God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1061: Two fathers and sons

"Have you heard a news?"

"Jumbo Pavilion intends to move to us!"


"Jumbo Pavilion?"

"What is this antique shop like, why haven't I heard of it?"


"Jumbo Pavilion was originally a very impressive antique shop in Ninghua City. It is said that the antiques sold every day are three-digit numbers."


"Jumbo Pavilion wants to move to us, what exactly does it want to do?"



"I really don't know the heights of the sky, but I just opened an antique shop in a small place like Ninghua City. The business is decent, so try to come to us?!"

"I really don't want to live anymore!"


"Do you know what it means to close the door?"

"If Jumbo Pavilion really moves here, it won't take long for us to go bankrupt. There are no antique shops in our place where there are 1,000 and 800. The competition is so fierce, Jumbo Pavilion will definitely not escape when moving here!"


Shi Tiezhu sits at the tea table in his antique shop. When he comes to the shop every morning, he is used to making a pot of tea. After drinking it slowly, he can be refreshed all day long, but at this time, the tea is already brewed. Well, it has been cold for more than half an hour, and he sat still motionless.


"What are you thinking about?"

Shi Xiaozhu sat down on the sofa opposite Shi Tiezhu and watched him sit in a daze for a long time without moving. He was really curious, and at the same time a little relieved, he simply came over and asked what was going on.

"Have you heard a news?!"

Shi Tiezhu returned to his senses and raised his head to look at Shi Xiaozhu who was sitting opposite him.

The second monk Shi Xiaozhu couldn't figure it out and didn't know what Shi Tiezhu was talking about.

"I'm talking about Jumbo Pavilion, have you heard such news?"!

Shi Tiezhu sighed, the question he asked just now was a bit inexplicable, and he simply said the matter directly.


"I have indeed heard about Jumbo Pavilion, but does this have anything to do with us?"

"The owner of Treasure Pavilion is Song Yun, haven't we met them the other day?"

"They want to move the antique shop to us. It is actually normal, but they just want to prove their strength here. They move here if they want to move here. We can't stop it. Next, let's see if they are. Really have such an ability!"

Shi Xiaozhu heard about this, but he didn’t take it to heart. Things like this happen almost every day. There are people opening shops in the entire antique market every day, and some people’s shops close down. Song Yun came here to open a shop, and no one can stop it. Whether he can survive or not depends on Song Yun's own ability.

"You underestimated Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion!"

"If they really move Jumbo Pavilion to us, it will definitely have a huge impact on our existing antique market. The point is that Song Yun and his Jumbo Pavilion will definitely take away business from many people! "

Shi Tiezhu sighed softly. Yesterday at Shen Xue’s villa, although he expressed his attitude very lightly and calmly, in fact it was far from the case. Especially after he carefully calculated the whole thing last night, he felt even more The arrival of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion will definitely have a huge impact on the local antique market.

"Even if it is true, so what?!"

"We don't need to worry at all!"

Shi Xiaozhu disagrees.


"what do you know?"

"Are there any eggs under Qing Qing's nest?!"

"The arrival of Song Yun will have a huge impact on our entire antique market, and of course it will affect our antique shops."

"You don't know anything about Song Yun. The legendary things related to his omissions are all true. Think about how much impact such a person can cause when he arrives at our antique market. ?"

Shi Tiezhu glared at Shi Xiaozhu fiercely.


"Is this impossible?!"

Shi Xiaozhu couldn't believe his ears. The stories that Song Yun had missed were now slowly spreading in the antique collection circle. Of course he had heard that if they were all true, it would be terrible.

"When I first started, I didn't believe it either. I didn't think there could be such a person in the world. After dealing with him in the past few days, he found that there was nothing worse."

Shi Tiezhu explained the events of the past few days in detail. The antique shop is now slowly being taken over by Shi Xiaozhu. People like Song Yun must fully understand the talents of people like Song Yun, otherwise they might even deal with them in the future. It is the wrong decision made in the competition.

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