God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1286: big trouble

Song Yun didn’t hesitate, and immediately hung up the phone. People who couldn’t even speak a word had no interest in dealing with them. After a while, the phone rang again, and the same phone number came. This must be the same person, and the tone of the voice in this meeting has been much better.

"Song Yun, my name is Sun Guoyi. Before, my secretary called you and wanted to ask you to have a meal, but you said that in the past few days, I have been very busy, and I have no time to eat."

"I have heard a lot about Song Yun and you. I know that you are a master of antique appraisal. I am a lover of antique collectors. I would like to invite you to have a meal and ask in person.

"I wonder if you are free tonight?"

"It's better to hit the sun if you choose another day, just tonight, what do you think?"

Song Yun heard the voice coming from the phone, and he felt a very strange feeling in his heart. Although the person named Sun Guoyi spoke more politely at this time, the taste of feeling good about himself was too strong. He always felt that this person named Sun Guoyi called himself, definitely not just wanting to discuss antiques, there are definitely other things.


"I'm really sorry, I have made an appointment with other people for dinner tonight. I definitely don't have time to meet and eat with you, Mr. Sun."

"Let's talk about it when we have time!"

After Song Yun said this sentence, he hung up his cell phone without hesitation. This person named Sun Guoyi is definitely not a good source. It is better for such people to deal less.

Song Yun returned to the antique shop that was being renovated, saw Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, and talked about the phone call he had just received. He always felt that this matter was very strange.

"You just said what's the name of the person who called you?"

Tang Miaomiao frowned. Such a thing was definitely not a good sign. Someone must have been eyeing Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion.

"Sun Guoyi."

"Sister Tang, have you heard of this person's name?"

Song Yun immediately emphasized the name of the person who called him just now.

Tang Miaomiao was really sure that the premonition in his heart was correct, and that he was indeed in trouble.

"This person is a trouble. There is no doubt that I was worried that our Jumbo Pavilion would encounter some people that we had trouble dealing with. Now this person has really appeared, and this person's identity is very special."

Tang Miaomiao asked for a lot of news for the smooth opening of the Treasure Pavilion, including the past and present of the antique market where the antique shop is located. Generally speaking, such a big interest cannot be watched by no one. It was even certain before. Some competitions will happen. I heard about the battle between Sun Guoyi and Sun Mengyan from an old man who had been in the antique market for more than 30 years.

"You mean that Sun Guoyi and Sun Mengyan are cousins?"

"The two people had a fierce conflict in order to obtain the management and ownership of the antique market?"

Song Yun immediately understood what Tang Miaomiao meant.

"This is indeed the case. The conflict between Sun Guoyi and Sun Mengyan is not long before now. If you want to inquire, you can still find out."

Tang Miaomiao nodded, this matter is very troublesome, because it involves a higher level of struggle, especially this kind of struggle has no special direct relationship with the antique shop, but it is disturbed. Now It seems that Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion have become the focus of competition between Sun Guoyi and Sun Mengyan, which means that neither Song Yun nor Zhenbao Pavilion can escape from this matter. This is definitely one. big trouble.

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