God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1267: Opposite appears

Kou Min quickly discovered that things were much smoother than he had imagined. It took Zhang Fan less than 20 minutes to buy all the three antiques he wanted to buy. The money is really not much at all, but it is 12,000 yuan. Thinking of the antiques that Song Yun mentioned just now, the value of which is close to 2 million, this is definitely a leak.

"What I just said is not wrong, right?"

"This kind of thing is just a trivial matter to me. It's definitely a matter of grasping, without any difficulty."

Zhang Fan triumphantly walked in front of Kou Min, carrying a few boxes in his hand, which contained the three antiques that Song Yun said. When he was bargaining with the stall owner, there was nothing on his face. His expression, but his heart was beating violently, he even felt that it was really like what the book said, the next moment his heart would be picked out of his mouth, this feeling was really too exciting.

"It's not bad, it's really good, I really didn't expect old man Zhang you to have this kind of ability!"

Kou Min originally thought that a big boss like Zhang Fan would be very unaccustomed to bargaining with the stallholders. What he didn't expect was that he was very skilled and smooth.

"When I was young, I had a long period of hardship. Bargaining was really familiar. At that time, I had to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. My family was relatively poor and every penny It must be used well."

When Zhang Fan thought of this incident, he felt a little emotional in his heart. He had forgotten these things a long time ago. When he was bargaining with the stall owner just now, these previous memories suddenly came to his mind. Unforgettable feeling.


"Isn't this Boss Zhang?"

"With a few boxes in my hand, it seems that I have bought a lot of antiques."

Zhang Fan looked back and found that it was Zhao Tong. The expression on his face suddenly became very ugly. This is his own enemy, and he did not expect to meet him here this year.

Zhao spoke at the same time and walked in front of Zhang Fan, looked down at the box Zhang Fan was holding in his hand, and couldn't help but show a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Boss Zhang, it seems that you also want to come here to pick up the leaks?"

"But this matter is too difficult for you, right?"

"Even if you are lucky, it is impossible to pick up and miss the antique!"

The mocking smile on Zhao Tong's face was very obvious.

Zhang Fan's heart moved, and his face was stretched tightly, suddenly a smile appeared on his face.


"Boss Zhao, why do you say that I can't miss it?"

"There are a lot of good antiques in the ghost market. If it weren't like this, how could Sun Guohua and Song Yun miss it? That's a tens of millions of antiques! It can be seen from this, it is not whether this place has any Antiques, but whether people have foresight. If you don’t have the ability, even if there are real antiques everywhere, you will not be able to find out. On the contrary, if you really have foresight, even if there are fake antiques everywhere, you I can also find out the truth from it."

Zhang Fan said, patted the boxes he was carrying, and continued to speak.

"did you see that?"

"These are the few antiques I just talked about. Although they are not good things, they add up to close to 2 million. I only spent 12,000 yuan, which is a small missed one."

Zhang Fan triumphantly, he deliberately raised his chin to face Zhao Tong when he spoke. As long as he is not a fool, he can understand what it means to speak like this. Not to mention that the two are dead enemies. All of a sudden, his anger exploded.



"It's so funny!"

"Zhang Fan, you are a good hand in business, but when it comes to antique collection, you are really a kindergarten kid. If you can pick up the leakage, unless the sun comes out from the west, such a thing is absolutely impossible. Will happen to you."

Zhao Tong didn’t believe what Zhang Fan said. The two people in the business field have been rivals for many years. They are very clear about what each other’s skills are. They both like to play antiques, but the two of them are really the same in antiques. Little child, it's impossible to pick up things like this.

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