God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1012: The right way

"Li Fu, how do you deal with the other yard you have? Didn't you just say that you want to sell it to Song Yun?!"

Zhu Deyuan glanced at the green topaz table and stool placed in the center of the courtyard. This matter has actually come to an end. Li Fu will definitely treat these two things as if they were ancestors. There is no doubt about it.

"Of course this thing is handled like this. I have already said a good thing." Li Fu nodded and reached out and patted the table lightly. "These two things are supposed to be sold to Song Yun. I swallowed what I said, and the yard simply gave it to Song Yun!"

"This matter cannot be handled like this."

Zhu Deyuan shook his head as soon as he heard it.


"That yard does have a certain area, and the location is really good, but if compared with the economic prosperity, directly speaking, the price of real estate is fundamentally different from that of Ninghua City. It is just Two to thirty million things. Song Yun could have made this money from this table and stool, and the yard gave it to him, which can make up for his loss to a certain extent."

"Is it inappropriate to do this?"

Li Fu had already called out this plan after Song Yun didn't want his own table and stool. He didn't expect that Zhu Deyuan would oppose it.

"There is nothing wrong with this idea of ​​yours, but for Song Yun, it is not necessary at all. I am worried that you will do it this way, so I specifically asked you about this."

"I have made it very clear just now that things like tens of millions are indeed a very large number for others, but for Song Yun, it is not the same thing at all. You can never do anything like this. If you talk about this topic again, Song Yun would definitely not even buy the yard at all."

Zhu Deyuan knew very well that if Li Fu really said to Song Yun like this, Song Yun would definitely turn around and leave.

"What Old Man Zhu said is right, this thing absolutely cannot be done like this."

Xu Desheng knew Song Yun's character very well, and knew that this kind of situation that Zhu Deyuan said would definitely happen. If the dress said this, Song Yun would definitely not want another yard.


"Then what should I do?!"

Li Fu never thought about this problem. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng knew Song Yun very well. They said that they could not do it like this. Then they would definitely not be able to do it like this. He now admires Song Yun very much, if this happens. The relationship between each other will definitely be greatly affected, and they may be passers-by from now on.

"Sell Yun at the normal market price with a small discount, but be careful not to overdo it. This is enough."

Zhu Deyuan said his thoughts immediately.

Li Fu considered it for a while and nodded his agreement. Zhu Deyuan's proposal was relatively safe. A small discount on the market price was the most normal way for China to deal with such things.

"I know that your heart is very sorry for this time. You always want to make up for Song Yun's loss. Actually, there is a way. After Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao buy the yard, they must start work immediately. Repairs, you have a wealth of experience in this area, so you can provide more suggestions, or even help, contact experts in this area. This is very sufficient."

Xu Desheng understood Li Fu's thoughts very well. In other words, he would also feel guilty. If he didn't do anything, he would always feel sorry for Song Yun, so he simply gave him a suggestion.


"This is no problem at all!"

"Even if there is no such thing, since Song Yun wants to repair that yard, I must definitely help!"

Li Fu happily agreed.


"Speaking of which is really envy and jealousy!"

"I didn't expect your old man to find a family heirloom by accident!"

Shi Tiezhu looked at the blue topaz table and stools in front of him, feeling envy and hatred from the heart. People who play antiques always hope to collect some rare treasures, which may not be very valuable, but they must be ones that others don’t have. It's a style to show off. This set of tables and chairs by Li Fu is undoubtedly such a thing. Not only is it rare but also very valuable, it is simply a force to act.




"I'm really lucky!"

"There is nothing good at all!"

"Why is my luck invincible?!"

Li Fu laughed loudly, very proud of himself. If he had a tail at this time, he would definitely have reached the sky.

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and Shi Tiezhu, look at me and I look at you, speechless.

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