God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1032: A stone changed a yard

Shi Tiezhu was silent. He didn't know what to say for a while. Even if his robot walked to the side of the well, he didn't notice the weirdness of the stone under his feet. Song Yun just passed by the door, just from the door. After taking a look inside the seam, I realized that the stones on the side of the well were weird. Then I found the real estate agent and bought the entire yard.

"You actually noticed this by looking at the crack in the door?!"

Li Fu looked at Chongyun incredulously. If it was really like this, there would be no difference between having eyes and not having eyes.



"I was just a little skeptical at the time."

Of course Song Yun couldn't admit that at that time, he was 100% sure that there was definitely a treasure in the yard. If he said that, others would definitely feel that he was an abnormal evildoer. In fact, even if he said it like this, it was already incredible.

"These stones are all southern red rough stones. Although they have not been carefully identified, they are basically of a very high quality."

When Zhu Deyuan spoke, he lowered his head and looked at the stones on the ground. Most of these southern red rough stones are buried in the soil. There is no way to make a complete and thorough identification, but from the small part exposed on the ground. Judging from it, the quality is amazing.

"Li Fu, do you bring a small flashlight with strong light?!"

Xu Desheng suddenly remembered that Li Fu might carry a small flashlight with him.

Li Fu nodded, took out a small flashlight from his pocket and handed it to Xu Desheng.

Xu Desheng immediately squatted down on the edge of the largest rough stone, and the small bright flashlight in his hand was turned on and pressed on it.

At a glance!

Just take a look!

Xu Desheng knew right away that the quality of the southern red rough stone he was looking at was definitely the top one. It was transparent and invincible. The light from the strong flashlight could penetrate into the stone and even penetrate the whole piece directly. The stone is as red as blood under strong light, and you can't see any impurities. This is the top-notch Nanhong, not to mention its huge size. Just like this, a piece of the best Nanhong, God knows how much it can sell. You must know that the Nanhong raw ore, especially the Nanhong raw ore on the Baoshan side, can no longer be mined. There are very few top southern red raw ore on the market, and the price soars. Suddenly such a big piece appears. People who break their heads have to want to buy them.

"how about it?!"

"How is the quality of these southern red rough stones?"

Shi Tiezhu asked immediately.

"The best! The real best."

"I have seen this kind of top quality Nanhong before, but the biggest one is just the size of a palm. The one we see before us is the size of a football. I really don’t know what language to use. Describe how shocked I am at this time."

Xu Desheng shook his head.

Song Yun bought the yard for 12 million. The price of the stone he just saw was more than that, not to mention that it was on the side of the well, but it was within a range of more than 10 square meters. Song Yun picked up another leak, and another earth-shattering leak.

"Song Yun has to say, you have to make a fortune again!"

Xu Desheng had a weird look on his face. Although he had accepted it a long time ago, Song Yun is a master at picking up leaks, and he has to be tight every three to five. Otherwise, he will definitely be uncomfortable, but every time he encounters Song Yun picking up leaks, he still feels shocked. Incomparably, how can this kind of thing be done by a normal person? People abroad don’t say that there are tens of thousands of people playing antiques in China, and I have never heard of a person who can be like Song Yun. And picking up the leaks again and again, and the picking up leaks are getting bigger and bigger, more and more magical, this time picking up leaks today, I even looked through the cracks in the door outside the yard and discovered that there is something more nonsense in the world than this ?

"Elder Xu, can you not look at me with such eyes?!"

"I always feel a little hairy in my heart!"

Song Yun was really a little uneasy and uncomfortable seeing Xu Desheng staring at him constantly.


"I said you kid is the **** of leaks?!"

"Why can you find so many good things just by passing by a yard?!"

Xu Desheng shook his head as he talked, Song Yun's leaks became more and more nonsense.




"This is really better luck!"

Song Yun touched his nose, he really didn't know what to say besides this.

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