God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1100: Zhu Deyuan understands

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were relatively speechless, half an hour passed, and they were already a little impatient.

Xu Desheng glanced at the mobile phone placed on the table. There was nothing. Just about to stand up, the mobile phone vibrated, and at the same time a short reminder sounded.

Xu Desheng reacted faster than Zhu Deyuan, and immediately reached out and took the phone over, and looked at the message that Song Yun had sent. After opening it, the color of bones appeared on his face.

"Old man Xu, is it the message from Song Yun, what is going on on it?"

Zhu Deyuan was also very anxious. This was originally his mobile phone, but Xu Desheng robbed it halfway.

"Song Yun sent the message, he guessed why Jiang Guangming called you, but Song Yun is not sure what he guessed, is it right? Ask us for our opinion."

Xu Desheng handed the phone back to Zhu Deyuan while talking.

Zhu Deyuan took it over and nodded immediately.

"Song Yun, this kid is really amazing. It can be guessed in this way. There is really nothing wrong with it. That's it. Jiang Guangming called me. It really means this. There is no doubt."

After Zhu Deyuan saw Song Yun's message, his mind suddenly became clear, and he was 100% sure that Song Yun's guess was correct.

"Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao released the information about the relocation of Treasure Pavilion in advance. Zhou Dongshan and Jiang Guangming had had a holiday with Song Yun and they would definitely try their best to participate in this matter. In other words, Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan will definitely make plans for me behind those people."

Zhu Deyuan had already received news in this regard.

"If it's just this, Jiang Guangming calls you. Although there is a meaning in this respect, it is also very likely that it does not mean it. If Jiang Guangming really meant this, there must be a reason. In other words In other words, what kind of thing prompted Jiang Guangming to give up hiding behind and do bad things?!"

Xu Desheng agrees that Song Yun’s guess is indeed possible, but the crux of the problem lies in why Jiang Guangming did this. The relationship between everyone is incompatible with each other. Jiang Guangming has no reason to suddenly give up dealing with Song. cloud.

"Just one thing came out and that was that Song Yun and Sun Guohua and others went to the ghost market. Song Yun's kid showed up in front of these people and picked up several leaks. Sun Guohua and others admire him. The five bodies cast the ground."

Zhu Deyuan told a news he had just received.

"I have heard about this, Old Man Zhu, what do you mean by this all of a sudden?!"

Xu Desheng also heard about this. There are no secrets in the antique collection circle. Especially this kind of leakage can be spread throughout the circle in a very short time. It is difficult to know.

"If I remember correctly, Sun Guohua is a very important customer of Jiang Guangming. In other words, Jiang Guangming sold a lot of antiques to Sun Guohua."

After seeing Song Yun's message, Zhu Deyuan had already figured out all the twists and turns inside.

"Is there anything weird about this?!"

"Jiang Guangming will sell antiques to Sun Guohua. This is simply the most logical thing in the world."

Xu Desheng doesn’t think there is any problem with Jiang Guangming’s doing this. In the antique collection circle, not only the people who open antique shops sell antiques, but also the expert appraisers like himself and Zhu Deyuan, they also sell antiques at certain times. It lies in selling more and selling less. The simplest example is that he and Zhu Deyuan have done many such things.

"Jiang Guangming and I sell all real antiques. There is really no problem, but if the antiques he sold to Sun Guohua and others are faulty, especially now that Sun Guohua and Song Yun are very familiar with them, they even went to pick them up with Song Yun. Leak, do you think that one day Sun Guohua asks Song Yun to appraise antiques in his house? Do you think that if Jiang Guangming sells to Sun Guohua, a few of the antiques are fake, what will happen? thing."

Zhu Deyuan said while holding up the teacup in front of him. The tea in it had been connected for a long time, but he didn't care at all. He just drank it with one sip, and smiled in a very good mood.


"What about this?!"

Xu Desheng still didn't quite understand.

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