

Soon, a huge piece of fish skin was cut off by him, and with his delicate knife work, there was hardly any flesh on the skin, and it was all pliable skin.

made a big bamboo shelf, Tang Ming tied the shark skin to it and hung it next to the rabbit skin.

The rest of the fish, cushioned with a few palm leaves, was placed under a shady tree.

Without the guts and the skin of the most smelly fish, the shark should not be in danger of spoiling from now until tomorrow morning.

After processing the shark, Tang Ming returned to the stove and glanced at the chicken and snake meat stewed in the pot. The pot began to fill the pot with the aroma of angelica, but it was not very strong, and the soup was not thick enough.

It looks like it's going to be a long time before it gets off the pot.

Closing the lid, Tang Ming didn't pay attention to it, took the stretcher he carried in the afternoon, and took out the seedlings wrapped in soil. Head behind the woods.

Walking through the woods, Tang Ming came to the open space that he had been optimistic about before repairing the house.

This ground is relatively flat, the moisture is quite sufficient, after the rain two days ago, a large number of wild grasses have grown, and the longer ones are as tall as Tang Mingren.

"It's a big project!"


The author has something to say:

I want to add a more rule, for example, everyone reads the book and publishes a chapter review or urges the change, if the number is large, I will add a more chapter, which can be regarded as a kind of urging to myself, everyone will work hard to urge a change after reading it, I see that everyone likes the scum god, and the code will be more motivated, and I won't feel so tired.

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