God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1235: Can't refute

"These things shouldn't be right. I say that you are a business person. I am just managing this antique market. To put it bluntly, I am a rent collector. You are making money. Direct relationship."

"If you can't make any money and the antique shop is closed, then there are many people who want to rent my shop. This is definitely not my brag, you all know it very well."

"I can ignore everything here and just be a charter wife."

"Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion moved here, and it will definitely affect your business in a short time. The fundamental reason lies in the things you sell, or the strength of your antique shop and Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion. There is a clear difference. As a buyer, anyone wants to buy real good things. The reason is simple. A three-year-old child knows that, just like you go to the market to buy something, you are willing to buy three. To package a product is to buy a product that has nothing. None of your antique shops dare to promise to sell it. No one dares to say that the antique is true. If something goes wrong with the antique, if it is found to be fake Yes, you can take it back and exchange it. Song Yun and his treasure pavilion can do this. In addition, Song Yun’s picking up leaks has become a legendary existence. They will take away your business. Isn’t it a very good thing? Normal things, so you don’t need to entangle this matter, and you have no way to entangle this matter at all."

"It is a foregone conclusion that Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion will move to our antique market."

"I know that many people in the antique market have doubts about the arrival of Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion, and even have hostility. Even among all of you present here, there are also such people."

Sun Mengyan was full of domineering, she missed the people around her, especially Lin Zhengqing.

"Inviting everyone here to eat tonight is actually to tell everyone that Song Yun and his treasure pavilion are very important to our entire antique market and are the most important part of a very important plan of mine. I don’t need to say more about the extra words. As long as there is no problem in your mind, you will understand what it means, what can be done and what can’t be done, I believe everyone is very clear at this time. "

Sun Mengyan was originally a very powerful person, and the same was true when dealing with this matter. There was no room for bargaining for Lin Zhengqing and the others, and there was no need to do such a thing.

"You must know very clearly that this is what I plan to do."

"If you let me know what you guys are doing behind your back, and you can make it straightforward, then it would be against me!"

"I'm not saying that you can't do it, but no matter what you do, before you really want to do it, you have to think about whether you can afford the consequences."

Lin Zhengqing’s face is very, very ugly, black like the bottom of a pot. The most important object of Sun Mengyan’s words or the most important person now is herself. There is no way. I can’t wait to jump out. In fact, except for Lin Zhengqing, everyone else heard Sun Mengyan’s expression. They didn’t look particularly good, but there was really no way. People like me, Sun Mengyan is usually very polite. , But once there is a conflict of interest, what it will be like, what Sun Mengyan will do, it is really not polite at all.

"In fact, you don't understand this matter at all."

"The arrival of Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion will, of course, have a great impact on your business in the short term, but as I said just now, this means that you have no abilities. No wonder others are Without Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, there would be other people robbing you of your business. The difference is that maybe it's not as good as someone else."

No one can refute Sun Mengyan's words.

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