God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1008: I really admire it!

Li Fu has been looking at Song Yun, who is sitting opposite him. Now everyone has arrived in the house. The firmness of the table and chair in the yard has come to an end. Next, more careful identification must wait until dawn. Proceeding, it is now certain that it is indeed the blue yellow jade table and stone stool of the Han Dynasty.

"Old Li, if you look at me this way, I will feel very embarrassed. You must know that you are not a beautiful woman!"

Song Yun found that Li Fu had been staring at him. He knew what was going on, so he simply made a joke.

"If I were really a beautiful woman, I would definitely find ways to marry you!"

Li Fu laughed, this of course is a joke.

"Song Yun, you do already have considerable details in the antique collection circle. I have heard many things about you before. To be honest, I really don’t really believe that someone can look like you at a glance. I can tell the authenticity of an antique, but this incident tonight proves that you do have such a thing."

What Li Fu really lamented was this. Song Yun’s reputation in the circle of collecting now has slowly spread from Ninghua City to the entire Huaxia, but many people have actually heard of some leaks related to Song Yun. I would never believe that there is no such a person in the world, no one has such a super ability, plus antique collection, this circle is full of various legends, as long as you play a few People in Nian Antique would instinctively feel that all those bizarre stories were made up by people, and Song Yun's story is the same, but this incident tonight completely proves that Song Yun has such an extraordinary ability.

"It doesn't seem to take much time to give you an extra fan?!"

Zhu Deyuan smiled and talked while taking a sip of tea. Came here tonight, originally thinking about eating, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

"I am telling the truth!"

"Song Yun, your vision and your eyesight are really admirable!"

"Don't wait, I'm already Song Yun's stubborn fan now!"

Li Fu really admires Song Yun now. The stone table and stone stool he bought inadvertently is placed in the corner of the yard. Although there is light, it is very weak. Song Yun is just passing by. It is impossible to even notice the existence of the table and stool. Song Yun found out at a glance, and immediately he was sure that it was an incredible thing. This is beyond people's imagination, if not very amazing. Ability, it is impossible to do this.

"It's just that the luck is better. I just took a look. If it weren't like this, I wouldn't find it."

Song Yun humbled a bit. He knew in his heart that of course it couldn't be a coincidence. If he hadn't deliberately been able to do it, it would be impossible to find that the table and stool were good things under such circumstances.

"It's over!"

"Song Yun, haven't you heard a sentence, excessive humility is actually pride!"

Zhu Deyuan smiled and joked.

"Nice people are always awesome no matter what, Song Yun's authenticity of your appraisal is really admirable!"

Shi Tiezhu gave Song Yun a thumbs up. If he had doubts about Song Yun's ability before, he is absolutely convinced at this time. In this situation, the environment can be found and judged at a glance. The value of this is definitely not something ordinary people can do. Song Yun has such a skill and is definitely the top master in the antique collection circle.

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