God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1262: not easy

"This kind of thing is very common. In fact, in the antique collection circle, there is always more to punch than to pick up leaks. Mr. Sun, I don't think you should pay too much attention to this. Those who play antiques are a necessary stage. According to the saying in the circle, tuition must be paid, that is, everyone who enters the industry must have to do their best and have to pay the price."

Song Yun comforted Zhang Fan while walking forward.

Kou Min and Shen Xue walked behind, and when they heard Song Yun say this, they couldn't help laughing.

Of course, this kind of thing often happens, and it is indeed much more than picking up leaks. Of course people who play antiques have to pay tuition. The key to the problem is that Zhang Fan is already a handful of age. , If you are still at the stage where you have to pay tuition to enter the industry, this is really unreasonable, because it means that although Zhang Fan has been playing antiques for many years, he still really doesn't understand anything.

"It seems that the antique collection must also pay attention to talent. This is like reading a book. Talented people can get 100 points in the test, but if there is no talent, especially those who have no talent No matter how hard you work, no matter how many test papers you do, no matter how many practice questions you do, you won’t even pass the test in the end."

Kou Min spoke to Shen Shui in a low voice while pointing at Zhang Fan.

Shen Xue had no way to refute it, because that was the fact.

"What is the origin of this old man?!"

Shen Xue was a little curious about this. She knew that no matter who she was, if she wanted to compare with Song Ming, she would definitely have no talent at all. To do such a thing, there is absolutely no meaning at all.

Kou Min stretched out his thumb, stood it up, and then shook it a few more times.

"Is it so powerful?!"

Shen Xue's eyes widened.

"Of course it's very powerful. If it wasn't because he was very powerful, do you think Sun Mengyan would bring him over and follow Song Yun to pick up the leaks!?"

"Speak directly, there are no special circumstances, or if there is no conflict of interest, Sun Mengyan will generally give him face if this old man says it!"

When Kou Min said this, Shen Xue immediately understood that the old man who looked inconspicuous in front of him was indeed a very big backing. Sun Mengyan had a big backing. People with such backing as Sun Mengyan had to give face. It can prove that the other party is a person with the same strength, or even more powerful.

"It seems that our Jumbo Pavilion will have another customer and buyer with a brain-dead fan."

Shen Xue looked at Zhang Fan who was walking in front, like a big bad wolf looking at a little sheep.

"Is it impossible?!"

"At least it can't be so easy?!"

"I've seen old man Zhang many times. Don't look at this old man. He usually talks with others in a friendly manner. He is a good man, but it is definitely not an easy thing to get his approval. Song Yun is really awesome. Haohong, I also admit this, but it is definitely not an easy task to make Zhang Fan a buyer of your Jumbo Pavilion's brain fan.

Kou Min didn't believe what Shen Xue said, Zhang Fan wouldn't believe others easily, no matter what kind of field he was in.

"Let's just wait and see!"

"I don't know if this old man really wants to get his approval like you said. It is very difficult. I only know one thing, that is, as long as you are a collector of antiques and have seen Song with your own eyes. After Yun's ability to find out, the only end is to become a fan of the brain."

Shen Xue was full of confidence. This kind of thing happened again and again. As long as he witnessed it with his own eyes, they all became Song Yun's brain-remnant fans, such as Zhu Deyuan and Shuitouzhen, two prominent figures in the circle. In fact, he has become a fan of Baoyun, and Zhang Fan is not the first, and it is impossible to be the last.

Kou Min did not refute. He was actually very curious whether Song Yun could really pick up the leaks like in the legend. If this matter is true, Zhang Fan might indeed become Song Yun’s brain-stained fan. The problem is now. The key is whether Song Yun can really pick up things like this, this kind of thing can only be seen as believable.

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