God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1249: Relentless

Shi Tiezhu was dumbfounded, he had no idea that things would turn out to be like this.

"I didn't think so much. I really didn't think about selling antiques by the reputation of Treasure Pavilion!"

Shi Tiezhu shook his head quickly, he really didn't think so much.


"I ask you, did you think of this matter or the plan yourself, or did your precious son think of it?!"

Zhu Deyuan was furious, he was really very angry.

Shi Tiezhu didn't speak, but the expression on his face said it all.


"I knew it, it must be your son's idea."

"The antique shop that you managed with great difficulty has been handed over to him. Now it is simply smoggy. The antiques in the shop are all fakes. Basically, you can't see that one is true. More importantly, these antiques The selling price is very high."

"This time the cooperation with Song Yun has come up with such a bad idea. You have not yet reached the point of being confused. Can you say that you don't even know this point?"

"Don't you think about it carefully before you say something like this?!"

"You haven't reached the point of being confused, don't you even know this point?!"

"Sooner or later you have to ruin it in his hands. I think you will have no face in the future and stay in this antique circle again."

Zhu Deyuan really couldn't stand it. This old friend of his own was going farther and farther now, and there was no normal thinking in his mind.

"Old man Zhu, what have you heard?"

Shi Tiezhu heard that Zhu Deyuan's words had other meanings, and was very nervous, so he immediately asked.

"What did I hear?"

"Does this need to be said? It must be that the antiques sold in your antique shop are very good, very cheap, and all of them are real. Do you think I can hear this?!"

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng went to Shi Tiezhu’s antique shop last time. After seeing the antiques on the shelves, they immediately inquired about the news. In fact, this kind of thing is impossible to hide, because they are all in the antique collection circle. A person with a face, just ask a few buyers to find out what is going on. Some words have been slowly spread in the antique collection circle. The thing is actually very simple, that is, the antique shop rented by the physical store sells it. They are all fake antiques, they are just cheating. Any antique shop, especially those that have been in business for many years, is doing business with regular customers or old customers. When these people come to buy antiques, they must sell the real ones. For antiques, you have to get the best things out. In general, things like cheating people are aimed at people who have been to an antique shop once and will never look back.

Shi Tiezhu’s antique shop sells fake antiques. Such a thing is not a big deal, because in the antiques circle, in this industry, this kind of thing is very common. The key to the problem is that the antique shop now even deals with the old customers. Old customers for many years have already begun to sell fake antiques. This kind of thing is definitely not normal. The news has spread. This is actually a very serious matter. As time goes by, more and more old customers are slowly increasing. With the loss, first-class antique shops will soon become fourth-to-five or even sixth-to-seventh-rate antique shops, and become tourist antique shops, that is, they can only sell some crafts to those who come to visit.

"Old man Shi, I know that the antique shop is mainly managed by your son. You must have not asked about specific things. At that time, if you still wanted to continue operating your own antique shop, if you don’t want others to poke in the back Your spine scolds, you have to deal with this matter. How to deal with it does not require me and Zhu Deyuan to talk about it. If you just want to use the reputation you have built over the years and quickly make some money, Just be the two of us old men, who have never said anything, but you have to think carefully. If you do it this way, we should stop being this friend after we go out. I don’t have such a friend."

Xu Desheng was even more blunt. The last time he went to Shi Tiezhu’s shop to see antiques, he thought Shi Tiezhu would handle this matter, but several days have passed and there was no movement at all. He knew that Shi Tiezhu must be hesitating. One important reason is of course that selling fake antiques can make money and make a lot of money. It is even more profitable in a very short time. To put it bluntly, Shi Tiezhu has been tempted and does not want to give up such an opportunity to make money.

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