God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1019: You will show your feet

Shen Xue looked at the crack of the door for a long time and couldn't see what was inside. She stood on tiptoe to see what was inside from the fence of the yard. The height was not enough, and she was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. .

"We can't stay here!"

Song Yun saw the appearance of Shen Xue and Tang Miaomiao and knew that he could not stay here anymore, otherwise the intermediary would immediately notice something wrong as soon as he came. Whether it was renting the yard or buying the yard, it would be difficult. Soaring.

Tang Miaomiao took a deep breath and tried hard to control his excitement. She knew exactly what Song Yun's words meant. She and Shen Xue's appearance at this time was a bit uneasy.

"Let's take a walk around!!"

Tang Miaomiao immediately pulled Shen Xue reluctantly and turned and walked forward.

Song Yun nodded gently. Tang Miaomiao was undoubtedly very experienced, and Shen Xue was too far behind in this regard.

Tang Miaomiao walked forward for 20 minutes and left the yard, and at this time slowly returned to calm.

"Song Yun, have you seen exactly what is in that yard?"


"Why are your eyes so bad?! I can't see clearly, and it's fair enough, why did you make such a mistake?!"


"You quickly think about it, what is it in there!"


Shen Xue kept talking all the way, very excited, her small face flushed, and even her arms and legs danced. She spoke and gestured as if she was a child with ADHD.

Tang Miaomiao looked at Shen Xue and shook his head.


"Tang Miaomiao, what do you mean by such a look in your eyes and such a movement?!"

Shen Xue immediately felt something was wrong.

"When we go to see that yard in a while, don't you go together."

Tang Miaomiao directly told Shen Xue not to go.


"Why is that?!"

"No way!"

"I would never agree!"

Shen Xue jumped up like a kitten whose tail was trampled on. She was very curious about what Song Yun found in the yard. She wished to rush into the yard now. Tang Miaomiao is now If you can't go, where can you accept it.


"See for yourself what you are like now!"

"I was so excited, I almost went violently!"

"If you follow us to the yard in a while, the agent will tell at a glance that you really want that yard, and you will definitely write an astronomical figure. I don’t want to, because you could buy something that you could have bought for 10 million. It will cost 50 million!"

Tang Miaomiao was not polite.


"how could be?!"

"How could I get excited?!"

"Even if I am very excited now, when the intermediary comes, I will be able to control my emotions, and I will never show any trouble!"

Shen Xue swore a curse, but when she spoke, her eyes were evasive, and she knew she was very guilty.

"I didn't discuss this matter, I don't believe you at all!"

Tang Miaomiao was absolutely sure and gave no chance.

"Song Yun Song Yun!"

"Tang Miaomiao is too domineering!"

"Why don't you let me go together?!"

"You have to judge!"

Shen Xue turned to look at Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao's attitude was extremely determined, and the only life-saving straw was Song Yun.


"The weather today is really good!"

"The sun has risen very high, but it doesn't feel hot at all. Is this the legendary autumn height?!"

"If you were in elementary school, you should organize a picnic at this time!"

Song Yun raised his head and looked at the sky and muttered to himself, as if he hadn't heard Shen Xue's words to make him feel unfair. Tan Miaomiao's words were too correct. For a while, he would never let Sun Xue go with him, otherwise he would definitely show his feet. No matter how much she pleaded, Shen Xue was useless at this time, and she definitely couldn't let her go.

"Song Yun!"

"It's too much for you to do it like this!"

Shen Xue glared at Song Yun fiercely, and then stomped her foot fiercely.

Song Yun couldn't help but shiver in her heart. Shen Xue was wearing a pair of very high heels today. If she was really angry and gave herself a little bit, she would definitely not be able to walk around.

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