God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1201: Speechless

"Your statement is not wrong. Jumbo Pavilion is the most important and the most critical person is indeed me. I am confident that I still have that. The other is Jumbo Pavilion. Of course what I say counts, but in this matter, I don’t The reason for what he would say is simple, that is, what Tang Miaomiao said is more useful, or even more beneficial. If he speaks more directly, it means that what he said can bring more benefits to Jumbo Pavilion. I The benefits that can be obtained will naturally be more. If this is the case, why do I have to speak by myself and talk nonsense by myself? The most popular thing now is that professional things are handled by professional people. Tang Miaomiao is here In this respect, I am a real professional expert. My greatest skill is antique appraisal or leak detection. I am still very clear-headed on this point."

Song Yun was not moved at all.

Sun Mengyan really couldn't do anything about it. Song Yun had already blocked all of her own roads for this reason. The only thing she could do was to deal honestly with Tang Miaomiao, who was very difficult to deal with.

"Cooperating with us or agreeing to our terms has a great advantage. I can come to the ghost market from time to time to pick up leaks. For you, it just means that for the whole ghost market, there are very big benefits. ."

After Song Yun said this sentence, he continued to walk forward slowly.

Sun Mengyan stood still and didn't move. Song Yun's words hit her forehead like a bolt from the blue.

Is there any benefit to doing this?

It's so good to do it this way!

There are always people picking up leaks in the ghost market, and of course it will always remain hot. More and more people come here to set up stalls, and more and more people come here to buy antiques and visit the ghost market, which can form a virtuous circle.

Sun Mengyan sighed deeply, knowing that she had no way to refuse such a proposal, and once again caught up with Song Yun.

"Song Yun, you really are a devil!"

Sun Mengyan has nothing to do.

"Miss Sun, you can never say things like this easily, especially a beautiful woman like you, and you can't easily say things like this to a man, which is easy for others to misunderstand, even if I Don’t misunderstand yourself, if others hear it, you will definitely misunderstand!"

Song Yun turned his head and looked at Sun Mengyan, the smile on her face increased, and she was very clear that Sun Mengyan's proposal had been approved and accepted by Sun Mengyan. All she needed to do was to tell Tang Miaomiao. You don’t have to take care of it yourself.

Sun Mengyan couldn't say anything, she suddenly felt that she couldn't take advantage of Song Yun's presence.

Situ Kongming, Guo Ziming, and Liu Chen followed Sun Mengyan and Song Yun.

"Do you still think what I said is wrong?!"

Situ Kongming looked at Guo Ziming and Liu Chen triumphantly. He had previously guessed that Song Yun and Sun Mengyan must have a leg. For such a long time, the two of them have been wandering around here in the ghost market, and they would talk from time to time. And it seems that the attitude is very close, especially when I saw Sun Mengyan stomping angrily, but immediately caught up with Song Yun. This kind of thing is absolutely weird even for ordinary people, let alone an elite like Sun Mengyan. The elites in China are also big beauties. If it were not for the relationship between men and women, it would be impossible for them to show such a look and action.

Guo Ziming and Liu Chen were speechless. After such a long period of time, they did not see Song Yun picking up the leaks, but they saw Song Yun and Sun Mengyan chatting all the time. The situation is too similar. The two have one leg. It looked like, in fact, there was no way for the two of them to refute it at all, because everything in front of them had already been proved, and Situ Kongming's guess was correct.

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