God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1227: Don't understand

"In fact, there is not much room for us to choose from this matter. Once Sun Mengyan asks our views on this issue positively, all we can do is just perfunctory, saying nothing, not showing any attitude, except for this prevarication. Besides, there is no other choice."

Lin Zhengqing frowned while rubbing the big finger on his left hand.


"It can only be like this!"

"Can't we open up and directly support Jumbo Pavilion?!"

Qi Dabao sighed. There is really no other choice but to fudge. If Sun Mengyan really asks everyone’s opinions directly, she can only do this. The reason is actually very simple, that is if You expressed your support for Zhenbaoge, but turned around but played tricks. Sun Mengyan has some ways to make people like herself unable to eat. Although she said that she has something to do with people with a lot of background, the mistakes come first. Sun Mengyan would definitely not be polite to start.

Lin Zhengying and Qi Dabao suddenly felt very depressed, and they didn't even have the will to speak. Tonight this was a bright Hongmen feast.

"Let's still discuss how to deal with Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion. Now that shop is under renovation. If nothing happens, it will not take long. Within half a month, Treasure Pavilion will open here. "

"If we have any ideas or actions, you must plan well."

Lin Zhengqing's face showed a fierce look.

Qi Dabao looked at Lin Zhengqing. He knew very well why Lin Zhengqing had to deal with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion. The reason was actually very simple. The appearance of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion had already taken away many of his clients. Those who buy antiques are already watching at this time. It is very clear that they have to wait for Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion to open their doors before looking at the situation. It is conservatively estimated that they have lost more than 1 million. This is still just the beginning. At that time, even Jumbo Pavilion hadn't officially opened in the antique market. Once Jumbo Pavilion was opened here, how many customers would be stolen from it is really hard to say now.

Qi Dabao shook his head. The second elder brother didn't laugh at the second elder brother. He and Lin Zhengqing were in the same situation. If it weren't like this, how could the two of them be like-minded and had to deal with Song Yun and Zhenbaoge.

"We must have to deal with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion. There is no doubt about this, but we also have to know one thing clearly. We are not the first to deal with those who want to deal with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion. Right here, Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan, in addition to the two of them, later there were Situ Kongming and Guo Ziming. They all wanted to deal with Song Yun but in the end they couldn’t stop it. It can be seen from this, this Song The cloud is definitely not as easy to deal with as we thought."

"No matter what method we use, we have to consider this issue. To be honest, I still don’t understand it a bit until now. Jiang Guangming, Zhou Dongshan, including Situ Kongming, Guo Ziming and others, why do we think so. To deal with Song Yun, he finally gave up."

Qi Dabao has been pondering this matter for some time, and he has no idea what it is. It is really strange. Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan have a good face in the local antique market, and even the antique market in the country. The characters of, want to deal with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, there is no problem under normal circumstances, at least they can have a higher ability, but in the end they all fall apart.

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