God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1305: Explain or cover up?



"It really means nothing!"

Song Yun was shocked. There was real suffering in his heart. He said that this incident had nothing to do with him. Sun Mengyan suddenly came like this. She really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't get clean. Zhang Fan and the others This matter will definitely be spread tonight.


"Song Yun, it seems that you really do not agree?!"

"Could it be that you suffered a loss in this matter?!"

Sun Mengyan knew that this matter had nothing to do with Song Yun. It was done by herself, but she didn’t know why. Seeing Song Yun’s expression now, she couldn’t control the anger in her heart at all. Yun explained why he wanted to do it this way, but now that he was so angry at this time, he completely forgot about it.

Song Yun didn't know what to say at all. In this situation, it was obvious that he said nothing was right, and of course the best way was to say nothing.

Sun Mengyan looked at Song Yun's silence, the anger in her heart suddenly disappeared without a trace, and she smiled embarrassedly.

"Song Yun, what happened just now really has nothing to do with you, but I did it intentionally. The reason is very simple. Sun Guoyi has been eyeing you now. I know my cousin very well. He wants my hand. This antique market has been on the market for many years. In the past few years, the two of us had a fierce fight. It was me who won in the end. Now that he is making a comeback, he must be fully prepared, but he was not expected Set your sights, you have to admit that this is indeed a good way, because you are the most important figure in my next development of the antique market. If he can really dig you away, it will be of great benefit to my whole The plan will be a fatal blow, no matter what, no matter what the price is, I must keep you behind."

"The other point is that I actually knew from Tang Miaomiao that you rejected Sun Guoyi. The remarks you just said in it have offended Sun Guoyi. Sun Guoyi will definitely deal with you by all means without a thousand days of defense. The reason for the thief, you and Zhenbaoge were involved in this matter because of me. No matter what, I must get you out of the way and not be entangled by Sun Guoyi."

"I just took your hand just now. Sun Guoyi definitely feels that there is a close relationship between me and you at this time. No matter what kind of means, he dare not use it, because he knows that if he really If I dare to deal with you, I will definitely make him worse off than death. A woman’s revenge, especially a woman in love, is definitely not something ordinary people can easily afford. This is the simplest and most direct solution to the problem."

Sun Mengyan expressed her thoughts. If there is enough time, there are many other ways to solve the problem, but now that time is tight, and the Jumbo Pavilion will open soon, she doesn’t want to waste too much time on this matter. Pulling Song Yun's hand can make Sun Guoyi give up.


"This is indeed the case, this method is very good, very simple, and directly effective!!"

Song Yun raised his head and looked at the sky.

Sun Mengyan opened her mouth. She wanted to say something, but suddenly realized she didn't know what to say.

Song Yun and Sun Mengyan walked forward together, without speaking for a long time, and the atmosphere became more and more embarrassing.

Late at night.

Song Yun drove back to Shan Shenxue's villa. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Shen Xue and Tang Miaomiao looking at him with wide eyes.


"If you have anything you want to ask, please ask!"

"You know very well, I must know everything I can say, and there is absolutely no way to hide it."

Song Yun knew that this kind of situation would definitely be unavoidable, and he was already mentally prepared.

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