God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1026: unbelievable

There is a tea table and a few chairs under the grape trellis in the yard. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng Shi Tiezhu are drinking tea leisurely.

"Old man Li, you just called Song Yun, why do you have such a strange look on your face?!"

Zhu Deyuan took a sip of tea. A few people spent the whole night last night. They went to bed after identifying the tables and stools of the green topaz early in the morning. When they woke up, it was already afternoon and simply ate something. After filling my stomach, I drank tea under this grape trellis in the yard. After the wind blew, it was very comfortable with bursts of coolness.

"You absolutely can't imagine. Song Yun told me on the phone just now what he did."

After Li Fu woke up, he thought that he would receive a call from Song Yun or Tang Miaomiao, saying that he was going to have a look at the yard he was holding. However, when he took the phone over and took a look, he found that it was basically There was no missed call from Song Yun or Tang Miaomiao. After drinking tea with Zhu Deyuan and the others, seeing the nightfall approaching, I couldn’t help calling Song Yun. What I thought was that I heard a totally unexpected news.


"What the **** did Song Yun say?"

"He wouldn't have picked up another antique in such a long time, would he?"

Zhu Deyuan raised his head and looked at Li Fu. He was holding a teacup in the room and wanted to take a sip, but stopped at this time.

When Xu Desheng and Shi Tiezhu heard Zhu Deyuan's words, they immediately looked up at Li Fu.

"If Song Yun really said that he picked up an antique, I really wouldn't be surprised at all. He has the ability to go to the ghost market for a few laps, and maybe he will get something right away. If that is the case. There is no need to be surprised about the child’s affairs."

Li Fu shook his head. After personally experiencing what happened last night, he has now instantly transformed into Song Yun's brain fan. Song Yun's picking up is now a matter of course in his eyes, and there is no need to make a fuss.


"Song Yun didn't pick up the leak?!"

"What else did he do?!"

Zhu Deyuan became confused now, besides picking up the leaks, what else could Song Yun do? !

Xu Desheng and Shi Tiezhu were equally blank.

"Song Yun told me on the phone just now that he just bought a small yard, and the coordinates are within the range of the ancient building we are now in. To be precise, the yard we are in now is not good, but It’s just 20 minutes."

Li Fu didn't go around in circles, so he told the matter directly.


"Song Yun bought a yard?!"


"Li Fu, you didn’t hear it wrong, how did they do such a thing? You said it well last night. Today, I went to see another yard in your hand. Just bought a yard from someone else's hands?!"


"Why do you always feel a bit fanciful when you hear this? There is nothing to believe?!"


Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and Shi Tiezhu shook their heads as they talked. They didn't believe that Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue had bought another yard in such a short time.

"I also think this thing is impossible, but that's what Song Yun said just now!"

Li Fu still feels that what Song Yun said is definitely a joke.

Li Fu's cell phone suddenly rang, and when he looked down, he found that it was the location sent by Song Yun.

"Is it true or not, or what is the yard that Song Yun bought? Seeing is believing, just go and see if it is true or not!"

Li Fu stood up with his mobile phone, turned around and walked out. Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Shi Tiezhu immediately followed. Their hearts had already turned upside down at this time, and they were very curious whether Song Yun was really in such a short time. I bought a yard inside. The most important thing is why Song Yun would do such a thing. Li Fu’s yard is still waiting, and I bought another yard. This is really done by the water in his mind. thing.

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