God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1338: Authentic


"Let's go and see now!"

Hearing this situation, Tang Miaomiao immediately wanted to see the open space. If it was really like this, it had to be opened immediately.

When Song Yun and Shen Xue heard this kind of thing, they immediately followed Tang Miaomiao and Sun Mengyan. After ten minutes, several people appeared in a large open space. In the dark night, it was impossible to see how big it was.

Tang Miaomiao held a bright flashlight in his hand and scanned it a few times, and found that he couldn't even see the side.

"Sun Mengyan, this large piece of land belongs to the antique market, or does it mean that its property rights belong to you?!"

Tang Miaomiao was very shocked. The empty space was too big and far beyond imagination. She thought it would be a thousand square meters, but it seems that it is not the same thing at all, let alone a few thousand square meters. It is possible for tens of thousands of square meters.

Sun Mengyan did not speak, and nodded gently at that time.

"You are really a rich woman!"

"Rich woman to the oily one!"

Tang Miaomiao couldn't help it, and he exclaimed that such a piece of land is very valuable no matter where it is, not to mention it is a big city in the first line. This piece of land belongs to Sun Mengyan. This is what it is. The real local tyrant.

Song Yun took a closer look and found that this large piece of land was separated from the ghost market by a wall, and there was a gate in between.

"Can this door really be opened?!"

Song Yun kicked with his foot, and the iron gate made a clanging sound.

"I have a key in my hand. If I need to open it, I can open it now!"

As Sun Mengyan said, she raised her hand, holding a key in her hand.

Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao glanced at each other, and both nodded.

Sun Mengyan immediately took the key to open the door. There was no need for anyone to direct the next thing. After finding that there was a large area of ​​open space, all the people who set up the stalls rushed in, and then the people who visited the ghost market rushed in.

"This place is really good!"

"big enough!"

Song Yun walked forward as he talked. After the first half-hour of hustle and bustle, the open space was already full of various antique stalls, and every stall was crowded with many people.

"Sun Mengyan, do you think there is more atmosphere here? Although these stalls are messy, one from the east to the west, the ghost market is like this. I feel, I can tell you very clearly that although the stalls in the previous part are very neat and organized one by one, but they are far from here. Going to the ghost market is actually trying to win in the chaos. Find the treasure in a mess. This is all people who play antique collections. For the inherent imagination of the ghost market, there is no problem with the chaos, but it can give people a more realistic experience."

Tang Miaomiao walked by Song Yun's side, and looked left and right. The feeling here is much better than the previous ghost market. If the two are compared, she is more willing to visit here.

Sun Mengyan did not speak right away. She was carefully experiencing the feeling that Tang Miaomiao and Song Yun said. After ten minutes, she had to admit that it was exactly like what Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao said. Temporarily open places, because there is no management and planning, the people who set up the stalls don’t care at all. As long as there is free space, they can put them down anytime and anywhere. There is a mess everywhere, and there may be a stall everywhere. It feels, or that this experience is really wonderful, it's like you can find a place where you might have a baby as soon as you turn around.

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