God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1301: What are your conditions?


"Is it really like this?"

"Sure you really never have time?"

"I think the best thing to do is to sit down and talk, and you can make a decision after listening to my terms!"

"This is better for everyone!"

Sun Guoyi didn't expect that Song Yun would reject himself so straightforwardly, and an anger rushed to his forehead uncontrollably.

"not interested!"

"You have no interest at all in terms of conditions!"

"In fact, you can't mention any conditions that interest me!"

"In that case, why should I waste time negotiating terms with you?"

Song Yun didn't even think about it, and immediately rejected Sun Guoyi directly.


"Song Yun! I think you have to consider carefully whether you want to listen to the conditions I put forward. If you don't even give me this face, your antique shop and your treasure pavilion want to open here. It is definitely not an easy task."

Sun Guoyi felt that he could no longer control himself. He felt that the pores all over his body were erupting with anger. If it was not for his own purpose, if it was not for dealing with Sun Mengyan, if it was not for getting the antique market, he was really at this time. If you want to send it over, just slap Song Yun.


"Now this little thing of you is still useful to me, after I use you to deal with Sun Mengyan, I will definitely show you a good look!"

Sun Guoyi looked at Song Yun in front of him, and secretly vowed in his heart that after the matter was done, he would definitely kill Song Yun severely. In front of so many people, without giving himself any face, this kind of thing is absolutely unbearable. .

"Sun Guoyi, do you think I am a fool?"

"What kind of conditions can you give me?"

"Don't you say you want me to listen to your terms? The terms you put forward, see what you can give me!"

Song Yun looked at Sun Guoyi standing in front of him, and suddenly laughed.

Sun Guoyi was a little dumbfounded. He suddenly realized that he really hadn’t figured out what conditions he could give Song Yun. He just wanted to come here to take a look. He just wanted to convince Song Yun to betray Sun Mengyan. Think about what kind of conditions can impress Song Yun.


"Mr. Sun Guoyisun, it seems that you really have no sincerity at all. You want to come to me to convince me, but the conditions are not ready. I am really curious about how you want to convince me. I have no sincerity at all, do you think I will cooperate with someone like you?"

Song Yun looked at Sun Guoyi and didn't know how to describe the absurd feeling in his heart. Sun Guoyi really had a brain problem. Just now I saw Sun Guoyi's appearance and thought it was very likely to be this way. I didn't expect it to be like this, not at all. Get ready for any conditions and run to yourself.

"Don't you think you are born with mighty and brave, with a trembling tiger body, everyone must listen to you, and they must worship you before they turn down?"

Song Yun really convinced Sun Guoyi. He thought that this was a difficult opponent, but the ability he showed now is really impressive, and he has no bottom line.

Sun Guoyi blushed.

"As long as you can cooperate with me, no matter what the conditions are, you can propose them."

Sun Guoyi had no choice but to say that.


"What kind of conditions can you mention?"

"But you won't answer it wrong?"

Song Yun felt even more ridiculous. Sun Guoyi regarded himself as a child.

Sun Guoyi was even more speechless. He really didn't know how to make a request at this time. His mind was completely blank and he was not prepared at all.

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