God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1240: Guess it?

"The words Lin Zhengqing said, I mean the words he said in front of Sun Mengyan, not only because Sun Mengyan was too strong, but because of this, there is no way to explain it clearly. Like what I just said, everyone knows what Sun Mengyan is like, and they all know that Sun Mengyan speaks very strongly. In fact, Sun Mengyan does have such confidence. Lin Zhengqing is very smart and smart in business. It is impossible for a person not to know that Sun Mengyan would talk like this. Those of us who are in business are very sleek. When facing such things, it is natural that even if our heart is very angry, it is impossible. Really It’s to confront Sun Mengyan in front of her face, because everyone knows that doing something like this does not have any benefits. We business people pay attention to doing things that are good, and things that are not good, no matter how angry they are. It's impossible to really violate this basic principle. In fact, to put it bluntly, you must make money, and you will never do things that can't make money."

"Lin Zhengqing speaks like this, it is absolutely abnormal to do things this way, there are absolutely other reasons to do it like this."

Shi Xiaozhu didn't believe in Lin Zhengqing at all. Just because Sun Mengyan was too strong in speaking and doing things, he jumped out angrily to be such an early bird. This is totally unreasonable.

"Could it be that after Song Yun and Zhenbaoge moved here, it had too much impact on his business. He really couldn't accept Song Yun and Zhenbaoge's move here to lose his reason to do something like this."

Shi Tiezhu thought of another possibility.

"Of course this is a possibility, but this is definitely not the most important reason, it can only be a direct reason, but it is absolutely impossible to be the final and most fundamental reason."

Shi Xiaozhu shook his head. Of course this is a possibility, but it is definitely not the most important reason. Even if Lin Zhengqing is really because the arrival of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion will greatly affect the business, it is also impossible to say Or do something like this.

"If it is only for one reason like this, Lin Zhengying will definitely find a way to deal with Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion, but he will definitely only do things behind his back, and he will definitely not jump out of his feet as a bird, because it is really risky. Too big."

Shi Xiaozhu shook his head without hesitation, and denied Shi Tiezhu's view.

Shi Tiezhu had no way to refute it. This was the case. No matter what the reason was Lin Zhengqing's direct face-to-face refutation, Sun Mengyan couldn't explain it.

"In your opinion, why did Lin Zhengqing do such a thing?!"

Shi Tiezhu couldn't think of other reasons.

"There is no way to guess about this kind of thing. Perhaps only Lin Zhengqing, he alone knows what's going on."

Shi Xiaozhu shook his head, one thing is often only known to the people in the game, and the onlookers have no way to figure it out.

"The only thing that is certain is that Lin Zhengqing must have great benefits waiting for him in doing this. This benefit is so great that he is not afraid of Sun Mengyan at all. Or, it is possible that Lin Zhengqing has found a stronger backing. , It is precisely because of this backing that Lin Zhengqing will confront Sun Mengyan without hesitation?!"

There was a flash of inspiration in Shi Xiaozhu's mind, and he felt that he was probably close to the truth.

"There was a legend before that someone once wanted to hit our entire antique market, and the other party's backing was no less than Sun Mengyan."

Shi Xiaozhu remembered an event that happened a few years ago, and didn't know why, but he always felt that this event had something to do with Lin Zhengqing's weird behavior.

Shi Tiezhu is an old man in the antique market. It's impossible to know something like this. In fact, he knows this matter better than Shi Xiaozhu, and his face suddenly becomes very ugly.

"What you said is very likely to be the truth, otherwise it is impossible to explain why Lin Zhengqing knows that Sun Mengyan is very difficult to deal with, and will come to be this early bird."

Shi Tiezhu nodded heavily.

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