God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1111: Tang Miaomiao interrupted

"Mr. Shi, don't worry, we people are your juniors. If you really need help with anything, of course you will not be polite, and I will tell you directly."

Tang Miaomiao sat next to him and hadn't spoken all the time, but suddenly he took a sentence.

The smile on Shi Tiezhu's face remained unchanged, but he sighed inwardly.

Although there are three shareholders of Treasure Pavilion, they are Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, but the most important soul figure in it is Song Yun. In other words, it is Song Yun that really speaks, not Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, the other one is Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue. No matter how they are, they are all women. Under the background of Chinese culture, women's words are not counted. What I just said was to Song Yun, Tang Miao Miao was very shrewd. When Song Yun didn’t answer directly, he immediately took a sentence like this, and immediately destroyed what he wanted to achieve. There were just some simple tricks, old fritters. Will do.

It is true that Zhenbao Pavilion will face some challenges when it moves here, but such challenges will in fact not cause any prestige to Zhenbao Pavilion or Song Yun and others. Shi Tiezhu said that he wanted to sell it. Song Yun and Zhenbaoge should remember or say that they owe themselves a favor. If the two parties cooperate in the future, they will of course be in a weaker position if they meet the favor.

Tang Miaomiao was aware of this very keenly. Even if he said exactly the same thing, saying it from his mouth and from Song Lin's mouth had two meanings, not to mention, Tang Miaomiao. When speaking, they are also very skillful. People are the relationship between individuals. It is the relationship between seniors and juniors. There is no direct connection with Jumbo Pavilion. This means that human love is human love, and business is business. If you are talking about human relations, you must respect your seniors in many things, but if you are talking about business, you must follow the rules of the business.

Shi Tiezhu looked at Tang Miaomiao, his goal just now has not been achieved, so there is nothing to entangle.

"Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, the three of you are all shareholders of Zhenbao Pavilion. You are all here today. I have an idea in my heart to discuss with you."

Shi Tiezhu thought for a while and decided, straight to the point.

Song Yun heard what Shi Tiezhu said, and knew that this was Shi Tiezhu's real purpose for calling herself to eat here tonight.

Song Yun didn't speak, but just nodded slightly. Since Shi Tiezhu wanted to discuss business with him, he had to follow business rules.

"After knowing that Jumbo Pavilion wanted to move here, I have been thinking about this matter, whether there is anything we can cooperate with."

When Shi Tiezhu saw Song Yun like this, he knew that if he wanted to play a favor card, it would not work at all. If it was a personal relationship, for example, he wanted to buy some Nanhong rough from Song Yun. Song Yun is very generous, but the matter in front of him is different. It is a matter of antiques and cooperation between Jumbo Pavilion and his own home, and he will deal with it seriously.

Song Yun frowned. Shi Tiezhu's request was really unexpected. He hadn't thought about it in this direction before.

Treasure Pavilion and Shi Tiezhu’s antique shop cooperate? !

is this necessary?

If this is really necessary, what should we do?

Song Yun thought of these two issues immediately.

"Mr. Shi, do you have any specific ideas for cooperation?!

Tang Miaomiao spoke again.

Shi Tiezhu was a little helpless again. The words he just said actually exerted pressure on Song Yun, which in fact made Song Yun have to express his attitude, whether to cooperate or not, willing or unwilling.

Tang Miaomiao was very shrewd. Once he reached this point, he immediately asked if he had any specific ideas for cooperation. In this way, it would be another four or two strokes of a thousand jins. She said this sentence, Song Yun said this. There is no need to answer cooperation or non-cooperation. You only need to listen to your own specific ideas before making a decision. If the cooperation method proposed by him is good for both parties, Song Yun will agree, otherwise he will definitely shake his head and refuse.

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