God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1043: Buy a house? !

"One more thing, Old Man Zhu, Old Man Xu, they know we have this kind of southern red rough stone in our hands. Do you think they will ask us to buy some?!"

Tang Miaomiao has been considering this issue. Southern Red rough is an irresistible temptation for many collectors. The most important reason is that the color of Southern Red is very bright. The color of red is the favorite of Chinese people. s color.

"There is no doubt about it. Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and Shi Tiezhu, including Li Fu, will definitely want to buy some southern red rough from us."

"Whether it is for collection or for other purposes, it is a very good thing. Nowadays, the best southern red rough stone on the market is very rare. They will definitely not miss such a good opportunity."

Song Yun was very sure that Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and the others would definitely want to get the Southern Red Rough Stone, so they would not let this opportunity pass by themselves.

"How about we just send them off?"

Tang Miaomiao hesitated. She always felt that it was not appropriate to do it this way, so she simply said it and listened to Song Yun and Shen Xue's opinions.

"This thing cannot be done like this. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, including Li's father and Shi Tiezhu, are all seniors in our circle. If we say that we want to give them the southern red rough stone, we will definitely not want it. Taking advantage of the younger generation, in their opinion, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to do. If we really say this, we will obviously look down on them. This feeling will be very bad. They might think we pass this way. He gave them a hush money so that they would not leak the news."

"It's actually like we didn't want to take Li Fu for nothing. The principle of the courtyard is the same."

Song Yun shook his head immediately, Tang Miaomiao's idea was really not good.

"I agree with Song Yun's view that this kind of thing can never be done, it is completely unnecessary."

Shen Xue immediately agreed with Song Yun's opinion that it was really impossible to actively propose to send Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng to the South Red rough on this matter.



"Then this matter is not handled like this."

Tang Miaomiao accepted Song Yun and Shen Xue's opinion that this kind of thing really shouldn't be done in this way. The disadvantages outweigh the benefits. This is absolutely certain.

"We don't need to say anything, do more. If Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng want the southern red rough stone, they will definitely take the initiative to mention it to us. We will follow the market price and give a slight discount. This will be more appropriate."

Song Yun said his own solution.

Tang Miaomiao nodded. Song Yun's approach is more appropriate. According to market prices, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng will not have misunderstood. That discount can show some respect for the younger generation to the senior.


"This matter will be handled as you said!"

Tang Miaomiao immediately agreed, and the matter was so determined.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue have been busy for a whole day, and now all the things have been handled at this time. They are now in Shen Xue’s villa, very safe, and they have been tightly relaxed to relax, and fatigue can no longer be controlled. The three of them could not help but rest for a while, drank a few cups of tea and went to bed. At this time, the sky and the earth were not as big as sleep. No matter what happened, I would talk about it when I woke up.

Early the next morning.

Song Yun got up, looked at the time and found that it was only seven o'clock.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue haven't got up yet.

Song Yun walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and found that everything was there. He cooked a simple breakfast, prepared a little porridge, milk, and egg bread. After eating, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Shui still didn’t get up. Simply walked to the back of the villa alone, and was surprised to find that the place behind was very big. In addition to a small garden, there was a small swimming pool. The flowers and trees in the small garden were carefully arranged. The swimming pool The water inside was crystal clear, and I looked at it carefully and found that it was constantly flowing.

"The rich!"

"This is really rich!"

Song Yun shook his head and sighed as he watched. For such a villa, he must have a considerable amount of money to dare to buy. Of course, he has no problems now, but just think about Shen Xue already buying it years ago. Under such a villa, you know that she makes money very fiercely.

"After returning to Ninghua City, do I have to buy a house to live in?!"

Song Yun suddenly remembered this problem. He has been renting a house. The most important thing is that he is not bad at all. The purchase of a house should be on the agenda.

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