God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1022: 50000000? 1000000



Yang Zhonghe tried to squeeze a smile on his face.

"Of course Boss Song's price is not something I can decide. The owner just wants to set a price like this. I have no choice but to tell you the truth."

"Of course I don't think you are wrong at all. The price of 50 million for a yard like this is really an exaggeration."

"If you really want to buy this yard, I think the price is actually negotiable."

Yang Zhonghe wiped off the sweat bead on his forehead. The real estate agent was most afraid of those who turned around and left. It was too difficult to deal with. The young man named Song in front of him was clearly like this. Ancient architecture Unlike commercial housing, commercial housing is now just in demand. To put it bluntly, it is a seller’s market. You don’t need to worry too much about it. The house cannot be sold. But the ancient buildings are different. The unit price is relatively high. What’s more terrifying is the so-called ancient buildings. It’s impossible to buy a dilapidated house. If you do it, you have to pay a lot of money to repair it. In many cases, the repair money far exceeds the money purchased. In this case, unless it is genuine The rich, especially those who have spare money on their hands, will buy ancient buildings. This determines that the ancient building market is very sluggish, and many of them cannot be sold for several years.

Yang Zhonghe has been in the real estate agency circle for many years. At a glance, he can tell that Song Yun really wants to buy this yard. He definitely doesn't want to miss such an opportunity. When will he meet the next store in the village? know.

"Mr. Song, how much do you think this yard is willing to buy?!"

Yang Zhonghe simply kicked the ball to Song Yun. This is the easiest way, but it is also the most effective way. Through this method, you can get a rough idea of ​​Song Yun's psychological bottom line.

Tang Miaomiao couldn't help laughing when Yang Zhonghe said this.

Of course, real estate agencies are very good at bargaining and can speak well. This is undoubtedly one of their professional skills. If ordinary people lack experience, they may not be able to deal with it. But if it comes to bargaining, there is another profession that is very It’s awesome. It’s definitely someone who runs an antique shop or someone who plays an antique shop. Every day, he has to fight his wits and think about picking up leaks. The skills that he develops over time are very powerful. Compared with real estate agencies, he can only be more powerful. No It could be worse.

Yang Zhong and the trick to fool Song Yun had definitely kicked the iron plate, and Song Yun would definitely let him deeply understand what it meant to pay back the money.


"You asked me how much this yard is willing to buy?!"

Song Yun said, and looked up and down Yang Zhonghe.

Yang Zhonghe felt a little bit uncomfortable in his heart.

Song Yun raised a finger.

"10 million?!"

"Boss Song honestly, the price like this is too low!"

"Not to mention ancient buildings, the land area of ​​this yard and its geographic location are far beyond this price."

Yang Zhonghe shook his head, and Song Yun's price was far lower than his psychological prediction.

"I'm not talking about 10 million!"

Song Yun smiled.


"Not 10 million, so Mr. Song, how much do you think this yard is worth?!"

Yang Zhonghe couldn't react for a while, and gave a thumbs up. It's not 10 million that would be the price, it can't be 100 million.


"This yard is really shabby, I think the price of 1 million is very suitable!"

Song Yun did not hesitate to quote a price of 1 million with confidence.

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