God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1433: Unwelcome person

Sun Mengyan doesn’t have any good solutions. It’s like what Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao said. Perhaps the best solution is to order furniture from now on. If you continue to delay it, it’s definitely not a good thing, because you can only It’s getting late, and now I’ll start booking and pay a little bit more to solve the problem a little earlier.

"I received another news, but it is not necessarily reliable. If this news is accurate, or if you really have good furniture, it may be able to solve the problem facing Jumbo Pavilion."

Sun Mengyan hesitated. One time out, the problem of Song Yun and Tang Miao Miao Zhenbao Pavilion was not solved at all, but he received a good news. It was just this news. It must be true, but is it really of sufficient quality? It’s not easy to say that she’s furniture is being verified through some channels, but there is no result yet.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue immediately glanced at each other and they heard an opportunity from Sun Mengyan's words.

"What kind of news?"

Song Yun immediately looked at Sun Mengyan and asked immediately.

"There will be an auction tomorrow night. I am talking about the kind of auction that is not particularly formal. The news I received is that a large number of various antiques appeared at this auction. A considerable part of it is antique furniture. If you are interested, you can go and take a look, but in such an auction, there is a mixture of things, and even the quality of many things is not good. What I am worried about is that you ran for nothing."

Sun Mengyan told the news she had received. This kind of auction will be held every once in a while. In fact, in the past three years, there have been such auctions every three months or six months. Yes, as the owner of the antique market, it’s impossible not to know this kind of news. The owner behind an auction or said that antiques also specially invites them, but he rarely participates. This time if it weren’t for Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao. The Treasure Pavilion in China needed a lot of furniture, and I didn't even think that there was such a thing.

Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao, including Shen Xue, immediately understood what Sun Mengyan said about it. Such an auction is actually an underground auction. Such a place is so serious. There is an essential difference between the auction companies in. Simply put, the road is more wild, but it is precisely because the antiques and other things that appear in such auctions will be very many, very complicated, which means There are more fakes and greater risks.

"Let's go and see!"

Song Yun nodded without hesitation. Even if there is no Treasure Pavilion in this auction, you need furniture. If you know it, you have to go and see what is going on. Maybe you can cut it out. From Sun Mengyan It can be heard from the inside that the scale of this kind of auction is very large. I have participated in similar auctions before, but it is relatively small. When an antique collector has to be exposed to such an industry, I have already been surprised. No blame.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue share the same view. Such auctions reflect the essence of the antique collection industry, that is, risks and returns coexist. The greater the risk, the greater the return.

Sun Mengyan was not surprised at all that Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue wanted to participate in this auction, and immediately took out their mobile phones and made a call to arrange the matter.

After Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue learned about the strictness of the auction tomorrow night, they hurriedly left to participate in such an auction. There is a very important thing to do, which is cash, if it is a few hundred dollars. One hundred thousand, of course, is very simple to prepare. At that time, if you want to buy more good things, then you can’t do it with one hundred and several hundred thousand. You have to prepare tens of millions, so much cash, no matter if you bring it up. , Or to ensure its safety at that time, arrangements must be made.

When Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Song Yun were dealing with this matter, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng happened to be here. They had to follow along after they learned the news. Both of them were real experts in appraisal. The important thing is that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have a wealth of experience. At this point, there is no way to compare Song Yun or Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue.

"We have heard of this auction before. The scale is very large, but we have never had the opportunity to see it. We did not expect that this time there will be an opportunity without psychological preparation."

As Zhu Deyuan said, he glanced at the neatly arranged piles of boxes in the hall. He knew that they were all cash, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit sore.

"Will this auction be famous?"

Song Yun was a little curious. Strictly speaking, he was just a renunciation halfway through. He did not have been in the antique collection circle since he was a child. If he hadn't got one person, he would probably move bricks on the construction site at this time. Not particularly clear and understanding.

"Very famous!"

"It should be said that it is top, and it is the top of the world!"

"Old man Xu and I have a certain reputation in the antique collection circle, but it is basically impossible to participate in such an auction."

Zhu Deyuan shook his head while talking. Actually, it was a bit shameful to say this, but the fact is the fact. He and Xu Desheng really had no chance to participate in such an auction, once if it weren't for Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, especially Sun Mengyan. As far as the relationship is concerned, even if you know that an auction like this is going on, you can't have the opportunity to participate, and you don't know where the door opens. Even if you can find where the door is, no one will allow yourself and Xu Desheng to enter.

"No way?"

"Is it so awesome??!"

"Your two status is not enough, to participate in such an auction?"

Song Yun's eyes widened and looked at Xu Desheng and Zhu Deyuan with an incredible expression. The two old men are considered to be highly respected in the antique collection circle. It is hard to tell the best, but if you want to pick out the top ten powerful people, Zhu Deyuan And Xu Desheng must be among them.

"This is nothing strange!"

"Although our two old men are slightly famous, the target of such auctions is not people like us at all, and even in a sense, people like us are not welcome at all, and we are not allowed Participating is not surprising at all."

Xu Desheng nodded. It is true that Zhu Deyuan and himself have never participated in the auction tomorrow night.

Song Yun pondered for a while, and immediately understood what was going on.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng’s appraisal skills are well-known in the circle. For those who auction antiques, this is just to find the difference. It is impossible to welcome them. Unless Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng follow the big buyers, it is really a chance. None of them. To put it bluntly, people like Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng rarely buy antiques when they go in. On the contrary, it is very likely that something will go bad.



"Old Zhu and Old Xu, it looks like you are both on the blacklist. If you appear at the auction, it can only mean that the troublemaker is here!"

"They will definitely not welcome you!"

Song Yun laughed at the thought of this.

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