God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1229: Shi Tiezhu's attitude

"How is this dinner tonight?!"

"What kind of attitude do we have to have?!"

Shi Xiaozhu heard that Sun Mengyan called and invited several prominent antique shops in the antique market to eat together. He immediately understood that it must have something to do with Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion. In other words, it was the dinner tonight. You must not fool around casually, you must show your attitude.

Shi Tiezhu raised his head and looked at Shi Xiaozhu. There are a large number of fake antiques in the antique shop. He has not considered how to deal with it. He has not spoken to Shi Xiaozhu in the past two days. He believes Shi Xiaozhu has actually felt that there must be something. What's the matter, in fact, if it weren't for the incident tonight, there would be no plans to talk to Shi Xiaozhu like this.

"What kind of attitude do you think we should be?!"

Shi Tiezhu already had his own thoughts on this matter, but still wanted to see if Shi Xiaozhu had any other thoughts or opinions.

"We must stand on Song Yun's side, and must support Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion."

Shi Xiaozhu directly stated his latest thoughts.


"Why do you say that?!"

Shi Tiezhu was really overwhelmed at this moment. How to deal with Song Yun and the relationship between Zhenbaoge has been discussed many times. Although it has been determined to cooperate with Zhenbaoge, how to cooperate? Including the prerequisites for the cooperation proposed by Zhenbao Pavilion, Shi Xiaozhu’s attitude has always been more obvious, that is, he is full of guard for the arrival of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, 100% believe that Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion will My own antique shop has caused a huge impact. I have always had reservations about this matter. It is absolutely unexpected to change or say that the change is so thorough now.

"Didn't you always disagree with the cooperation with Song Yun and Zhenbaoge?!"

"Why did you suddenly change your mind?!"

Shi Tiezhu wanted to find out why Shi Xiaozhu suddenly thought like this.

"If it is possible, or if we are really capable, I still have the same view, which is to compare with Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion. Up to now, my thoughts or me The judgment of Song Yun has not changed. The arrival of Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion will have a huge impact on our antique shop. It is a problem. The current situation and the situation when we discussed it before have changed dramatically. "

Shi Xiaozhu smiled bitterly, facing his own Laozi, of course, there is nothing to hide. He still feels that the arrival of Song Yun and the Treasure Pavilion will greatly affect the business of his antique shop.

"Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion said that the antique market here is now inevitable. A shop of this size has been occupied and is undergoing renovation. Things are irreversible. If this is the case, things will not be the worst. The key is It lies with Sun Mengyan. Regardless of whether Sun Mengyan and Song Yun have a relationship between men and women like the rumors, one thing is certain, that is, Sun Mengyan will absolutely unreservedly support Sendyun and Jumbo Pavilion in our antique market. We We have to admit that Song Yun and his Jumbo Pavilion alone are already very difficult to deal with. We have almost no chance of winning. Now with Sun Mengyan’s unreserved support, if we really deal with Song Yun and Jumbo Pavilion, it will end. It is conceivable that since this is the case, then there is nothing to say, the only choice is to support Song Yun and his treasure pavilion."

After Shi Xiaozhu said these words, the bitter smile on his face became more obvious. Song Yun is definitely a terrific opponent. Tang Miaomiao and Shen Shui are the same. Such a combination is almost impossible in the antique market. It can’t, the only weakness is the newcomer, and it is likely to be the one that arouses public anger. There are many people in the antique market who are very vigilant about the arrival of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, and they can definitely take advantage of it. , May really be able to deal with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, drive people away, the antique shop can not go on, but after getting Sun Mengyan's unreserved support, the only flaw disappeared.

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