God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1070: Is it real?

Li Li and Fang Ying walked into the lobby and saw that Sun Guohua and others immediately showed a smile on their faces. They are all from the same city, and they both play and collect. They often deal with each other and get together every now and then. Appreciating the new antiques they bought during this period, they said hello, and they all sat down.

"I invite you all to come here tonight. The main purpose is to get to know each other. I have already known each other for a long time. I asked you to come here tonight to introduce you to the two masters of Jumbo Pavilion. This is Shen Xue. This is a master of auctions. I think if you often participate in auctions, you should have heard of Shen Xue's name. The other is of course our appraisal, as well as the master of leaking Song Yun."

Tang Miaomiao has already dealt with Sun Guohua and others. Although they are not particularly familiar, Song Yun and Shen Xue have never dealt with these people or even met each other. This time they need to be introduced.

"Long admiring the name!"

Sun Guohua’s words are not polite. Shen Xue’s name has already been heard. Indeed, as Tang Miaomiao said, he is an auction master. As long as he often participates in auctions, no one has never heard of this. Not to mention the names of people, Song Yun. In a sense, the main reason why these people came here tonight is for the sake of Song Yun. The most fascinating thing in the antique collection is the omission. , Song Yun is such a master, it is impossible for anyone who plays antiques to not notice him.

Tang Miaomiao kept looking at Song Yun when he saw Song Guohua talking. It was not surprising that anyone who knew Song Yun, as long as he was a collector of antiques, could not fail to notice Song Yun's existence.

"Teacher Song, say something that is not too polite, but I can't take care of it anymore, because I'm so curious, I don't know if those missing stories are true?!"

Ma Dali knew that this kind of question was very impolite, and it felt like he was questioning Song Yun's ability to find out, but he really couldn't restrain the curiosity in his heart.

Song Yun looked at Ma Dali, then at Sun Guohua and others, and found that all eyes were on himself. Obviously, he was also very curious about this issue. He even said three times doubts. There may be doubts in it. He didn't care at all. This kind of thing or the ability he picked up would be unbelievable to anyone who dealt with him for the first time. Ma Dali would ask such a question, and Sun Guohua and others were full of suspicion. Very normal.

"I know you are very curious. It's useless to say how beautiful this kind of thing is. I just looked at a few antiques in your ghost market a few days ago. Maybe tomorrow morning, we can all go shopping. Go around and see if there are any good things."

Song Yun knew very well that it was useless to say anything. For example, if he just said that the stories were all true, people like Sun Guohua would nod on the surface after listening, but they would continue to doubt in the depths of their hearts. Seeing is believing. , Just ask them to go to the ghost market with themselves tomorrow morning. It is the donkey or the horse drawn out to know that this is definitely the legendary king bomb.

Sun Guohua, Ma Dali and others never thought that Song Yun would say something like this, whether they would miss it, whether those stories are true, the best way is of course just like Song Yun said, go directly to the ghost market to prove Now, the key to the problem is that there are not many people who really dare to do this. They also went to the ghost market with other so-called expert appraisers before, but in the end there was no gain. The temptation was just to find some fundamental Inconspicuous little antique.

"Tomorrow morning?!"

Sun Guohua asked immediately, he was really interested.

"of course!"

"It's better to hit the sun!"

"I think what you are most curious about right now is to miss this thing. If this is the case, then why not just go earlier?!"

Song Yun nodded without hesitation. The people in front of him were the beginning of winning customers for himself, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue. These people are all rich and well-deserved bosses in their respective fields. He wants to convince these people to prove The easiest and most direct and effective way for your own abilities is to pick up the omissions in front of them.

Sun Guohua, Ma Dali and the others all agreed without hesitation.

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