God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1275: Different people

"Sun Mengyan, did you just say bad things about us behind our back? Do you think we really can't hear you?"

"It's just to buy a few antiques. Although we really have no experience in picking up and missing them, it is simply a breeze for us without any problems."

A very proud voice came from behind Sun Mengyan. Looking back, she found that her good girlfriend Kou Min was standing next to her. The other person was Zhang Fan with a few boxes in her hand. Needless to say, it is sure that it contains antiques. It seems that it should have been bought smoothly, and the money should not be much. If it is not like this, it is impossible for Zhang Fan to have such a smug smile on his face. The one that can be seen from kilometers away, the splendid and incredible one, needless to say, it must have been done, otherwise it would not be like this at all.

"Miss Sun, our luck today is actually very good. Teacher Song Yunsong told us that there are several antique stalls with antiques. Just now, Kou Min and I went there to take a look. The process went very smoothly. We bought them all. Come down."

"The crux of the problem now is that Teacher Song, you have to see if we bought the right antique. The only problem we worry about now is that we bought the wrong one."

Zhang Fan is really worried that he has bought the wrong antique. If that is the case, he has to hurry up, and now he will go back and buy the antique from the stall.

Song Yun looked at the antiques in the box. There was nothing wrong with them, they were the three antiques he had mentioned.

"How much did it cost to buy it?"

Song Yun is a little curious now, how much did Zhang Fan and Kou Min spend?

"Three antiques, we spent a total of 12,000 yuan."

Kou Min couldn't wait to say.

Song Yun gave a thumbs up after hearing this. Although such a price is not particularly ideal, it is acceptable. After all, the total price of these three antiques is close to 2 million, which can be bought for 12,000 yuan. It can be regarded as a big profit.


"Teacher Song, I really never thought that picking up a leak could be such a simple thing, but just walk to the stall, then start bargaining, and then buy the antique."

Zhang Fan really never imagined that one day he would pick up leaks like this. This feeling is really weird. The main point is that it is too easy. In his previous imagination, picking up leaks is definitely a very difficult thing. It is impossible to do this, it is easy to do it, and now my own personal experience has proved that it is really easy to pick up the leak.

Sun Mengyan couldn't help but feel happy when she heard Zhang Fan say this.

"Boss Zhang is still very difficult for you. The reason why you think it is very simple is because Song Yun told you that which antique is genuine, you can just go there and buy it directly. The thing is just bargaining. The real thing that needs to be done or the really difficult thing is to identify, which is to find out which antique is the real antique. Song Yunjing will do this for you. If you do it yourself, It must still feel as difficult as climbing to the sky."

Of course, Sun Mengyan knew very well that things could not be as simple as Zhang Fan said. If it were really so simple, how could such things be so rare.


"Miss Sun, what you said is not wrong at all. It is indeed like this. The reason why I think it is so simple is because Teacher Song has already told me which antique is true. If I have to identify the antique myself, Don’t say it’s a day, even if you give me a year, I can’t find one that is true."

Suddenly, Zhang Fan felt that he seemed to be a little floating. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with him. What really plays a decisive role is because Song Yun has already told him which antique is true. If Song Yun doesn’t Tell yourself that you can't find it at all.

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