God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1231: You're welcome

Shi Tiezhu sighed softly.

"Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion's requirements are very clear, that is, once the two parties cooperate, they must sell genuine antiques, and absolutely cannot set fake antiques. This or this condition, can we agree to you? What is your opinion?!"

Shi Tiezhu’s words immediately made Shi Xiaozhu silent. Now he feels that cooperating with Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion is good for his antique shop. A prerequisite for this is really unacceptable to him, but Song Yun has already To be clear, if the two parties want to cooperate, they must agree to such a condition, otherwise it will fall.

"Can we discuss with him? After all, the cooperation between the two parties cannot be real cooperation. If it is really done like this, then simply combine the two antique shops into one. It is destined to be only a partial cooperation. Within the scope of cooperation, we promised that all of his antiques are sold for real, but if it is the non-cooperative part, what kind of antiques our antique shop wants to sell is of course up to us. At this point, Song Yun and his treasure pavilion are not allowed to point fingers."

Shi Xiaozhu really had no choice but to come up with such a way.

"Do you think Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion will agree to such a condition?"

"Can they accept it?"

Shi Tiezhu felt that this might be a solution to the problem, but the crux of the problem was whether Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion could accept it.

"Whether you can accept this kind of thing, you have to communicate with Song Yun. If you can talk about it, naturally everyone will be happy. If you can't talk about it, then talk about it slowly, or think of another solution to the problem. "

Shi Xiaozhu didn't know if Song Yun would agree, but he thought he could give it a try and see what happened.

Shi Tiezhu had no better way. He could only agree to Shi Xiaozhu’s proposal. He decided to communicate with Song Yun tomorrow after meeting Sun Mengyan tonight to see if he could do this, and if such a cooperation could be achieved. In terms of method, it is indeed a good thing for my own antique shop.

Night fell.

Sun Mengyan walked into the already reserved box half an hour in advance, looked at it, and found that all the ten people she wanted to meet had arrived.

Sun Mengyan is not surprised by this situation at all. The fact that women eat this kind of thing actually depends on the owner's face. The people invited tonight, including the oldest Shi Tiezhu, are the top figures in the antique market. , Even in the entire collection circle, there are people with a face, and many people who go out to play antique collection know his name, but if you are the general manager of the antique market management company, if your own general manager is still here in the antique market When the owner of the property rights of the store, he definitely doesn’t look at it enough, he has to be cautious, not to mention the huge family behind him, these people in front of them are very aware of this, these people must come early, if someone Being late, this is the strangest thing.

Sun Mengyan unceremoniously sat in the main seat, this kind of thing can never be polite.

After Sun Mengyan greeted all the people, the dishes were determined when the secretary came here to locate them. After saying that, running water was generally delivered up. This kind of treat, especially for the rich, is naturally It must be tasteful and delicious, all good things, and the same is true for the wine you drink, but I don’t know if it’s because everyone knows that there will be a major event in a while, and important things must be discussed. Everyone agrees. Stop drinking, not drinking much.

When Sun Mengyan saw this, she knew that she had invited to dinner tonight. These people are all sensible people, who can do such a big business and have a certain status in the circle, none of them are fools.

Sun Mengyan didn't feel strange about this situation at all, and even hoped that it would be like this. If you know that, when discussing things like this, no one will pretend to be confused and save a lot of effort.

An hour later, the meal ended in a hurry.

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