God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1259: Don't want to miss

"Song Yun, what is your face? What kind of expression?"

"Could it be that you can't spend money to buy antiques from others?"

Shen Xue was a little funny seeing Song Yun like this.

"Forget it, forget about it."

"In short, there is no problem with the price of the local antique market. I have already inquired clearly."

"It is absolutely impossible that such a thing will delay the opening of our antique shop."

"The most important thing now is, what kind of preparations should we make next? When opening, on the day of opening, who should we invite or what kind of programs should we prepare?"

Song Yun remembered this. Treasure Pavilion opened here. Some heavyweights must be invited on that day. At the same time, some programs must be prepared, such as the free antique appraisal on site that he had previously talked to Sun Mengyan. Or in other words, discounts on antiques and so on, even the exhibition of some antiques, these things must be planned and arranged.

"All these things will be handled by me. You now have another very important thing. In the next few days, you will have to find out."

Tang Miaomiao reminded Song Yun that he should be responsible for handling all matters related to the opening of the business. Song Yun does not need to focus his energy on this matter. The important thing is to pick up the omissions, so as to be able to start the treasure pavilion as much as possible. Fame, another one is also one of the conditions for cooperation with Sun Mengyan.


"Have you negotiated terms with Sun Mengyan?!"

Song Yun heard that they wanted to say something like this, and remembered what they had said before, that Zhenbaoge and Sun Mengyan cooperated on this matter, but at that time it was just an idea proposed by him, and there was no agreement at all. Conditions, this matter was later handed over to Tang Miaomiao to deal with, and now it seems like it should have been negotiated.

Tang Miaomiao shook his head.

"I'm busy with the decoration of the antique shop and I don't have time to communicate with Sun Mengyan. But don't worry about this kind of thing. Cooperation is a matter for both parties, and the important thing is that this kind of thing is good for everyone. We will not make any excessive demands. Sun Mengyan is a person who does big things. It is also impossible to make any excessive demands. Whether the conditions are negotiated or not will not have much impact. You can just pick up the omissions, and the rest will be the rest. I'll take care of the matter."

Tang Miaomiao didn't discuss this matter with Sun Mengyan, but she really didn't think there was a big problem with this matter, and she didn't need to settle the matter before finding out the omissions. Sun Mengyan couldn't fall back on such things.

Song Yun agreed with Tang Miaomiao's statement that it is impossible for Sun Mengyan to fall back on such matters.

"The heat in the ghost market has indeed dropped significantly in the past two days. At this time, it should be more appropriate to take a shot."

Song Yun went to the ghost market every morning for these two days. He knew very well what was going on there. Whether it was the stalls or the people visiting the ghost market, it was obvious. Decline, which means that the heat has been reduced. At this time, the timing is very good.

"We will go with you tomorrow morning."

When Shen Xue heard that Song Yun was going to the ghost market tomorrow, she immediately became interested.


"Don't you have to stare at the antique shop?!"

Song Yun is a bit strange. Shen Xue and Tang Miaomiao have been staring at the antique shop for the past few days. They are obviously very interested. Why suddenly want to pick up the leaks with himself?

"The decoration of the antique shop does not start until seven o'clock, and you can go to the ghost market at three or four o'clock. After you have gone to the ghost market, you can come here to stare at the decoration of the antique store after reading the ghost market."

Shen Xue would never miss Song Yun's leaks.

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