
Villa, looking at the funny barrage, Wu Lan's expression was very strange.

Zhang Guangrong was about to burst out laughing on the side: "Sister Lan, so many sons, so blessed

!" "Get out!"

Wu Lan glanced at Zhang Guangrong, but his face was full of smiles. There's no way, her son's performance is too good, and she, a mother, has a light on her face.

"By the way, Sister Lan, you won't default on the bet we made before, right?"

"What's the hurry, I haven't handed it in yet, who knows what the result will be!

"Do you still need to see, this kid's strength has gone against the sky, who can compare with him, now with these two big birds, I'm afraid it will soar directly into the sky."

"Don't be too happy, the game is always unpredictable, don't be so quick to make up your mind until the last minute. I heard that Zhang Zhengguo's side also used a support?"

"Well, I don't know what exactly I supported, and it's strange to say that their team obviously has a certain advantage, but they used up an opportunity in a hurry, and they couldn't understand it at all. "

Heh, I'm going to keep an eye on it over there, I always feel like something is going to happen, I hope it's a delusion!"

"Well, we've already reported the new list of supporters to the organizers, and this time it's definitely our own, so there won't be any more accidents." "

Okay, you can just watch and deal with this!" ......

At sea, after a burst of laughter, Tang Ming and the two got back on the road.

I have to say that the efficiency of manual rowing is really slow, no wonder you have to give four hours in advance, and then there is 8 hours of interval time.

It has been three hours since the two of them set off after breakfast, and the watch indicates that there is still a short distance to arrive.

And this short distance, I haven't seen the island at all, at least, it will take about an hour.

After flying in the air for a while, Eagle Bomb Sky and Eagle Flip Sky seemed to be tired, and got on the raft again to rest.

Tang Ming was bored, called the two birds over, and started the class.

Diao Bangtian is his own pet, he speaks by himself, it can understand, but when the pet speaks, Tang Ming can't understand, for the convenience of the future, he is going to teach something practical first.

"Now follow me and warn, and the voice should be high and sharp, so that I am nervous when I hear it. Come, call for a listen. The

two sand sculptures began to call, one after the other. Hearing Tang Ming's head full of black lines.

"Do you know what a warning is, that is, when the enemy attacks, give me a warning, to put it simply, there are other birds that have entered your nest and want to eat your cubs, how you should react?

"Damn, that's all you call it? The enemy is going to eat your little cubs, aren't you worried at all, you can't be fierce!"

"Does Lao Tzu have so much effort to observe your expression? Do you still want to watch you act like a monkey? I already have a supreme treasure in my family, I don't need an actor, you call me." Follow me, ~~~~~"

Tang Ming's long voice made the eyes of the two sand sculptures widen when he heard it, and it took a long time before he spoke.


Twitter!Screaming, they couldn't catch their breath and began to tremble.

"Nima, I feel like you'll pull it over if you call it any longer, forget it, that's it, now I'll tell you what situation needs to be warned.

"If there is a man like us, or a beast that is larger than our body, all around us, within your sight, warn at once. "


!" "Very good!" Tang

Ming nodded, glad that he was using a pet card, if he was subdued by his strength alone, he was afraid that he would not be able to understand what he meant for the rest of his life.

And then there's the second loudest cry, food! In order not to complicate it, we measured the size by the number of sounds. After discovering the prey, if it is as big as this seagull, or smaller than it, scream!" Tang

Ming pointed to the seagull.


one step, the answers of the two sand sculptures were correct.

"And then it's so big, scream twice!" As

he spoke, Tang Ming took out a smoked rabbit that weighed about seven or eight catties from the frame.

And then the one that was bigger than the box, smaller than us, called three times.

Tang Ming took out a bamboo basket that could hold more than thirty catties of fruit, and pointed at himself again.

The Eagle Bomb Sky Eagle glanced at each other and called twice tentatively.

Tang Ming paused, and suddenly remembered how could the eagles count, and then teach them in person.

At this moment, the two sand sculptures reacted and shouted three times.

"The children are teachable! Below is the one bigger than us, smaller than it!" After

speaking, Tang Ming pointed to the shark dragging behind the raft. Demonstratively shouted four times.

The two sand sculptures immediately followed. Shu Yiting, who listened, couldn't help but cover her mouth and snicker.

"It feels so apt, you listen carefully, and the more you scream, the more rapid they scream, and it doesn't sound like a hurry. It seems that when we meet such a big guy, we really have to be in a hurry. "

Really!" Tang Ming nodded with shiny eyes.

Then he spoke: "It's bigger than that fish, you can do it yourself,

hurry and twitter!" Tang Ming shouted casually.

After listening to it, the carving bombed the sky and called it again, this time the carving turned the sky a little dazed, so he could only call at will.

However, how is it called, Tang Ming is not so strict, it is a big deal to let the carving and bombing sky demonstrate in the future, and I believe that I will be able to learn it soon.

"I've learned both names, now take off and see what's worth calling around.

Tang Ming clapped his hands and let the two bald eagles fly into the sky.

The two birds tacitly chose to patrol separately.

After a few minutes, Diao Bangtian suddenly flew back, emitting a long chirp above Tang Ming's head.


to the combination of these two lineups, Tang Ming's body tightened and he quickly got up.

From the beginning to the end, Shu Yiting also knew the meaning, nervously grabbed the raft, and began to look around.

"Where!" Tang Ming beckoned Diao Bomb Tian to fly to his side and asked.

Eagle Bomb looked his head a little to the left of the raft's direction.

"Can you fly over that thing and let me see the specific location!" Tang

Ming frowned, because with his line of sight, he couldn't see anything over there at all.

The carving blasted into the sky, flew forward, and then stopped less than a thousand meters away from Tang Ming's raft and began to circle.

"What should I do, if it's not someone else's boat, is this screaming creature a shark? and it's bigger than ours!"

Shu Yiting looked at with a solemn look.

"Unlikely, this position, if it was a shark, would have exposed its dorsal fin. However, if something of that size wanted to hit our raft, it would be a breeze. The

author has something to say:

A reader actually confessed to me just now, so I have to add another chapter, anyway, does anyone have anything to confess?

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