God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1213: Reasons for Flicker

Song Yun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Sun Mengyan would even ask herself to stay at this time.

"Song Yun!"

"Miss Sun, since there is something for you, then you should stay here first, and Shen Xue and I will leave first!"

Tang Miaomiao was really just watching the excitement, but there is a prerequisite, that is, there is no relationship between Song Yun and Sun Mengyan as stated in the rumors, but now it seems that the situation is not as simple as that, Sun Mengyan is like this. It’s impossible for a very smart woman not to know that it would cause suspicion to open Song Yun’s stay at this time, but doing it this way means that there is something wrong with Song Yun. There is no need to stay and watch the excitement. After saying this, she pulled Shen Xue around and left, almost jogging away, and in a blink of an eye she reached the elevator door.



"Sun Mengyan, I suddenly remembered that I have something to deal with, and I will contact you another day. I will leave now!"

Kou Min's reaction was also very quick. After speaking, he ran away, and the latter caught up with Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue. The three walked into the elevator together.

Sun Mengyan feels that her head is a bit bigger. Kou Min is her best friend and understands her situation very well. Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue know Song Yun very well. When these people get together, the gossip must be burning. Higher than the sky, she regrets a little bit at this moment. Just now she left Song Yun. She should have called later. This would be better. The thing has already been done, no matter how regretful it is. use.

Song Yun didn't know what it was like for Sun Mengyan to leave her behind. When she stopped and turned around, she looked at Sun Mengyuan and waited for her to speak.

"Sit inside."

Sun Mengyan asked Song Yun to stand at the door of her office, she couldn't just talk like that.

Song Yun nodded, walked to the sofa and sat down again.

Sun Mengyan walked to the door, stretched out her hand to close the door, and looked outside, and found a whole area of ​​the office area outside. Almost everyone craned their necks and looked at him.

Sun Mengyan was stunned for a moment, and finally returned to her normal complexion, and suddenly blushed again. She knew that the action of closing the door had a special meaning in the eyes of these employees of the company. This was really angry. I was anxious, but at this time I was already riding a tiger, and there was no way I could only continue to close the door, because if I kept the office door at this time, it would make others feel that there is no silver in this place.

"Is this true?"


"It's very possible!"


"What the **** is Song Yun?!"


These people in the company all began to talk about it. They were very interested in the gossip of their bosses. Some old employees have been working under Sun Mengyan for several years. They have never seen a man appear before, and now they are all of a sudden. When one comes out, the enthusiasm is naturally very high.

Inside the office.

Sun Mengyan poured Song Yun a cup of tea, and then sat down opposite Song Yun. After all, she was not an ordinary girl, and at this time she had slowly recovered her calm.

"Miss Sun, I don't know what you are looking for?"

Song Yun knew that Sun Mengyan couldn't really mean anything to him, and if he wanted to stay, he must have something to discuss with him.

"It's like this. My grandmother is a person who likes collecting antiques very much. She knows your name from some old friends and told me that if I meet you, see if I can invite you to the house. Go to meet, I want to ask Teacher Song if you are free tonight, if you are free, can you join me to meet my grandma at night?!"

Sun Mengyan obeyed Kou Min's suggestion and made up a reason to fool Song Yun to see her grandmother.

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