God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1418: Cut off

Yang Yong soon arrived at Lin Dongbo's office and met Lin Dongbo.

"Teacher Yang, why do you suddenly have time today to come and sit with me?"

Lin Dongbo was very polite when he saw Yang Yong. Yang Yong is a very well-known expert in the antique collection circle, as well as his own dedicated appraiser. He has already had a good relationship with him over the years, and he has a lot of contact. , Not to mention, some time ago, he also identified some things for himself. In fact, even though his face is full of smiles at this time, he is secretly muttering in his heart, Yang Yong is here to find out what is wrong with him, usually They all contacted Yang Yong on their own initiative. Yang Yong rarely contacted himself. When he appeared here today, he definitely had something to tell himself. The only question was what he wanted to tell him.

"Could it be that it has something to do with the golden man who had been firm some time ago? Could it be that Yang Yong has discovered something new and has been able to determine whether the golden man is real?"

Lin Dongbo suddenly had such a thought in his mind, and there was no way to calm down, so he immediately spoke.

"Ms. Yang, you came here to find me today. Is it related to the golden man identified some time ago?"

Lin Dongbo couldn't wait, when he spoke, his face showed a look of expectation.

When Yang Yong saw Lin Dongbo like this, he sighed in his heart, nodded gently, and then shook his head again.

Lin Dongbo was confused at this moment, and didn't know what Yang Yong meant by this action.

"Ms. Yang, why do you shake your head for a while and nod, what does this mean?"

Lin Dongbo really couldn't understand.

"This matter has something to do with the golden man, but I am not here today to tell you whether the golden man is real or not. In terms of authenticity, I still have the same opinions as before and do not comment."

Yang Yong knows what Lin Dongbo wants to hear, but on this matter, no matter what his opinion is, it is impossible to say it.


"Since this is the case, I don't know what Teacher Yang you want to tell me?"

Lin Dongbo's face showed a very disappointed expression, but he has no way of doing this. If Yang Yong doesn't want to speak, even if he is a billionaire, he can't help it. A veteran like Yang Yong has owned it over the years. The relationship is very strong. Simply put, the billionaire I know is not the only one I know. Even if I am really capable of dealing with ordinary people without any problems, it is impossible to deal with or even force Yang Yong to speak.

"I think from now on, Mr. Lin, if you want to appraise antiques, you can find someone else. I'm already relatively old, my energy is a bit weak, and my old eyes are dim. I really can't keep up."

Yang Yong didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately stated his purpose of coming here today.

Lin Dongbo was a little dumbfounded, he didn't have any mental preparation at all. Yang Yong came here to tell himself about this matter, and it took several minutes to slowly recover.

"Ms. Yang, why do you think like this? What happened?"

The look on Lin Dongbo's face is getting more and more serious. He is very clear that something must have happened. Yang Yong's dim eyes and dim eyes are just an excuse. The firm masters in the antique collection circle are often older. In simple terms, the older you are, the more powerful you are. This is because only older people can have seen enough antiques. The appraisal of antiques originally requires experience. The reason Yang Yong said is simply not valid.

Yang Yong shook his head and didn't say much. Of course what he just said was just an excuse. He came here today to solve this problem. No matter what the excuse looks like, it is just an excuse, so you can just find one. The important thing is not the reason, but the attitude. In fact, everyone knows this well.

When Lin Dongbo saw Yang Yong like this, he knew what he was telling him today. He was already determined and there was no room for redemption. Not to mention that people like Yang Yong would not listen to him at all. Yang Yong has really decided that everything he said is no good, but he still decided to try hard. He likes antiques and collects antiques. Yang Yong has been appraising antiques for himself over the years and has never had any problems. It is very worthy of his trust. If Yang Yong stops appraising antiques for himself from today, he will have to find another master. This is definitely not an easy task. No matter what kind of field it is, a truly top person There are very few of them, especially those at the level of Yang Yong, who are one of the few in the antique collection circle. It is almost impossible to find a replacement for Yang Yong.

"Teacher Yang, I know something must have happened, but no matter what happened, you can tell it directly and see if there is any solution. We have worked together for so many years and we know each other’s personalities very well. What's more important is that our cooperation over the years has been very pleasant and has never caused any problems."

Lin Dongbo tried his best to stay, but it was of no use. Yang Yong didn’t say anything. He just said once again that he no longer wanted to identify antiques. He could ask Gaoming. He knew that there was no need to say anything further. It is absolutely determined. There is no other way but to nod in agreement. In fact, Yang Yong said something like this, which means that the matter has been concluded, the outcome has been determined, and he agrees or disagrees. There was no difference. After Yang Yong left, he stood up and wandered around the office a few times, slowly sorting out the whole thing, and understanding why Yang Yong had to come here and talk to himself.

"It seems that I want to find other people, including Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Song Yun to identify the antique. The matter has been passed to Yang Yong’s ears. If it were not like this, Yang Yong would not be possible It’s really a headache to find the door to mention this matter."

Lin Dongbo suddenly remembered that Yang Yong, Zhu Deyuan, and Xu Desheng had been friends for many years. They knew that this must be the case. After Yang Yong knew about it, he felt that he couldn’t hold back his face because he did it like this, and he clearly didn’t believe Yang Yong’s appraisal The old man was angry with the eyes of the antique. Of course, this could also be an excuse. The real root cause was that he didn’t want to be involved in this matter. No matter what the reason, the problem now is that Yang Yong can no longer take his place. Appraising antiques is definitely not a good thing for myself.

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