God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1092: Can you kill chickens and monkeys? !

Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan returned to their home together. The two of them did not speak along the way, and their expressions were very embarrassed. They could even be described as iron blue. They had no idea when Sun Guohua, Ma Dali and others were with Song Yun. They knew, and they looked very familiar. When they saw Sun Guohua and others with Song Yun, they seemed to see one banknote after another away from them.

Jiang Guangming sat down on the sofa and picked up the kettle to boil water to make tea. The anger in his heart could not be controlled. As soon as he picked up the kettle, it hit the ground fiercely.

Zhou Dongshan looked at Jiang Guangming and was in a very bad mood. If this is his own home, he must have done something like this.

Jiang Guangming looked at the teapot in the first picture and shook his head. Now he really has no interest in drinking tea.

"How did Sun Guohua and Song Yun meet?"

"This thing is so strange!"

Jiang Guangming patted the sofa next to him fiercely. He really did not understand this. Song Yun was indeed very famous, but it was only in Ninghua City, his own antique market, his own city, Song Yun Someone must have heard of it, but it is far from that famous. The antique collection circle has very strong localization characteristics.

"Old man Jiang, now that we think about this matter is not really meaningful. Didn't you just say that? Why do you suddenly want to pursue this matter at this time?!"

Zhou Dongshan was in a very bad mood at this time, and he would not be particularly polite when he spoke.

"I thought about it on the way back and felt that this issue is very important. If Sun Guohua and Song Yun know an intermediary, this person must be in our antique circle. We still have to find this person, such a traitor, we You must not let it go, you must let this person look at it, otherwise the team will fall apart!"

Jiang Guangming did think that this matter was not particularly important. Song Yun had already been bullied. Of course, the most important thing was to deal with Song Yun, but after careful consideration, he felt that his idea was wrong. If there is really an intermediary who introduced Sun Guohua and Song Yun. , It is very necessary to find out this person.


"Old man Jiang, are you thinking about killing chickens and monkeys?!"

Zhou Dongshan immediately understood what Jiang Guangming wanted to do like this.

"If there is such a person, of course we have to do something like this. What will be the consequences of Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion here, as long as they are not people with brain problems. It can be understood that this person even matched up with buyers like Song Yun and He Shen Guohua. It is clear that he is digging the wall, and he is digging the corner of his own home. This behavior is absolutely not allowed, and must be severely punished. If you don’t do it this way, it’s not enough to warn those rat shit."

Jiang Guangming deeply thought that if there was no other person in the middle of the match, Song Yun and Sun Guohua would never know each other. He and Sun Guohua were familiar with each other. He had bought and sold many antiques by matchmaking, and never heard that Zeng Guohua knew Song Yun now. When something like this happens, the only possibility is that there is another person in the middle who is at work. Thinking of this possibility, he immediately produces smoke from seven holes. If this person is in front of him now, he will definitely have to curse a **** head. .

Zhou Dongshan has no objection. If there is such a person and can find out, just like Jiang Guangming said, he must be good-looking.

"Another huge challenge we are facing now is that Song Yun and Sun Guohua already know each other, and they are taking Sun Guohua to pick up the leaks. It can be said with certainty that Sun Guohua and the others will spread the events of today's ghost market. many."

Zhou Dongshan is worried about this now.

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