God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1039: Get the villa

"Tang Miaomiao, why do you look at me with such a look? Is there any problem with me buying a villa?"

Shen Xue didn't know why Tang Miaomiao's eyes were so weird. It was normal for him to have the money to buy a villa.

"I just think you are really moisturizing, you can even buy a villa, and then you don't live there at all."

Tang Miaomiao shook his head. He had the money to buy a villa, and after he bought it and threw it there, he didn't live there at all. There must be a lot of money to be able to do such a thing.

"Could it be that only you can make money, and I don't have the ability to make money?"

"Don't forget, I am the best person in the auction world."

Shen Xue was very proud. Before she became a shareholder of Jumbo Pavilion, her ability to make money was not bad at all. There were several sets of other residential commercial houses in the villa alone. There were more than 10 sets, which was nothing. Small assets and cash are not counted at all. Needless to say, after becoming a shareholder of Jumbo Pavilion, if you continue like this, you may really be able to become a figure on the rich list.

"Come on!"

"Don't show off in front of me!"

"That's how it is decided."

"After Song Yun comes back in a while, we will get these stones to your villa. The crux of the problem now is whether things can be placed in the villa, or whether there is anyone lighting up there, if not. Now, after we pull things over tonight, we don’t even have a place to stay."

Tang Miaomiao didn’t bother to care about how many assets Shen Xue had. As Shen Shui said, as a very popular person in the auction industry, it’s normal to have a little money, but it’s the same to invest in real estate. It couldn't be more normal.

"Don't worry about this. Although I don't usually live in that villa, there will always be one or two months of vacation a year or something. There is usually a nanny there to take care of the house."

Although Shen Xue spends most of the time flying around the world, the environment of this villa is very good. If he has time, he will come to live here, so he simply finds a nanny and has been taking care of it.

When Tang Miaomiao heard Shen Xue's words like this, he was completely relieved, so there was nothing wrong with it.

Tang Miaomiao thought about it, and asked Shen Xue to call the nanny, telling her that there was something special tonight, and asked her to find another place to stay for a few days, book a hotel or something.

Shen Xue knew that Tang Miaomiao's purpose was to ensure that the news would not leak out, so she immediately took out her mobile phone to call and arrange the matter.

Song Yun drove the car back, Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and the others joined hands, put the stone in the car, without a word, asked where the stone should be moved, familiarity and familiarity, good relationship, good relationship should be asked, yes. Ask, but never speak if you shouldn't ask.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue drove away.

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, Li Fu and Shi Tiezhu stood in the dark at the gate of the small courtyard, watching the car slowly disappear.

"How about finding a place to have tea and chat?!"

Shi Tiezhu's proposal was approved by everyone. There was no need to find a place, just go to Li Fu's yard, which was relatively close anyway, and there were good teas of any kind there, so there was no need to bother.

In the night, the dim lights, the atmosphere of the entire yard is very good, the temperature is very suitable, and even a breeze is coming, and drinking tea is no better.

"Song Yun, this kid is really amazing!"

"Things like this can happen to him, it's just astonishing!"

Li Fu made tea and placed it in front of everyone, and finally couldn't help but speak. He had been holding back a few words like this for a long time.

"Who said no?!"

"Passing by a small yard, I just glanced through the crack of the door and found such a baby. To be honest, it is really jaw-dropping!"

The teacup in Shi Tiezhu's hand had just been picked up. Hearing Li Fu's words, he stopped at his mouth, and exclaimed that this kind of thing really can only exist in the story, and he did not expect it to happen in reality.

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