God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1251: Not guaranteed late festival

Shi Tiezhu sat on the chair alone, and left in despair after half an hour. Except for himself, no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were very angry. After they left, they walked forward with their heads bored. After a long time, they slowly calmed down.

"did not think of!"

"I really didn't expect it!"

"Shi Tiezhu, this old man turned out to be unsafe for the late festival!"

Zhu Deyuan was very angry, but suddenly he felt very helpless. In fact, things like this often appear in the antique collection circle. In the first half of his life, he has been operating honestly and has enough reputation, and in the second half of his life. At that time, I really couldn’t bear the temptation of money, and started selling fakes, cheating, doing everything, and ruining my reputation for money. If you see too much of this kind of thing, you will easily become numb. Many times when I heard about this kind of thing, I didn't take it anymore, but now this kind of thing happened to Shi Tiezhu's body. The old friend for many years is really sad.

"In the final analysis, this matter has nothing to do with Shi Tiezhu. It was caused by his ghostly obsessed son. Shi Tiezhu was really pitted by his son."

Xu Desheng shook his head.

"One thing is certain, that is, Shi Tiezhu definitely didn't know about this when he first started. When he noticed it, it was done."

Zhu Deyuan did not refute Xu Desheng's judgment. This should be the case.

"You are right, that should be the case. Otherwise, Shi Tiezhu would not have let us go to his antique shop the other night to see the antiques on the shelves for him."

"It can be seen from this that Shi Tiezhu never knew something like this before."

Zhu Deyuan remembered what happened a few days ago.

"If you didn't know it before, then after discovering the problem, so many days have passed, and there is no action whatsoever. Even just now you are still defending this behavior. From this, you can see that Shi Tiezhu intends to shrink. Head tortoise, intends to lie to himself, intends to continue to let Shi Xiaozhu do this."

This is what Zhu Deyuan is very angry about.

Xu Desheng nodded. It was indeed like this. Shi Tiezhu probably didn't know about this when he first started, but after knowing and discovering about this, several days have passed until now, without any movement, for sure. It is the default that Shi Xiaozhu can do this, and this is something that two people simply cannot accept.

"What do you think Shi Tiezhu will do with this in the end?!"

Zhu Deyuan was silent for a long time, and sighed heavily. No matter what, Shi Tiezhu is an old friend for many years. He really doesn't want to see that he has been walking on this road until it gets dark. If this continues, for sure. It is because of ruin and fame, it is impossible to become friends with each other. There is no doubt that I am an old person, and it is not easy to have a few old friends.

"No one knows this kind of thing. Except for Shi Tiezhu himself, no one knows what he thinks. Shi Xiaozhu is his son anyway. No matter how we say it, we are just old friends and outsiders."

"As the saying goes, it's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. No one can control this kind of thing. We have no way. We have already said what we should say, and we have done what we should do. What will happen next? Choosing how to do it is Shi Tiezhu's own business, and we don't worry about it."

Xu Desheng shook his head vigorously. It is useless to think about this matter, so it is better not to think about it at all.

Zhu Deyuan didn't know what to say, what Xu Desheng said was a fact of Chi Guoguo.

Xu Desheng took out his cell phone and made a call to Song Yun. Later, he said what happened. After hanging up the phone, there was a long silence. Zhu Deyuan saw Xu Desheng like this, and his mood was also very bad. Things have developed to this point. To the point, no one wants it to be like this.

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